Invincible Copy System

Chapter 51: Brother son's terrible

This must be the son of a big family...

This is what the thief leader thinks at this moment, and he has his own basis for judgment.

The thief leader looked at Liu Ning's age, at most he was a teenager. He must have been learning martial arts since childhood.

Ordinary people’s children are not treated like this, and only the elder brothers of those big families have been exposed to these when they were children, otherwise it would never be possible to practice so hard, and this is still an iron fist, and most people choose Qianjinquan. .

To be able to train iron fist to this level, the nutrient solution cost is an astronomical figure.

Thinking of Liu Ning's ability to fight and fight just now, several warrior apprentices surrounded him for a long time. There was no scar on this kid's body, which showed that he was fast enough or his body was strong enough.

But no matter what it is, this must be formed under the soaking of precious medicinal materials, or it is the nutrient solution used directly. If it is not a child of a big family, can ordinary people afford this capital?

Coupled with the equipment of this body, the thief leader has basically been determined, this guy is the son of a big family of Hong Miaozheng.

During the time he was stunned, Liu Ning had already dealt with two warrior apprentices, and every time he went up, he would directly kill the killer. If he hadn't exercised too much, how could he have such a skill?

You can't waste time like this. The thief leader blows a whistle. Although these people have no rules in the wild, they are still very obedient to the boss's orders.

No matter how big the piece of meat was, as long as the boss ordered to retreat, they quickly separated from Liu Ning and the others and gathered behind the thieves.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of their retreat, Zhang Chu took a look at the people on his side. Older Wu was seriously injured in the shoulder, and Fang Qiang was also stabbed. Zhang Chu was even more powerful. Both fighter apprentices had died in the battle. Li Tie is left alone.

Although Wei Xiong was injured here, at least there was no dead, which is a blessing among misfortune.

Which family are you from? Show your identity. "

The thief leader stared at Liu Ning and said, he just wanted to look at Liu Ning's current eyes.

If Liu Ning is a child of a big family, then Liu Ning will certainly not have any timidity.

If Liu Ning is not a child of a big family, there must be some confusion or even some fear if you ask this way. At that time, you don’t need to hesitate. All of them are rushed to deal with them quickly. The things Liu Ning possess is very valuable. .

But if it is the children of a big family, then those of us will have to retreat. If we really kill the children of the big family, those big families will definitely not give up.

Perhaps they will delay the order that the Guard Mansion gave to the big family, but if you kill the children of their family, he will find you after all the hard work.

This is for the safety of the children of other families, and also to give a shock to other thieves. Otherwise, how many family children would they have to lose?

Of course, the thief leader can also choose Desperate End of the World, just not entering the city.

But every minute outside the city, this is very nervous. You must return to the city for a period of time to relax, otherwise the beast can't kill him, and the spirit will torture him crazy.

After listening to him, everyone basically understood. Wei Xiong and Zhang Chu were very worried, because Liu Ning was born into a small family, and they couldn’t show the style of that son-in-law, but Liu Ning was not worried anymore. Have you eaten pork and haven’t seen a pig run?

On the original TV, I don’t know how many times I’ve seen it. Besides, if there is a system to back it up, then it is equivalent to having an extremely powerful background. Can you be afraid of you as a little thief?

I said, can you fight anymore? Can you make people happy? You see these people behind you are much stronger than ours. Take the time to come and fight. Master, I also move my muscles and bones. Those who stay in the city are about to grow hair. It's hard to tell once that it is so boring to meet you people. "

Liu Ning did not answer the question. If you answer the question, you are just walking with the other person. Saying these words is to confuse the other person. After you finish speaking, he breaks a tree next to him. This strength has even more convinced the idea of ​​the thief leader. .

This is simply natural divine power, is there a person with natural divine power? Of course there will be, but they are definitely rare, but why are the children of the big family so strong? It's because they eat too many geniuses.

So that power turned them into a natural supernatural power, and Liu Ning's kick just now was kicked out at will.

Looking at what Liu Ning said just now, it was clear that he was a complete young man. Two of them died there, but this young man didn't even look at it. What he wanted was to fight against himself.

This is so much like those brothers, they never cared about the life and death of their subordinates, only cared whether their strength increased.

Don't be like a bitch, can you? The little master panicked waiting. "

Liu Ning said this again, but he frightened Zhang Chu and Wei Xiong next to him. Can you wait for a while and then pretend to be forced? The other party is already hesitant. If you say it too harshly, maybe the other party Seeing that the flaw is coming, it's really over at that time.

The thief leader has been observing Liu Ning. If Liu Ning is interested in pretending, I am afraid the thief leader will kill people directly.

But everything Liu Ning had, including a little bit of demeanor, was not disguised at all. It seemed to be what he was like now, so the thief leader really didn't dare to move.

Today, I will let you kid a horse. I am not giving you face, but to the family behind you. You may not have such good luck in the future. It is better to be humble. "

After this guy finished speaking, he flashed directly into the jungle next to him. Although the people behind him did not fully understand, they also knew that the small identities in front of him were not simple. They could only take a stern look and follow them. The boss retreated.

Among all the thieves, they had heard about that. Someone directly killed the young man for the clothes and equipment on the young man.

But I didn't expect that all the smart devices on the son's body were taken down, and the thieves' days afterwards can be panicked all day long.

The big family invested 1 billion to offer a reward for the heads of this group of thieves. Not only did they lose their heads in the end, but even their family members did not have a good life.

Therefore, these thieves have come up with an iron law, even if they have nothing, they must not risk robbing these brothers, the price is too great.