Invincible Copy System

Chapter 525: Cultivating beasts

My side is just a small achievement, and there is no way to compare it with Mr. Liu's side. Mr. Liu went out for a stroll and got back a silver flying wolf. Although I am not a fighter, I have done research on this thing. This should be a middle-level warrior. Mr. Liu really gained a lot this time! If it is well cultivated in the future, he may be able to advance to the rank of war-general fierce beast. Once he gets to the place where Mr. Liu made his fortune at that time, he will come. "

Zhu Tianhua’s statement is correct at 10 points. Among all human beings, only about 10 people have the God of War beasts. These people are undoubtedly not famous people. If you want to make money, you can take a walk outside the city. This war-god-level fierce beast can also bring huge gains to himself.

If you don’t talk about this, I also forgot that you know a lot of people in this city. Does anyone cultivate a beast? You also know that I’m just blind to this, in case it is nurtured. If you do, that would be a big loss. "

Liu Ning suddenly remembered this matter. Zhao Wudi is undoubtedly the one who has the most say in this matter, but Liu Ning, who is usually so busy with Zhao Wudi, is unwilling to trouble Zhao Wudi with such things. If you owe personal favors, it is better to receive news from other places.

This matter is considered to be the right person. I am naturally not qualified to say this, but my dad is different. My dad has a high-level warrior-level beast, which is slowly raised from the high-level fighter level. Yes, I don’t know the other steps very well, but the first step I know very well is to use a lot of crystal nuclei. When these fierce beasts are in the wild, they also rely on the crystal nucleus to progress. Son, it will take a long time in the early stage. After you have completed step 1, I will ask my dad again, I will definitely not let you be blind. "

Liu Ning originally said so casually, and didn't think about how much advice this guy could give himself. I didn't expect this guy to be really capable here. After listening to this, Liu Ning really looked at this guy with admiration.

It's just that this guy was a gangster before, and he didn't have much reputation among the younger brothers, but he was more cautious. Can he really believe what he said? Seeing Liu Ning's suspicious look, this guy immediately stopped talking about him, and had to say something that could prove his ability.

I said, Brother Liu, don’t look at people with your old eyes. I also have my own status at home. After my father got the beast back, he basically left it there. I took care of it. In the past two years, I can sort out a note, which is very useful to Brother Liu. "

This guy started to talk endlessly. In addition to the crystal nucleus, there are all kinds of medicines and nutrient solutions. Anyway, Liu Ning said that he didn't believe it at first, but after hearing some of the following words Don't say that some places are really reasonable. It seems that this guy is not just nonsense, but also has a certain real ability.

Anyway, in the final analysis is one thing, and that is spending money..."

This guy talked for almost 5 minutes, and finally summed up a sentence to Liu Ning. Liu Ning also suffered a headache at this time. In addition to having a system that eats money, he has now added a fierce beast. In addition to this fierce beast, there are six puppets. No matter how they make money, just these big money-eaters can make Liu Ning spend a while. There is really no end to making money.

Is there such a note? If there are any, you can just ask for a price. I will never bargain..."

Liu Ning is really interested at this time. After all, Liu Ning is blind in terms of cultivating fierce beasts. If he can get some information here, it will be fine to spend a little money. In Zhu Tianhua’s eyes, Liu Ning is a good one. For those who are able, if they can have a good relationship with Liu Ning, it will be somewhat of a way in the future. Now they are different from before.

Brother Liu, don’t worry. I’ll sort it out later. It will take you a week at most. You can get it when you go through these follow-up procedures. Anyway, let him eat hard at this time. What he wants to eat, you just need to get him a lot, which can promote it. "

This guy happily said that when he cooperated with Liu Ning in the hypnosis club, he did not make much money. Don’t look at this guy as a middleman, he made a lot more money than he managed the hotel. Ning has established the most basic relationship. From now on, he will be a family, and his future is limitless.

After exiting the gate of the guard mansion, Liu Ning saw the silver flying wolf. This guy was also embarrassed in his heart. He originally thought it would be very exciting to get you back, but he didn't expect to pay a lot of money. Anyway, the next two The souls of individuals are bound together, and to give to this guy is to give to yourself.

Your kid is really good. You haven’t done anything for me yet, so I paid a large deposit. You must not make trouble in the city in the future. As long as something happens, my deposit can be I can't get it back, a full 5 billion yuan! "

Speaking of this deposit, it still depends on Tianhua's face. It has been underpaid a lot. If Zhu Tianhua's face is not taken into account, the money is not that little.

There is no way to get this money out. As long as the beast is still in your hands and is still alive, then the money will have to stay on the guard mansion side, unless the beast is killed in battle and you can Take out the video of the war dead, then I will refund the money to you. Of course, it is impossible to refund all of it to you. A certain management fee will be charged every year. If the time is long, I will notify you to continue to pay the deposit. .

The lifespan of fierce beasts is longer than that of human beings. If they are not killed by other circumstances, then Liu Ning's deposit is hopeless to get back.

Liu Ning pulled up the rope in his hand. At this time, the silver flying wolf was really like a pet. There was a retractable coil in the neck, and a bronze medal was hung on it. Liu Ning's contact information and information Some information, if something happens to this guy, then Liu Ning will be held responsible. This is also the rules of the Guarding Mansion. No matter what kind of person you are, you must abide by these rules.