Invincible Copy System

Chapter 259: Great change

There is no need to give in at this time. Anyway, there are many fierce beasts below, and Liu Ning directly fired the first shot.

For the beasts in the village, they knew that there were humans in this village, but they just didn’t know where these humans were. Now that they heard the gunshots, they finally knew where the humans were. In the building, countless fierce beasts flooded here, Liu Ning and Wang Jun also started their own work. The master and apprentice did not panic, as if it were a training session, they were nervous and orderly looking for their own. aims.

Whenever a gun is fired, it means that a fierce beast has been killed. It is strange to say that at such a dangerous moment, the level of the two has not dropped, and the level has increased very much. Wang Fang is on the 5th floor. Observed from the building, as long as it is a fierce beast hit by a bullet, it basically loses its combat effectiveness. Even if it is not dead on the spot, there is not much life left.

The first 5 minutes was similar to the predictions of the two masters and apprentices. The beast below began to hit the building, and it was an organized collision.

Downstairs Zhang Daxue and the others were fighting extremely hard. Although all the stairs had been removed, the fierce beasts all came up on the fierce beast. I don't know if Liu Ning's investigation is true. In fact, Liu Ning lied at this time. Who knows what the buildings are like here was just to stabilize them.

Don’t panic and challenge..."

Liu Ning’s voice came over. It was like a shot of a cardiotonic. Some people were preparing to escape in advance, but after hearing Liu Ning’s voice, they knew that they were still an organized person and they would never be able to mess around. Formation.


At this moment, there was a huge roar from the distance of the village. The battle here finally attracted the attention of the warlord-level beast. This roar was from the warlord-level beast. All Everyone's complexion changed, and now they have entered a fierce battle. Once this warlord-level fierce beast participates, it will not be a joke. Maybe none of them can get out.

Don't panic. Just listen to the voice and you will know that the warlord-level fierce beast is still far away from us, and it will take a certain amount of time to get here. At that time, we had already retreated and proceeded according to the original plan. "

Liu Ning calmly said that when Liu Ning was speaking, everyone could still hear the sound of a sniper rifle. Liu Ning was shooting while talking. This is simply not something that humans can do. They are almost catching up with a god. Right by their side.

Even if Liu Ning speaks calmly now, but in fact, Liu Ning's heart is about to fry the pot, how bad luck is to meet this situation, first surrounded by beasts, and then a lot of Fierce beast, of course, this is a gangbang. It was caused by the guy who hunted for mines. Now there is another war-level fierce beast. How much **** did he step on when he went out?

Everyone wants to understand now that they have no other choice but to continue the battle, and even if they stop now, they will not be able to run away.

The warlord-level fierce beast already exists. What needs to be done now is how to complete this plan. As for the next things are not within their scope of consideration, and all distracting thoughts will be able to complete the first phase of the plan.

Among the few people downstairs, the first injured was Gundam. Gundam originally had a shield in his hand, but who knew that the shield was bitten by a fierce beast, and Gundam's arm was also bitten.

For our own future, hold on..."

Zhang Daxue kicked a fierce beast away and yelled. Everyone seemed to be infected at the moment. Even if the body was injured, they had to stand in their original positions and would never be able to back down after the last two minutes.

Wang Jun’s performance is very good at this moment. Liu Ning has been staying by Wang Jun’s side. When the warlord-level beast appeared, everyone’s temperament changed, but Wang Jun did not change much. It was still the same as Liu Ning. , Shooting regularly, did not speed up or slow down. This calmness alone is something that many people can't cultivate for a lifetime. This may have something to do with the inheritance of Mr. Wang. After all, Mr. Wang does not change his face with millions of military dollars. This is something that no one else has.

Everything is recorded on their smart devices. Wang Jun has shot more than 200 beasts, and Liu Ning has also shot 500 beasts. They will soon reach the number set by them. In fact, 800 beasts are. At the very least, 800 animals must be killed at this time. Otherwise, the next time the mission is executed, there is definitely no chance of winning.

The few people below were almost unable to withstand it, and a dozen fierce beasts put on them.

The fighting power of fierce beasts is higher than that of humans of the same level. If they attack several fierce beasts together, they will definitely be able to win. But now there are more fierce beasts than them, so these people almost insist on not. Living.

Zhang Daxue’s face was full of blood. She didn’t know if the blood belonged to the beast or her own. She felt like a machine, unable to stop. If she stopped, her body might fall. And will never get up again.


The sound of the pistol came to mind on the 6th floor, and it was Liu Ning who came down.

You guys quickly retreat here. I will stand against it. Remember that everyone carries a smoke bomb. The time to throw out the smoke bomb is only three minutes before going out. You must move fast on the rope. "

These people thought that Liu Ning had treated them as cannon fodder, but when Liu Ning killed them, everyone was happy. Liu Ning was really reliable. At the last minute, they would cover their retreat. This was the vast majority. The captain can't do it.

When these people rushed to the top of the building, Liu Ning also noticed that their speed did not increase, or even slowed down a lot from the time before. It can be seen that all their physical strength has been used up here.

At this time, some people will be sneaky and slippery, leaving their physical strength behind.

It seems that these players are still good, and they can know how to advance and retreat in times of crisis.

Liu Ning killed the dozen or so beasts as quickly as possible, and then quickly changed the bullets. The building almost couldn't hold on anymore. Bricks were constantly falling, and the whole building was covered with dust...

Liu Ning knew it was time to retreat...