Invincible Copy System

Chapter 236: Test mental power

The reason why Liu Ning hypnotized Wang Fang, in fact, Liu Ning also has his own business, this time is the most suitable, Liu Ning noticed that everyone is asleep, and at the same time did not feel the existence of Zhao Wudi, Liu Ning knew Zhao Wudi must be around, but at this moment Zhao Wudi didn't know what he was doing, so Liu Ning took this opportunity to make a bold decision.

Liu Ning walked to the edge of the rooftop and went down from here with one step. If someone saw him, he would definitely think Liu Ning was crazy, but in fact, Liu Ning just wanted to try the taste of being in the air. Liu Ning said that he had never tried this kind of feeling. After knowing that he was a spiritual teacher, Liu Ning wanted to try it. Of course, he didn’t have this chance in the city, because there are people everywhere in the city. If someone takes a photo, it's tantamount to leaking the secret, and it's the best in this place.

Liu Ning himself enjoys this feeling very much. When a person can float in the air, he feels that the world is his own. Liu Ning looked at his feet. It was obviously air below, but Liu Ning felt like he was stepping on it. It's the same on the ground. Taking a step forward is like walking on the ground. Liu Ning is really happy. The spiritual teacher is really a good career.

After adapting to the surrounding airflow, Liu Ning has already begun to fly slowly. Last time Liu Ning also used mental strength to bless him, but it was a state of running, never this state of flying. At the time, the speed can only reach about 5 meters per second, this speed is not very fast, and it is impossible to fight at all.

After more than ten minutes, Liu Ning's speed has reached 50 meters per second. It is quite good to be able to reach this speed in flight. If the altitude is high enough, no matter what the state, Liu Ning can all run out of the center, which is another way to save his life.

After playing outside for a full two hours, Liu Ning returned to the rooftop, and now it is time for the other people to change shifts. Of course, Liu Ning still fell asleep and didn't delay his sleep at all.

When the sun rose in the morning, everyone started to get busy, because today's weather is good. Under such an opportunity, we should hunt down the beasts well.

When eating breakfast, the high and low is immediately revealed. Most people eat cold food, but Zhao Lele is different. Zhao Lele took out hot rice from his storage space. It will not deteriorate. If there is heat, it will not be lost inside. So these meals are hot. Of course, Zhao Lele is not so kind. Except for the people on his side, other people can only stand aside. Just eat your stuff slowly.

Others’ storage spaces are for storing some valuable things, but Zhao Lele has two storage spaces. This storage space is all for survival items. Others can only look at their eyes. Who makes people old? Dad is Zhao Wudi.

Mine hunter shook his head vigorously. He didn't want to eat these things. Mine hunter wanted to know what happened last night. He didn't sleep all night, but his spirit was still very good, all because of Liu Ning. The reason why this guy was hypnotized, but Mine Hunter wants to know what these two men talked about?

What are you doing? "

Liu Ning had just eaten a piece of spare ribs, who knew that Wang Fang stared at Liu Ning with both eyes.

Shouldn't you explain it to me? I didn’t come out once or twice. I was on duty when I was on duty. I could hold on every time, but I was on duty with you last night and I fell asleep, so I suspect you are the same A hypnotist, you tell me honestly, is it like this? "

Wang Fang has been thinking about it for half a morning, and finally he has defined Liu Ning. If Liu Ning is not a hypnotist, how could mine hunting fall asleep so quickly, and he has never fallen asleep when he is not on duty, he must be The reason for this guy Liu Ning.

When Wang Fang uttered the word, some explanation appeared in Liu Ning's head. Whenever a new term appeared, Liu Ning could recall something.

In this age, hypnotists are also a hot job. Nowadays, there are two types of sleep, one is light sleep and the other is deep sleep. If the average person sleeps for 8 hours a night, about 5-6 hours are Light sleep, only 2 to 3 hours is deep sleep. People can recover their body only when they are deep sleep. Hypnotists can make people sleep more deeply, which is also important for them.

Seeing Wang Fang who was full of anger in front of him, Liu Ning could only smile awkwardly, neither saying that he was or not, but Liu Ning knew that this was a direction of development. Anyway, for money, Liu Ning It must be the better. Hypnotizing others by yourself is only a matter of 0.1 second. Maybe this is also a way to make money.

Don't think that hypnotists make small money. In Liu Ning's memory, hypnotists are also a very profitable profession, of course, they can't compare with pharmacists.

Hypnotists all have their own levels. Low-level hypnosis is naturally of little use, and the objects they serve are ordinary people. They use various things, such as shaking clocks and other things, for an hour. Time allows you to fall asleep, but it can only sleep for two or three hours at most. I don’t know if you have deep sleep. It can only be seen your luck. If you relax well, then you naturally have deep sleep. If you don't relax well, it's all light sleep.

Of course, the cost of hypnosis is not expensive, just one hundred yuan.

One grade higher than this is an intermediate sleeper. This is completely different. If they are hypnotized, they will have at least 5 hours of sleep, and within these 5 hours, there must be one If there are no hours of deep sleep, it is unqualified. Of course, the charge is not low, which costs 2,000 yuan. If the intermediate deep sleep increases, then you have to continue to add money.

If a middle-level hypnotist receives 5 clients a day, he can earn tens of thousands of yuan a day, which is pretty good. However, Liu Ning doesn't like this little money. Liu Ning prefers senior hypnotists.

For Liu Ning, only the ability of a high-level hypnotist can barely be appreciated, and the others are simply despised...