Invincible Copy System

Chapter 182: metamorphosis

Don't you know who i am? Even using these research institutes to press me down, then I will tell you now, I am the direct child of the Xue family, the top 20 direct child, do you know what this means? It can be said that I am the sky, no one dares to take care of my affairs, as long as you take care of me, I will be delicious and spicy in the future, and the whole world is at your disposal. If he doesn't want to, even if I cut you No one dared to ask a question after the scratch. "

Xue Shanhe said very arrogantly. If someone who does not understand the old truth listens, he will definitely think that this guy is joking, but if someone on the table listens, he knows that this guy has not lied. All this guy said is true. of.

Although there are laws in this world, the laws bind most people. For people like Xue Shanhe, the binding force of the law is very limited. In other words, the Guard House is not willing to offend the four major families, especially the four major families. The direct descendant of here.

Xue Shanhe took out his sword. Sophie didn't know what this guy wanted to do. Sophie accidentally swung a sword and knocked out Sophie's first button.

Sophie originally wore an off-white professional suit and did not have a few buttons on her upper body. After the first button was knocked off, Yishan leaned to the side, revealing her large whiteness under the purple light. Xue Shanhe's animal spirit has greatly increased.

No wonder Xue Ying hides his wife at home. This woman definitely has her own charm and is different from other women she has met. Xue Shanhe licked his lips. He didn't expect to meet such a superb beauty in such a small place.

Xue Shanhe swung another sword. This one broke Sophie's shoulder strap. Although there were clothes blocking it, under the purple light, he could already see something that he shouldn't see.

When Xue Shanhe started his hand, he gently cut through Sophie’s skin. This guy is actually a pervert. He gets his own pleasure while torturing women. I don’t know how many people in the capital were tortured to death by him. But the power of the Xue family is there, and others dare not do anything.

At this moment, Sophie’s clothes have been stained red with blood. This guy is very measured. He just scratches your skin and makes you feel pain. The expression on his face is bitter. When Xue Shanhe saw this, his whole body was falling. It seems full of strength.

According to Xue Shanhe's thinking, as long as a woman is in pain, as long as she is afraid, then he can do whatever he wants.

Sophie slowly retreated to the corner. At this time, she could no longer retreat. Xue Shanhe began to wield his sword, doing one after another. Sophie's clothes seemed to have become cloth strips, although Able to hold key parts firmly, but in some places...

This blood turned out to be sweet..."

Xue Shanhe licked the blood on the sword, the expression was like a beast.

Sophie looked around and grabbed a piece of broken glass in her hand. If Xue Shanhe came over, she would only be wise to die in the end.

You stop, if you go one step further, I will cut my own artery. "

Sophie put the glass piece on her neck, but Xue Shanhe didn't think of going back.

It’s okay, if you want to do whatever you want, even if you cut the big head to sell, I also have healing potions here, which can make you heal in an instant, when you don’t even have the strength to resist, even if you become I also play with corpses. When the time comes, I will throw you out naked. I don't know what you think. "

Xue Shanhe is simply a demon. He is not afraid of suicide at all. Even if you die, he will ruin you. He has done this before.

Sophie was desperate at this moment. Although Xue Shanhe said it was terrible, Sophie chose to commit suicide. Even if she died to torture herself, she was better than living now, at least at that time she had no sense.

But when she was about to pass the aorta, a figure appeared in Sophie's mind. That figure was not Xue Ying, and that figure was Liu Ning. I don't know why, but at the last moment, she thought of that figure.

Seeing Sophie must look for death, Xue Shanhe wouldn't be watching it, and he was going to use a sword to pick out the glass piece in Sophie's hand. Sophie was just an ordinary person and could never escape Xue Shanhe's moves. .

But now there is an emergency. Sophie's glass piece was actually released, and she flew towards Xue Shanhe. Xue Shanhe didn't have this preparation, and the distance was so close, she could only watch the glass piece. Insert your own shoulder.

How is this possible? According to the information, Sophie is a researcher, how could she have this kind of strength, and the reaction just now is not something ordinary people have, let alone ordinary fighters, even advanced fighters. There is no such ability. Although Xue Shanhe has his body, after all, he is a strong fighter. How can ordinary glass pierce his body?

Xue Shanhe didn't believe everything in front of him, but the pain from his shoulders let him know that all of this was true. The blood flowed down his shoulders, and Sophie shook his head in fright.

Damn woman, dare to hurt me, I will kill you first. "

Xue Shanhe grew up so old, the number of injuries can be said to be very small. This guy cherished his body very much. Seeing that he was bleeding, he passed at Sophie with a killer move and prepared to kill Sophie with a sword.

It’s a pity that Xue Shanhe didn’t have this opportunity. A masked man suddenly appeared in front of Sophie. I don’t know where the masked man came from. All the focus just now was on Sophie. I didn't pay attention to the situation in the room. I must have entered at that time.

There are a large number of guards outside the door, what is going on with those people? Is this person coming out of thin air? It is impossible to come in from outside.

If you change to someone else, you will definitely be scared to call a guard at this moment, but Xue Shanhe is not such a person. Xue Shanhe is the **** of war of the younger generation of the Xue family. Of course, he must rely on his own strength to kill the assassins. Xue Shanhe experiences a lot every year The assassins were assassinated this time, but none of the assassins caused him any harm.

At Xue Shanhe's age, this kid is almost invincible. Whether it is a famous person in the world or a direct descendant of a major family, he is not his opponent...