Invincible Copy System

Chapter 257: Tragic escape

Despicable people are like this. At the last moment, this guy will never give up a chance. As long as Liu Ning and the others can be framed, this guy would rather lose two pounds of meat.

This was indeed the case just now. When this guy turned his head and threw the grenade, a fierce beast tore a piece of flesh from his back.

But for mine hunting, this is a trivial matter. As long as you can be surrounded by you, as long as you can die here, let alone a piece of flesh, even if you pull off another arm, it is worth it.

From Liu Ning’s position, there are fewer and fewer fierce beasts behind Thunder Hunter, and now there are dozens of them. This guy has indeed rushed out, but Liu Ning and the others can see it very clearly. It is an injury. According to the current situation, he should not be able to survive. After all, he has no way to return to this city. He has to go to other cities. Let alone his current state is his intact state, wanting to cross. Going to other cities in the wild is not a simple matter.

Liu Ning has no time to take care of this person now. Now we have to look at our side. It is even more severe than when the mine hunted and ran out just now. It's all this **** guy. No wonder he will show that look when he leaves. It turned out that he had planned it a long time ago, and if he was seriously injured, he would also bring all the beasts back.

The surrounding situation did not get any better. Instead, the surrounding fierce beasts became denser. Because there were no other explosions around, the fierce beasts all came towards this side. After all, this is the last place to explode.

Everyone, don’t be afraid of what this look is. Anyway, the most annoying person has left. Although the surrounding situation is not loose, we already have a plan, which is the plan proposed by Wang Jun. But now the situation has changed. I made some changes and everyone came over to listen. If there are any mistakes, you must bring them up. Don't care about anyone's face. The most important thing is that we can escape. "

Liu Ning clapped his hands and gave everyone a reassurance. This is what a captain should do. No matter what kind of situation he encounters, he cannot give up on himself. If even the captain gives up to survive, then other people can still rely on who?

There are various expressions on these people's faces. Some people are more angry, and they are still cursing vigorously in their hearts, cursing this guy for dying in the wild, and some people have envy on their faces, although The mine hunter was seriously injured, and the backbone of his back was exposed, but after all, they escaped.

Look at us instead, although we are still breathing, no one knows what the next moment will look like.

The battle plan was still Wang Jun's, but because there were too many fierce beasts around, Liu Ning added another plan before this plan, which made the whole plan a little better.

Let me explain in detail. Our first plan is like this. You warriors go downstairs and guard the passage downstairs. As snipers, Wang Jun and I shot and killed 800 beasts on the rooftop. It takes about ten minutes in the middle. Your task is to withstand these ten minutes. After others throw out the smoke bombs, move from our building. The target of the transfer is the 5-story building on the left. "

Liu Ning first mentioned the first plan. According to Wang Jun’s original plan, Liu Ning and Wang Fang shot the fierce beasts with machine guns. It could have been done before, but now it is too dangerous. , There are too many fierce beasts below, at least 3,000 or more. If the killing of 800 fierce beasts is not involved, there is no way to implement the plan of the king army.

Therefore, before Wang Jun’s plan, Liu Ning added another plan. Liu Ning and Wang Jun shot 800 beasts with sniper rifles. At that time, there were 800 fewer beasts. Liu Ning and Wang Fang were in In the second battle, it can be very safe.

Ask them if you have any questions, don't hold back at this time. "

Liu Ning saw everyone's faces a little disbelief. After all, it was obviously impossible to shoot 800 beasts with a sniper rifle within ten minutes.

Can this building last for 10 minutes? And are your masters and apprentices so capable? "

It was Zhang Daxue who raised the question. Liu Ning basically understood Zhang Daxue. This person is more rigid. Whether it is mine hunting or Liu Ning, if there is any doubt in his heart, he will definitely not take into account the face of you people. Yes, Liu Ning also likes this way of doing things.

Don't worry about this, because I checked the building just now. Ten minutes is absolutely no problem. As long as you can persist on the 6th floor, we can shoot 800 beasts. "

Liu Ning promised this. After all, Liu Ning’s strength had never been used by Zhang Daxue. Although he had doubts in his heart, he could only do so at this moment. Moreover, Sun Qiang was also fighting on the 6th floor. Liu Ning's confidant.

If Liu Ning wants them to be cannon fodder, there is no need to send Sun Qiang.

Your plan says to start the transfer this evening, and transfer these things and the warrior apprentice over there, but how should we transfer? Now all of the following are fierce beasts, if we use a cord gun, it will definitely alarm them. "

Gundam raised another question.

Others have also watched it. If it is normal, of course they don’t care about such a small sound, but now this time is different. Any small sound may attract the attention of the beasts, if they are really discovered If it does, then there is no need to wait until tomorrow morning to fight. This building may collapse tonight. Once the building collapses and is trapped in 3,000 beasts, the God of War will not be able to escape.

I will do this personally and promise that there will be no sound. Don’t worry. Tonight, Wang Fang and all the warrior apprentices will be transferred. There is no use for you people to stay here. Transfer to there in advance. You guys were fighting downstairs. After receiving my signal, you immediately moved and I was the last one to leave. "

After Liu Ning uttered the last sentence, everyone felt relieved. This is what a captain should do. The captain shouldn't run for his life first, and insist that he is the true captain in the end.