Invincible Copy System

Chapter 753: Rely on strength

"This kid is really interesting. He hunted so many beasts when he was 15 years old. I am also interested in this kid. Can you tell me what famous beasts this guy has hunted?

What I am talking about are some of the more powerful ones. "

Liu Ning raised this question at the moment, that is, Liu Ning didn't know that the third young master of the Jia family, and other people were very clear about this guy's battle of fame, Maria can be said to be very clear.

The reason why Liu Ning asked this question was to learn from each other's strengths. This guy relied on endless killings to improve his strength. Of course, Liu Ning could not copy such a version. He could only look at the essence of this guy. If you learn it, it means that this guy's efforts have been copied by himself, so Liu Ning would ask such a question.

In fact, Liu Ning is not very afraid of other masters, because no matter how they practice, they can’t compare to Liu Ning who has opened the door, but for some masters in the Jia family, I’m afraid it’s not like this, because Liu Ning has heard from Zhao Wudi that each of Jia's Liujue is very delicate.

If someone can get to the top level, they are definitely not able to graduate. These skills are not a joke, and it is precisely because of this that Liu Ning felt a little guilty in his heart when meeting the masters of the Jia family. With a replication system, Liu Ning absolutely dare to say that he can beat others, but if he has beaten the Jia family, Liu Ning really does not have this confidence.

"Speaking of his battle of fame, you should be very familiar with it. You once had a silver flying wolf. Of course you know how difficult this guy is. The third young master also has such a thing, but he is only 16 years old. It was captured at the time. At that time, people were able to enjoy a fierce beast of the middle extreme warlord level. You can imagine how strong the opponent is. Although not as powerful as yours, they were older than you at that time. Small, and they are alone, so you still have a small team!"

When Maria talked about this, Liu Ning's eyes widened. To tell the truth, Liu Ning was really shocked by this incident. How did Liu Ning conquer the prosperity in the first place?

Liu Ning knows best in her own mind. There is only one person on the other side, and he must have persuaded the silver flying wolf. Such ability is not a joke. He has a system to help, but the other party has no system. If the underlying system is so widespread, then there will never be so few geniuses.

Liu Ning really admires the opponent now, no matter how the opponent subdues, at least he is much stronger than his own ability. It seems that this person is indeed his first opponent.

However, Liu Ning still does not believe that the other party can beat him, because Liu Ning has too many skills. As long as he enters the ancient ruins, all Liu Ning's skills can be used, and the most important is the Poison Master skills. This thing kills invisible, no matter how powerful you are, as long as you are poisoned by yourself, I am afraid you will not be able to escape.

Seeing Liu Ning's silence began, Maria knew that her painstaking efforts were already useful. What Maria had to do now was to be honest, and let Liu Ning think about it in her own heart. Actually, Liu Ning’s A big battle has already begun in my heart, and that is to simulate the battle with the three young masters. As for the final victory, I am afraid that only Liu Ning knows. Maria will definitely not care about this. Now Maria What needs to be prepared is the next master, Liu Ning must be familiar with everyone before the war begins.

"Actually, I think you can read this information slowly, and you don’t need to pay attention to the top masters. After all, the chance of encountering you is very low. Now you should solve the urgent matter, that is, the masters of this city will soon It’s the elimination round. If you meet them in the elimination round, you should know what these people are capable of, so let’s put our eyes down a little bit and tackle the masters in this city first!"

Liu Ning heard Maria’s voice and realized that half an hour had passed. Liu Ning was indeed simulating a battle just now, but it was not Liu Ning’s brain that was simulating, but Liu Ning’s system was simulating. This simulation battle cost Liu Ning 700,000 yuan, but Liu Ning felt it was a great value. Although he did not know the true strength of the opponent, Liu Ning would definitely have a stomach in his heart. Now the simulation battle is over. As for the simulation I am afraid that only Liu Ning knows his victory or defeat.


It was this name that caught my eye. Liu Ning was no stranger to such a name. Before his rebirth, Liu Ning often heard such a name. It came from an island country called Fusang.

"It is the people of their country. After the cataclysm, all human beings no longer have the concept of a country. The Human Council took the lead and began to rule all human beings, but only the people who came from that island were different from ours. They formed A Fusang martial arts hall, the Fusang martial arts hall is like their command organization. They also think that they live among humans, but they don’t provide much help to other humans. They only provide help to those in costumes. This is also considered to be them. One of the characteristics of the people, especially when it comes to naming, they must maintain their original appearance."

Liu Ning can also feel from Maria’s mouth that Maria is also disgusted with these people. Since she is unwilling to help others, she should not accept the protection of the Human Council.

But these people have accepted the protection of the Human Council, that is, the kind of people who eat the bowl and kick the pot. On the one hand, they emphasize their independence, and on the other hand, they are enjoying the welfare of human society. It can be said that these people are the most disgusting.

After the cataclysm, these Fusang people once planned a rich country, but their strength was not that strong. Instead, they were brutally suppressed by the Human Council. Therefore, these guys converged a lot and formed a Fusang martial arts gym. They don't have a national reputation, but they do things according to their own system, so when they saw this name, Liu Ning felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. It seems that there is a chance to teach this guy a lesson.

"You'd better be careful that these people can make their own reputation, except for their shame, that is their true ability, so you better not take it lightly, if you really meet this guy, you must do your best To go..."