Invincible Copy System

Chapter 2152: dream

That is purely your own problem. It is a good thing that you can solve these problems, but you cannot be complacent.

Zhao Lele didn’t go back with his father. Zhao Lele wanted to stay in this area for a while. Liu Ning naturally understood Zhao Lele’s thoughts, but Liu Ning could not refuse, and he could not be promoted because of your position. High, even his apprentices don't care. From the current situation, Zhao Lele's request is very reasonable. After all, the two sides are a teacher-apprentice relationship.

If Zhao Lele doesn't allow it, then some things are not easy to say, so in this case, Liu Ning can only honestly allow it, and also give Zhao Wudi a guarantee that nothing will happen. Some high-ranking bureaucrats in this city have also found their way. They have never met Liu Ning. They arrange a woman’s living room. Now I have heard the news. It turned out to be Liu Ning’s apprentice, and then he found the original one. The people in the city inquired about the news. Under such circumstances, there are some news that many people cannot find out. It can only be carried out slowly behind the scenes, and the prospects must not be sudden.

Naturally, I know what Zhao Lele is like. On the surface, he is Liu Ning’s apprentice. Everyone knows the actual situation very well. So there are some things that don’t need to be said. There is no such thing as apprentices and masters. Smart people, if you don't even understand this, there is really no way to continue living in this city, so Zhao Lele has received a lot of gifts there, and these people's ideas are also very correct.

It’s a good thing for myself to be able to confess earlier. If we wait for others to lean on, and if we people lean on, then it would seem a bit insincere, so in this way Under the circumstances, it is better to be honest. As for what kind of effect will be produced in the end, these people have not considered the past for the time being, anyway, according to their ideas.

These things will look like this first. If it can be solved, then it is naturally the best, but if it cannot be solved, there is no other way for the time being. It can only be like this first, as to what consequences will eventually be produced. These people haven’t said much for the time being, because it’s like this for the time being. If someone else has an idea, it can of course be solved, but if someone else doesn’t have this idea, then some things are not easy to say Yes, this is also decided by everyone.

As for the final things, we can only look like this here, so in this situation, some people naturally understand, but some people don’t. If they can understand it, it’s certainly a good one. If he doesn't understand the matter, there is absolutely no way he can do it. What's more, in the current state, these people's ideas are also very helpless. If it can be resolved, it will naturally be very good.

But if it can’t be solved, it can only be that way, so in this case, although some people are unwilling to talk about this matter, but then again, you are willing or not to put this matter here. Now, and under the current circumstances, not many people can solve these things. This is the most important thing now, so Zhao Lele has arrived.

This pool of stagnant water has some new vitality, but Liu Ning is unwilling to care about these new vitalities. For Liu Ning, some things really don’t want to be resolved. Even if they can be resolved, they will not think about it. In this state, when these things start, Liu Ning can only watch them by the side. As for the final conditions, we don’t have much to say here, we can only wait slowly. , As for some final adjustments.

Liu Ning is also very correct here. You can only watch here. Since we don’t have the ability to change, then don’t treat these things as very important things. If you treat everything as very important things. If it does, it is likely to cause a series of troubles. When these troubles occur, it is not a trivial matter. For these people, it can only be temporary.

I only know how to solve the problem in the future. We don’t know how these people will solve the problem in the future. We don’t even want to know about this. Zhao Lele let these people start the drilling camp, but for Liu Ning, this thing is not a happy thing. Liu Ning does not want to see his people do these things. Liu Ning prefers to see them do things realistically, but unfortunately, this scene is unlikely to happen.

Because these people are very familiar with the original way of life, if you let them do these things, they will feel that they have suffered a lot. In their impression, others are trying hard to give gifts and find relationships. If I don’t do this, wouldn’t I have suffered a lot from this? So in these people’s ideas, their way of thinking is also different. When they do these things, they also want to be able to Immediately, as to what kind of result will be produced in the end.

These people didn’t think about this matter. They thought that these things were not that important, so in such a situation, everyone was very clear. If someone could solve these things, it would naturally be a very good thing. If it can't be resolved, then there is nothing to worry about everyone, just go on in the same way as before. This is not a bad thing, for people like them.

That is also completely understandable. If you can’t understand it, it fully shows that you are not a person in this world, and you cannot live in the same way as us. Then at the end of the day, you can only take this by yourself. Everything is gone, so in this situation, everyone is extremely depressed.

