Invincible Copy System

Chapter 674: Reduced food

You are too much. Find your chief. I want to complain to you. My teacher has made a huge contribution to the entire humanity and cannot be treated like this..."

Before this guy finished, a **** was thrown over and hit this guy’s cheek directly. Don’t look at this guy’s weight of nearly 200 jin, but this guy usually does some paperwork. , Didn't exercise his body at all, so the whole person was knocked down, and he seemed to be injured badly.

If you are not convinced, you can continue to me to make sense. I don’t have the time to talk to you with your mouth. What I like most is to chat with the **** of the gun. After we eat it, we can still be strong and physically strong. To resist the fierce beasts outside, you people have little effect now. Don’t tell me how much you have contributed to mankind before. Everyone here has contributed a lot, so you will grow old in the future. Eat the egg whites honestly. If you don't want to eat it, then you will be hungry. "

An officer who led the team arrogantly said that this guy actually disobeyed the above order, and the food was broadcast to these scientists. This guy saw that the situation in the city was getting worse and worse, so he had another idea. Keep more food for your brothers.

In addition, he has some other thoughts among these researchers. Some of them are good-looking. Yesterday, he hit up a conversation, but was ridiculed by these people. Today, I control your food. See if you people are going to be hungry and reasonable, and you can't bear it when you are hungry.

A few people wanted to stand up, but they were immediately held back by their companions. There is a saying that good talents encounter soldiers and they are unreasonable. Moreover, these soldiers are about to collapse. Although their discipline is still I can manage them, but most of them are about to be abandoned. If we continue to stimulate them now, there will be no good results for these scientists. Although there are a lot of them, they are all defenseless. How to fight with them? To be reasonable, isn't that exciting for yourself?

Sisters, if you feel that you can’t eat anything in your mouth, you can come and find me at any time. Although I don’t have much food there, I can still feed my sisters, but let’s take care of it. I’ve had a conversation, hehehe..."

This guy slowly walked to the female gathering area and said to the girls he likes. These girls are all embarrassed. Yesterday, this guy's mouth was not clean, so this Several girls ridiculed her. Today, this guy turned out to be worse. Yesterday there was a higher-level officer who came over. It seems that the officer just came today, so they are bolder.

This is also a very normal thing. If there is order, it will never be what it is now. It is obvious that there is no order now. The guns in the soldiers' hands are the truth. If you really want to reason with them, I am afraid no one There are good results.

After the soldiers listened to the commander’s words, they all whistled vigorously beside them. To be honest, they all had ideas in their hearts for these female scientists. It turned out that they were only able to stand guard, even if they stood there for a day. Female scientists may not be able to look at them more. Now the whole thing is reversed. The food of female scientists is in our hands, and according to what the chief said, as long as we are diligent, the chief is able to divide us if we are happy .

In this kind of environment, no matter how loyal people are, I am afraid they will have some wonderful ideas in their heads, and these female scientists are very attractive, and many people fantasize that they can be with them.

These soldiers were also very disciplined. Yesterday, a soldier used food to fool the waiter who was guarding the mansion to bed, so other people were also inspired. Now they don’t need to stay with these people because of the news outside. If you can't get in, the entire city is under their control. Whoever has food in his hands is the king, so they started doing this today.

Leng Wuxue’s appearance is not the most beautiful, but she will definitely not lose to anyone in terms of temperament. The officer just said it specifically to this girl. The chief goal of the officer is also this girl. Yesterday this girl said that the officer even had a head. Can't lift it up, because there are other officers, so the officer can't do too much.

Today, the chief has important things, and he will not come to inspect at all. He may come tomorrow, but in this situation, even if he makes a mistake, will the chief punish himself? I'm afraid that the superiors above can no longer control the army.

You are too much. Don't think that no one can cure it. Your army also has its own legal department. Sooner or later, we will see the day again. Wouldn't you be afraid of the punishment above? "

Leng Wuxue was also a headless person. At this time, she dared to stand up and speak. Originally, these people just wanted to trouble her, but she couldn't hide herself. Who knew that this girl had actually stood out by herself, and she was not ordinary people.

Isn't this a cold girl? What did you say about me yesterday? I said that my toad wants to eat swan meat. Today, the first thing I break is your food. Others still have a piece of protein, but you have nothing here. If you really want it If you are looking for something, my brother will let you try my **** but I feel sorry for you. If you want to eat, come back to me and talk about it. As for what you said, you won’t be able to take care of that much in the future. , One day counts as a day, who knows if I can breathe tomorrow. "

This guy said very arrogantly, if he hadn’t had the guts to talk to these scientists like this before, but now he’s just like he said, one day is one day, who knows what will happen tomorrow, maybe the next minute outside the city The fierce beast is about to attack the city. According to their internal deduction, the walls of this inner city can't last for even a day, so at this time it doesn't make sense to stick to the so-called order.

Leng Wuxue was trembling with anger, and opened her mouth to bite the protein block in her hand. Leng Wuxue also used this action to tell you that even if there is only one protein block a day, even if you don’t give something to eat, you will never Will yield to you people.