Invincible Copy System

Chapter 532: Fall out

This guy was awesome when he threw his chopsticks. The chopsticks were flying around on the table, but after he threw it, he was a little scared to think of his cousin. Now he is a quasi-soldier, not the little guy who bullied himself before. If he really fights , I'm afraid I won't get good.

But just now I pretended to be forced to go out, in front of so many people at home, do you really want to admit it?

Liu Ning put the child in his cousin's arms and was about to stand up to have a good chat with this guy. When he saw the expression in his mother's eyes, Liu Ning sighed again. Seeing his mother's face, he couldn't do anything today.

The supermarket has its own set of criteria. The cousin meets this standard, but the cousin does not meet this standard. If you want to explain, I can ask someone to give you a written explanation. "

Liu Ning tried to calm herself down, but seeing the face of this guy, Liu Ning really couldn't calm down.

What is so great about what standards are not standard, isn't it just a broken supermarket? I really want to ask us to go. We are not going. Who doesn't know that this supermarket has nothing to do with you. You are so arrogant. Isn't the supermarket your wife's? You are just a little boy. "

My cousin can’t take care of other things at all at this time. He has bullied Liu Ning since he was a child. When Liu Ning climbed onto his head, he himself was not very willing. Anyway, he said what should be said and what should not be said. , At this time, the fire can't be suppressed.

Haha, you are right [], I am really a little boy, so what can I do? My daughter-in-law listens to me. Although the supermarket belongs to my daughter-in-law, my daughter-in-law dare not violate what I say. Does your daughter-in-law have the patience? Can you control your wife at home? My supermarket is really not very good, but I can give people a salary of more than 10,000 yuan a month, and I will not let your wife go in. "

Liu Ning happily said, since you can’t do it, just with your mouth, your buddy can make you angry. This is indeed the case. The angry cousin is almost speechless, but he takes Liu Ning again. There is no other way. He had already done it before, but now he also knows that if he does it, he can't ask for a bargain.

It's okay, since there are standards, let's follow the standards and sit down for dinner. "

Seeing that I couldn't eat anymore, my uncle thought that there were other things, so he glared at his cousin and told him to continue to sit down and eat.

Although the cousin didn't want to sit down, he saw the look in his father's eyes and thought about the mess at home. He had to borrow money from this cousin, so he sat down angrily.

The food here is good for everyone..."

After all, my mother was soft-hearted. Since she had already sat down to eat, she didn't want the meal to be so unhappy, so she turned the table around for my cousin and asked them to taste some of the signature dishes here.

Everyone, go ahead, cousin, how are you eating? I'll go back and bring the luggage for you. If you move in today, it is...

When faced with these people, Liu Ning was really too lazy to perfuse. If he really allowed himself to continue to eat, he might actually start to do it later, so he was going to take his cousin over first. Liu Ning just noticed it. My cousin must have a bad life there, and one more day would be one day's sin. Thinking of all the good things my cousin had done to her before, Liu Ning didn't want her cousin to suffer another day's sin.

In fact, the cousin is also very bitter. Since moving back to her natal family, except for the first one or two weeks, there are no good days. She forced herself to take out the money, but the husband kept the money. If all the items for the son are taken out, according to the cousin's understanding of the family, how should the mother and son live in the future?

Seeing that my cousin is unwilling to take out the money, my cousin’s status at home has continued to decline. Now I can’t even use the room. Both mother and child have moved to the balcony. If it weren’t for my cousin, a woman with her child was outside. I really can't live, my cousin really wants to move out.

Liu Ning’s words made my uncle a little anxious. Originally, the main content was to come here to borrow money. In the end, he solved a less important matter. The most important matter has not been revealed yet. If Liu Ning would leave like this If that is the case, wouldn't it be a waste of time today, and I paid a lot of money to take a taxi? Isn't it all lost?

Although the mother and Zhang Jing are still here after Liu Ning is gone, the uncle can also see that, judging from the series of actions just now, the nephew is the real master of this family. If the nephew does not let go, between these two Women can't borrow a cent here.

Otherwise, wait. Uncle still has something to tell you. After uncle finishes talking, let's go over and help you clean up. Do you think it's okay? "

The uncle said flatteringly that Liu Ning himself wanted to refuse, but seeing the look in his mother's eyes, Liu Ning could only endure it. Liu Ning's heart would not be soft, but after all, his mother had decades of experience. Friendship is here.

Actually, there is nothing wrong..." Uncle is now ready to speak.

If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first, and it will soon be dark. I have to pack the child's things first, and the child changes place. I am afraid of admitting birth..."

Liu Ning deliberately made this uncle ugly, and when he finished speaking, she wanted to leave. At this time, her mother glared at Liu Ning again, and Liu Ning sat down again, but it was embarrassing enough for her uncle.

In fact, the things that are those things, my uncle quickly finished talking, nothing more than the business situation is not very good, the store lacks liquid funds, I want to borrow some money from Liu Ning, the amount of borrowing is not very large, it is 200,000 about.

This figure is also after consideration. Although the situation of the nephew’s family is good, after all, the relationship was not very good before, and the uncle would never speak loudly. Moreover, if you borrow too much, in case you write an IOU again, then You have to pay back the money. Now only borrowing 200,000 yuan is not a big number for a prospective soldier. Maybe this nephew won't let himself pay back when he is happy.

To put it bluntly, I didn't want to pay back the money.

What's left is that my uncle performed here, saying that the whole family would rely on this small shop. If there is no such small shop, the whole family would have no way of living. Aunt and cousin are also nearby to help, and they have to perform more. How miserable it is. If it is really a bitter drama, there is no need for the directors and scriptwriters to film the performances of these people. Then they will definitely be able to win a movie award or something. Liu Ning snorted beside him. Obviously, he was not moved.