When Liu Ning was building this city, he used to ask Zhao Lele to get some opinions. Now let Zhao Lele come to help. This is also a very good thing. According to Zhao Wudi's idea, people can't always be useless, so let Zhao Lele came over and took a look. That is also a very good thing. At least at this time now, he can be a useful person. If he can't be a useful person, then some things are not easy to say, just take the current one. For Zhao Lele, the whole person is also doing very well.

Some things can make a lot of people feel good, so in this case, Zhao Lele’s way of doing things is also okay. As for what he will end up with, it’s probably his own business. Liu Ning doesn’t have so many things. The problem can be resolved. Under such circumstances, when Liu Ning is doing things, many people are hard to say. Whenever such a thing is resolved, Zhao Le’s situation is the same, so in such a situation under.

Regardless of what these people think, as long as we want to do this, we can finally solve these things. In this case, some people may not say anything, but some people will do these things. Have a good private chat, after all, under the current situation, the things you want to solve may not be solved so easily, so in this situation, everyone is very reasonable.

I don’t want these things to pass away like this, because for everyone, under certain circumstances, if the grasp is unstable, this may bring great losses, and these losses are not affordable for one family or two families. , If you can bear it, then naturally this matter is nothing, but if you can’t bear it, this is not a simple matter for everyone, there will be many people who are unclear about this matter. , Once these people can't manage themselves well, then some things are not so simple.

Therefore, in such a situation, try not to do these things badly. If these things are not done well, it is not a good thing for all the people. Liu Ning has done quite well on this point. Yes, the people are satisfied with Liu Ning's way of doing things for the time being. Of course, it is impossible to satisfy the people with everything. If the people are all satisfied, then some things are not easy to say.

Take some current things as an example. When you do these things, everyone will get rid of it. As for what kind of situation will eventually arise, no one will say anything for the time being, because everyone can't control so much. It's the temper of Xue Liu Ning before everyone knows that if you stretch your hand too long, then some things are not easy to say, so you only need to take care of those things in your hands.

Then you can understand some of the situations here. If you want to take care of other people’s affairs, it’s impossible for the time being. In this case, everyone’s faces don’t look good, so whenever you want to take care of other people’s affairs, When things happened, many people also reviewed their own faults. They had to follow this rule if they wanted to do things with Liu Ning.

In these matters, if someone can be accurate, it will naturally be able to solve these things, but if someone is inaccurate, then some things will not be easy to say. Under the current situation, it may be There are some people who can solve this problem well, but most people can’t remember these things. So in such a situation, no matter what they think in their hearts, when doing such things, everyone There should be a very realistic idea.

If it is not practical, then some things are not easy to say. Under such circumstances, some people may have various other effects, so whenever such things are about to end, Everyone also understands what kind of result will be in the end that will allow these things to develop normally. This is what Liu Ning currently imagines. If there is no way to develop, then some things will be hard to say.

In such a situation, how to solve these things is a very important matter, so whenever these things are to be solved, everyone will know what the final result will be. If you don’t know the result, then Some things are not easy to say. In this case, there may be some people who can't handle it well, but there will be a group of people who can handle it better. When these people appear.

There is no need to worry about these things, but in a certain situation, no matter what you think in your heart, and no matter how you want to solve this matter, when a certain matter cannot be resolved, many people just It can be solved according to the current situation. As for what kind of result will be produced in the end, it is something that everyone cannot estimate. Therefore, under such a situation, Liu Ning does not want to increase the burden on these people, as long as you If I can do all the usual things well, then I won't say much here.

Of course, if you can think of some other abilities and solve these things carefree, then it will be better. Of course, Liu Ning did not force these people. If you want to force others, It is unlikely for the time being, so under such circumstances, Liu Ning will not say much. If the solution is not good, it will not be a good thing for everyone, so when these things happen.

Everyone doesn’t take these things in mind. As for what kind of effects will be produced in the end, it is really not easy to handle for the time being, but if you want to make these things perfect in the future, you must have some scruples. It does, and it has to be improved. At this point, these people have the same vision, so there is a kind of competition, if you improve faster.

So some things are naturally easy to solve, but if your improvement is slower, then others will run in front of you. If you think about something good, it is also unlikely. At this point Everyone is very clear about it, so when these things happened, many people's work habits have also undergone a huge change, and many people say that they have been working like this for a lifetime.

So if you want them to change, it is impossible, but now these people are impossible, why is there such a thing?

It’s because everyone else has changed. If you don’t change, then you will definitely suffer a big loss in this matter. So when these things happen, everyone basically understands how to do it, and in the end Some things produced.