Invincible Copy System

Chapter 2037: benefit

The people below are very clear about Liu Ning’s involvement in the textile industry. Some people have been with Liu Ning for a long time. Since Liu Ning’s rebirth until now, these people have been following Liu Ning, and naturally they also know Liu Ning. What does Ning mean? Take the current thing as an example, he mainly wants to do something, no matter how difficult this thing is, he will definitely do it anyway. For such a person.

Everyone also gave Liu Ning an evaluation, that is, it is lawless to do things, but it is absolutely impossible to destroy the interests of the people. This is Liu Ning’s principle of doing things, no matter how many people have been offended in the past, regardless of how many people have been offended before. What kind of things, as long as they concern the people, Liu Ning basically wants to keep a three-point face, and most of them are good for the people.

Take the human resource-intensive enterprises in today's society. Because profits are not so high, more and more people have given up the industry. Only some people who have lost profits continue to invest in this area, mainly because they I'm afraid that others will find myself, so I start a company that employs a lot of people. If something happens to me, the entire company will collapse. At that time, it would be tantamount to kidnapping the guard house.

For example, if a criminal starts a company with 500 people, 500 workers come to work in this company every day, and there must be various contacts, but the crime of this person is not so serious. If you give him If caught, it means that the entire company is basically finished. Not only these five hundred people will lose their jobs, but the entire industrial chain will be pulled down. So when this happens, the guard house is here. It also needs to be considered for a while, there is no other way.

It is not possible to arrest these people casually, but it is absolutely impossible to let him go so easily. He will be fined a very large sum, and then let this guy reflect on it. Nowadays, the best way is that many textile industries have emerged in this way. With such an unhealthy investment, many people have even found a way to avoid it. As long as you are afraid of the guardian government’s sentence, then try your best Increase the number of workers in your own hands.

After the decision of the guard house is over, they will dismiss all the workers who are not needed, or buy a batch of fully automated equipment. For such people, if the guard house stares at them every day, they will soon When they take action, when you open all these workers, it means that your own protective umbrella is gone, and those up and down will not be afraid of you. But on another issue, many people also think It's very good. If it really gets you up, what will you do in the future?

So in this state, no matter what you are thinking about, as long as you step into this industry, you have to do your best. If you really want to withdraw in the middle, it seems that it is not so good at the moment. Possibly, the Zhenshou Mansion is very tight in this regard, mainly because there are more people involved. If one person is counted as a family, there are tens of thousands of families, because your affairs affect tens of thousands. Family, how can this work?

Do you really think that the guard house is not in charge of the people?

If the lives and lives of a few people are really comfortable and don’t care, then tens of thousands of families are hundreds of thousands of people, which is definitely not a decimal, so in this state, many people can see very clearly. , If you dare to dissolve this factory, the staff of the Guard House will soon come to your door, so if you want to live in peace, you must let the factory continue.

But these people who have committed crimes are not really wanting to do it. Even if they want to do it, they will find some more profitable ones, such as real estate. The profit of generic drugs is really too small. Too much money is wasted in this regard, and they will feel uncomfortable in their hearts, so these people are not good people.

Regarding the actions of these people, Liu Ning doesn’t know what to say about them. Anyway, you people are not very particular about what they do. If you are a particular person, you will definitely do it all, just take your current things as an example. , This is your life-saving place. With these hundreds of thousands of workers, it is absolutely impossible for the Guard House to sue you casually. Of course, it also depends on what crime you committed. If it is a major crime, even you are here. No matter how many workers there are, there is no way to overcome them. Everyone understands this truth.

So in such a situation, no matter what you think in your heart, you must do it properly. If you don’t do it properly, I’m afraid that other people will come out to find something. In the state, everyone understands this truth. Once these things go up like this, there is nothing good in everyone’s mind. As long as they can do this, everyone will know what the situation is. If it’s you Unclear words in his heart.

You should also understand what the result of this matter is. When such a thing arises, many people will know the final result. If you still don’t know the final result, it is your own problem. In all cases Everyone knows that they can jump on it, and they all know how to turn around. If you don’t understand, what will happen to you in the future?

That’s my own problem. Others won’t tell you anything. Seeing that Liu Ning’s textile building is about to be completed, many people’s hearts are also very hot. They also want to mix it with Liu Ning’s. , Can bring you a lot of income, but then again, people do it for public welfare, you do it to make money, if you want to make money, don’t enter this industry at all, this industry itself is not a money making Work.

So Liu Ning still doesn't want to cooperate with anyone. He has money. Why should he cooperate with these people?

There are various drawbacks to working with them. The most important thing is that the power of the company is not in your own hands, and you have to listen to them when you do things. Liu Ning can't bear this kind of thing, and it's absolutely intolerable.