Invincible Copy System

Chapter 420: family heirloom

Although this thing has no effect, it seems to be a symbol for all the cow family members. Even if all the things on the cow's head are gone, the cow's head will never frown.

But if this thing is taken away by Liu Ning, the Niu family can’t wait to cut the Niu’s head a thousand times, and the things inherited by the family have been taken away by others, even people who are not superstitious will feel this. Things are a bit unhappy.

Liu Ning sneered, and the hatred with your Liu family can’t be solved, so I don’t want to talk about other things at all. Although there is no prompt from the system, Liu Ning knows that this thing may not be a treasure, but Liu Ning still goes up. I'll take it down with one hand. As long as it can make your Liu family ugly, I will take it all. Who will let you find trouble?

Go back and tell your grandpa, this thing will be kept with me first, if you want to take it back, then we will take it back at the gaming table, if you have enough money, I will definitely take this thing As for its value, it depends on how much money your cattle family paid. If you don't pay enough, then I don't have the time to waste time with you. Maybe I will find a **** shop and sell it. "

Niutou looked at all this in frustration. Now there is really no way to change it. It doesn't matter if all the things on his body are lost, because those things can be bought, but this thing can't be bought, even the old man. No matter how much you spoil yourself and lose the inheritance of the family, Niu Tau will know what will happen in the future.

The guards at the back also have learned a lot, throwing everything out of them, no matter if they are good or bad, at this moment they just want to leave here quickly, as long as they can leave here, they will have as much money. Money is the most important thing for your own life.

These people are the guards of the Niu family. Let’s not talk about other things, just the equipment on them. They are also very valuable. Liu Ning put them away one by one. Basically, every one of them can collect tens of millions. Come, it can be regarded as a small fortune.

What are you doing here in a daze? Give you 5 minutes to carry all the injured and dead people away. If there are people here after 5 minutes, then don’t blame me for being rude to you, no one will be able to. leave here. "

At this time, Liu Ning happily found a comfortable place and began to slowly check what he had stolen. Is it fast to make money from the gun club? Originally, Liu Ning felt that it was very fast. Will it be quick to make money with medicine? Liu Ning felt that it was a money printing machine, but everything was not as fast as grabbing money. Now those who grabbed these people, Liu Ning immediately made a fortune, and there was a pleasure in grabbing money, which was not available to those who make money.

After listening to Liu Ning’s words, these guys, like a pardon, hurriedly pulled up their injured or dead comrades and left here as quickly as possible. They were afraid that if Liu Ning changed his mind, they might have to explain here. When I came here, I was aggressive, and I was thinking of being able to slap Liu Ning in pain. Who knew it was like this when I left.

Don't be proud of Liu, our family will find all this back sooner or later. "

The bull's head was carried by one of the guards. This guy didn't forget to shout when he left. Liu Ning immediately stood up and waved his fist. This guy actually urinated, and the guard carrying him felt sick. , Can't wait to throw the bull's head here immediately.

But when I think of Niu’s meal, I can only endure the nausea and carry this guy away. The other people run faster, and I am afraid that Liu Ning will hit the ground. Then they will really leave. Not anymore.

After these people were gone, the people on the scene still couldn't believe it. There were more than 100 people, including three of them. They were all defeated by Liu Ning. If this thing weren't done in person, If you see it, how can others believe it?

The Niu family is not an ordinary family. It is one of the eight major groups. The guards of their family are also very powerful in combat. But in front of Liu Ning, he didn't even have the guts to turn back. What a terrible person Liu Ning is. What?

At this moment, the bull head is also very regretful. Originally, he came to send a challenge letter. After the letter was delivered, he left as soon as possible. I just wanted to change to a new guard. They are more powerful, and I thought they had arranged a trick. , Can make Liu Ning suffer. I didn't expect that they didn't suffer. Instead, he was cleansed all over his body. I don't know how to live in the future.

Niu Tau had already made up his mind. After he returned, he must ask his grandfather to take action, including the family heirloom. He must send a real master to give Liu Ning a good education.

Naturally, Liu Ning will not be idle at this time. Liu Ning also knows that the Liu family will not let go. This time it may usher in a stronger storm, so Liu Ning brought the video from the property at this time. At the door of his home, the Niu family strictly violated Liu Ning's rights. Liu Ning was going to put this video on the Internet so that everyone would know how Liu's family did things, and he had to seize the peak of public opinion first.

Just after finishing all this, Liu Ning found that Zhou Rui was still standing here, Zhou Rui’s face was also a little embarrassed, Liu Ning realized at this time that Zhou Rui was embarrassed to speak, and the whole road was destroyed like this. If there is no explanation, I am afraid that the senior management will not be willing. After all, the community in the family was originally good, and now it is almost turned into a Shura field. As a property manager, Zhou Rui must report to it.

Don’t worry, Manager Zhou. This matter has nothing to do with you. If asked above, you can give me your last contact information, and I will compensate you 1 million yuan. At the same time, I will let my engineering team pay If the renovation here is completed, first suspend the project at my place and start repairing the road. I guess it will take a week, but your property company will need to explain to the residents of the community during this period. "

Liu Ning hurriedly called Fang Qiang, the situation here had already become like this, and he had to quickly remedy it.

After getting Liu Ning’s promise, Zhou Rui hurried back to report. No one dared to ask about this matter. After all, Liu Ning was fierce and vicious, and Zhou Rui and Liu Ning had some friendship, so they gave Zhou Rui to Sent here.