Invincible Copy System

Chapter 1736: Your people

"When something like this has happened, I have to say something. Now I can’t only act with my people. In the middle of the action, you have to choose a master for me, at least at the level of 5 generals. If you If there is a problem over there, this action can be cancelled. Originally, I thought I would only bring my own people there, and other people would not need it at all, because I didn't believe what was going on with them.

Now it seems that this is no longer necessary. From the perspective of the current situation, it can be used with or without. Anyway, traitors have appeared among you, so I just take them with you. If something happens to these people, I can’t guarantee. They are personally safe. You also understand this. If these five people show anything, I will find out the first time, so you go back and tell your people.

Transfer the 5 most suspicious people to me, and I will bring them with me at the same time. I believe that those people know my ability. I can make these 5 people lose their lives in an instant. Don't feel distressed when that happens. "

Liu Ning thought for a while and said, obviously this is the task of your Bureau of Investigation, so we can’t put everything on our heads. Our people are also trained with our own money, and all of you are spent. The government's money is trained, so there is nothing to say. In this current state, we all have to contribute.

In fact, Liu Ning's heart is very angry. You can't keep your own lair, and let people infiltrate it. This fully shows that there is a problem with you. You should not continue to act at this time. You should investigate these things. It's clear, but how can these people listen?

They have been stupefied by the matter of meritorious service, and many things are just like this.

I want to go up quickly. This is good for everyone. Liu Ning also understands their feelings. If this matter is not closed for a day, I am afraid that many people will not sleep at night, but even if it is like this, you will You have to consider the actual situation now. No one knows what it is like to be betrayed. If the betrayal is relatively small, just the lower-level personnel, then there is nothing to worry about, even if all the lower-level personnel Replace all.

As far as the Bureau of Investigation is concerned, it won’t hurt the bones. If he has people from the upper echelons participating, some things are not easy to say. Who knows which level he is involved in?

What if it is the top level?

At the top of the Bureau of Investigation is a three-person cooperative group. In this three-person cooperative group, everyone has tremendous power. If this is 1/3, Liu Ning may suffer a big loss.

No one knows what they are thinking in their minds, in case they want to dig a trap for you, especially in places like the northern forest, Liu Ning has no room for maneuver, so now Liu Ning must get Think clearly. In this poor state now, Liu Ning can only take a gamble. The people at the Bureau of Investigation still have a conscience and will not sell all of themselves to the Foshan Martial Arts Center. If all were sold, Liu Ning would have no complaints.

Anyway, we can retreat with our whole body. As for those people under our team, try not to let them participate in dangerous missions. Miss Julie also understands what Liu Ning's approach is for. The masters at the general level are very powerful for ordinary people. , But it is normal for the Bureau of Investigation, so Liu Ning is ready to open up the situation from them. If these people have clues, they can follow them to find out. You must know that the general level is like a backbone. Same strength.

The upper level serves the war-god-level powerhouses, and the lower order commands the fighter-level powerhouses. They can be used in any organization, and they can also be independent. Liu Ning chose to open up the situation from them, which was well thought out.

"Don’t worry, this matter shouldn’t be a problem. If there’s nothing wrong, I will go back and deal with the remaining things. People in the Northern Military Region welcome you. Every time they go out on patrol, they will meet It's extremely dangerous, but this time their commander can say that as long as you take your army to clean it up, there won't be too many fierce beasts around for at least half a year, so if there is nothing wrong.

They also hope that you can move forward as soon as possible. This is also an invitation letter from the Northern Military Region. They don’t know your contact information, so they just send it directly to the Bureau of Investigation. People in the Bureau of Investigation hope that I can forward it to you, of course. It’s not a symbol of a village name that urges you to go on the road. It’s just to let you know that there is such a thing. It’s really not easy for them in the north. They leave their hometown for a long time and guard the north gate for all human beings in that place. People are indeed something we admire, but they are nothing under your hands. Compared with your contribution to mankind, they are nothing more than insignificance. "

Miss Julie took out another exquisite card, which was indeed written jointly by the soldiers in the north. When they patrolled outside every day, those things threatened them too much, although they all had sophisticated weapons. , But the fierce beasts over there will sneak attacks, and the number of people injured each time is not very large, at most two or three people, but if such things happen every day.

The numbers that add up every year are also quite a lot. Everyone lives in fear every day. Even when they are on vacation, their hearts are very tense, just like the patrol team here. If you don’t go out for inspections, I don't know what's going on outside. In the inland cities, this job is given to the patrol team, but on the northern forest side, the patrol team composed of ordinary people is useless.

As long as they go out, it is estimated that all people will die outside. Therefore, the people in the Northern Military Region are more responsible. They took up the task of patrol at the cost of losing nearly 8,000 soldiers each year. This number is still relatively small. If it is the year when the beasts attacked, this number is likely to increase exponentially, so they are also more respected by humans. They are different from other soldiers in the human society. Liu Ning solemnly accepts I passed the invitation letter and nodded, indicating that I would consider this matter.