Invincible Copy System

Chapter 254: The role of grenade

Speaking of the grenade Liu Ning in this guy’s hand, I also felt a very headache. If something goes wrong with this guy, the grenade will definitely vibrate. At that time, even Liu Ning couldn’t have saved this field, which was 10 kilometers away. Beast, if they want to see the fire here, they will definitely come desperately. Moreover, our place is relatively high. Maybe the beasts within 20 kilometers will come. At that time, it was not 3,000 beasts. Yes, it is very likely 30,000.

Even if Zhao Wudi is nearby, those fierce beasts can eat Zhao Wudi, what if there are more advanced ones in it?

The mine hunter had retreated to the side of the building, holding the grenade in one hand, and covering his abdomen with the other hand, where Zhao Lele had just attacked.

Don't be foolish, you can see clearly what I am holding in my hand. If I am attacked, the grenade will definitely not be able to hold it, and then we will all not be alive. "

The facts are similar to what this guy said. He has already stretched his hand out of the wall. No matter how fast Liu Ning’s attack is, there is no way to guarantee that the grenade will not explode. Even if Zhao Wudi is here, there is no way to guarantee. .

When facing Wang Jun just now, Liu Ning was able to do his job well. When facing Zhao Lele, he even found a chance for a sneak attack. But when facing Liu Ning, mine hunting was completely afraid of big money. Liu Ning was in the mind of mine hunting. It's not at the same level as himself. If he misses a little bit, Liu Ning may have his own life, such as the magical powers just now.

Liu Ning also stretched out his hands to signal everyone not to act rashly. Under such circumstances, mine hunting is already irrational. Everything about this guy has been shattered. Now there is only the grenade left. Can we follow Compared with this guy, we have a better future.

Just listen to me. Roll to your side. No one is allowed to come over. If anyone crosses the middle line, I immediately throw the thunder down. Don’t think I can’t do it. Anyway, I don’t have anything anymore. Back in the city, you will also face the chase of your royal family. I have nothing to fear, as long as you people are not afraid of death, just come here directly. "

Liu Ning nodded, not that he was threatened by mine hunting. In this case, this guy really dared to do it. In the dark night sky, if there is a grenade exploding, it seems to be for countless people. The fierce beast pointed out the direction, and those fierce beasts would slowly run over.

Zhao Wudi next to him is also a little nervous. If Thunder Hunt really does this, Zhao Wudi will be ready to take advantage of the chaos to kill him, but Zhao Wudi can only take Liu Ning and Zhao Lele out. no solution anymore.

Don’t be impulsive. Don’t shake your hand. You will definitely be hunted when you return to the city, but you have other options. You can go to other cities. We will go our own way after dawn tomorrow. If you don't look for trouble, we will never look for you here. "

In order to stabilize this guy, Liu Ning can only say these things, because Liu Ning understands very well that when people are under strong pressure, they are likely to do something unusual, such as a grenade. Throw it out and die with everyone.

At this time, Liu Ning gave this guy a hope. The connection between the city and the city is not very extensive. If mine hunting can escape to other cities, chances are that it will really survive. After Liu Ning finished speaking these words As expected, Mine Hunter's eyes glowed again, completely different from the time before.

If Liu Ning uses his magical powers, there are 100 ways to kill this guy, but the grenade really cannot be saved. No matter how fast Liu Ning moves, the moment Liu Ning’s magical powers go out, the grenade will have it. It may have landed, and if it trembles violently, the grenade will probably explode again. At that time, there is really no room for recovery.

Mine Hunter nodded in the darkness, still raised his hand to the grenade, and then slowly retracted into the corner. This guy did not dare to expose his body, because Liu Ning was too powerful, so this guy hid on the rooftop. In one of the corners, Liu Ning could not be seen there. Without a direct angle, Liu Ning would not be able to use the magical powers of his fingers. This was also his life-saving method.

There seems to be an invisible line in the middle of the rooftop. Liu Ning and the others all ran to the west. Only the mine hunters themselves were in the east. Including the Gao brothers, they did not hunt mines in the original place. The behavior just now was really bad. At such a moment, I thought of taking advantage of others.

In a place like the wild, you can do anything despicable. If you face a woman you don’t know and act like this, no one will say anything, but this person is your girlfriend. Can do it, I really don’t know what to say about you.

When so many people came to Liu Ning's side, the surroundings seemed a bit crowded, but after everyone had planned, everyone still had a place to lie down.

If you have something to say, you don't need to explain anything at this time. The situation just now is clear. After all, everyone is not relatives and there is no need to care about the lives of others. "

Seeing brother and sister Zhang Daxue coming, but the two brothers and sisters didn't know what to say, Liu Ning knew it was because of what happened just now.

Mine hunting interrupted our discussion just now, and we decided to join you. That kid’s plan is good. Although our brother and sister also have plans, our survival rate is too low, not as high as your survival rate. , But something like this happened again, I don’t know if you are willing to take us in. "

Zhang Daxue was a little ashamed of Wang Fang when he said this. After all, they have been in a small team for so long, and it is really unreasonable to just ignore it.

Liu Ning did not ask other people’s opinions. He just pointed to the beds of the two people. The meaning is also very clear. You will join from now on. As for the fact that others did not help, this matter is not easy to say. After all, they have no obligation. help.

Moreover, Liu Ning asked himself, if this matter does not interfere with his own people, such as a dispute between mine hunting and the Gao family brothers, Liu Ning would never go out to help. In a place like the wild, it doesn’t matter to him. Up.