Invincible Copy System

Chapter 861: Not hurt

Liu Ning’s face was smiling, and Zhao Wudi also felt that his daughter must have won, but soon the two of them couldn’t laugh. It turned out that Yamamoto stood up like that, which is really terrifying. When Zhao Lele attacked just now, Liu Ning had already remembered the power of the attack. The attack was as high as 3000 kilograms, and Zhao Lele used it twice in the attack. The last attack was in the air. This power is very likely to be Will double.

In this state, if it was the strength that Yamamoto had exposed before, it would be absolutely impossible to stand up at this moment, but at this moment Yamamoto stood up and shook his head, as if there was nothing at all, and his mouth was grinning. With a grin, how sacred this guy is, and how capable he is, Liu Ning and Zhao Wudi are really panicked at this moment.

There was blood coming out of this guy’s mouth and blood coming out of his nose. It was supposed that the combat effectiveness should have decreased, but Liu Ning discovered that the combat effectiveness of this guy had only dropped by a single digit. Looking at this guy’s defensive ability, that’s not It's not very strong, it's almost the same as the information Maria gave him, but why did this guy drop so little in his combat power just now?

Could it be that this guy has also adopted other cultivation methods this time?

For example, it is not impossible to cultivate your own body to be extremely hard.

In the past, when fighting, many people would take a special potion. This kind of special potion can increase their defense power, but it will never continue. Moreover, this special potion has a time limit. Liu Ning has always used the system. Observing this guy, I found that this guy's defensive power and combat effectiveness are very average, and there is no violent increase or violent decline in a certain period of time. What is going on?

Not to mention that Liu Ning and Zhao Wudi in the audience were surprised. Zhao Lele, who was standing on the ring, was also dumbfounded. Zhao Lele was very aware of how powerful his attack was. Even if you are a guy who exercises like a cow, he cannot resist it. For our ultimate move, just two consecutive crits, this guy can actually stand up, and there is no fear at all on the expression on this guy's face. This shows a problem, that is, this guy is abnormal. Strong, not paying attention to these things at all, especially the attack just now.

"Making, when you played against this guy, was his defensive strength so strong?

What I said more accurately is this guy's recovery ability. For example, if you follow the heavy blow attack just now, can this guy recover so quickly? "

Liu Ning turned his head and said that Ma Wang was the only one who had fought against this guy, and he knew the real strength of this guy. Liu Ning now doesn't believe in the information from Maria's investigation. After all, the information is different. This one is very realistic.

"It's definitely not the case. I have fought this guy before, but this guy doesn't have the current defensive power. You see, the guy that Miss Zhao attacked just vomited out his teeth, whether it's an ordinary person or a general For a strong person of the level, as long as his tooth is lost, the pain cannot be endured in a short time, but there is no expression on this guy’s face. I doubt if this guy has no sensory cells, so It can be like this."

Among all the people, the horse king’s heartbeat is the fastest, because the horse king has fought against this guy before. Although the horse king failed in the end, this guy happened by conspiracy and tricks, and now it’s not at all. It's the same. Now this guy is relying on his own real evidence, and Zhao Lele's attack is stronger than himself, but why can this guy not decrease in combat effectiveness?

There are also a lot of question marks in Ma Wang's heart.

King Ma knows his own strength. If he was replaced by himself just now, under Zhao Lele's attack, King Ma’s combat effectiveness would have to drop by at least 60%. In such a fierce battle, if your combat effectiveness drops to 60%, then simply Withdraw from the battle. If it is 100% combat power, you can still compete with Zhao Lele. If he drops that much, continue to fight against people like Zhao Lele, you will find yourself disabled. The ancient ruins are important, but definitely better than Not for the rest of his life.

Just when everyone was surprised, this guy Yamamoto started the second round of attacks. It was this guy who surprised everyone, or at the speed just now, there was no speed at all, just like ordinary people are doing morning exercises, you must know This is not a park for morning exercises. This is a selection field for ancient relics. The opposite of you is not an ordinary enemy. Like you, it is one of the city’s top five powerhouses. There is also a very powerful master and a very Amazing father, Zhao Lele can be said to be the most terrifying among the five powerhouses, but this person still did not change his speed, and ran towards Zhao Lele at the original speed.

Zhao Lele’s reaction was good. He went up and swept this guy to the floor. Then he kicked this guy’s chest. This guy’s hairstyle was messed up, and a lot of blood spurted out of his mouth. It looks like he was seriously injured. When Zhao Lele kicked him in the chest just now, the bones in this guy's chest were broken. In the blood this guy vomited, some white things should be some internal organs. At this level If it's like this, it means that this guy has no hope.

After this contact, Liu Ning and Zhao Wudi both frowned. On the surface, Zhao Lele had achieved a decisive victory. This guy was already seriously injured, but both Liu Ning and Zhao Wudi knew that Yamamoto was seriously injured on the surface. , But this guy's combat effectiveness is still very strong, there is no decline at all, how exactly did this cause it?

The two felt extremely strange. Under such an injury, if they could still maintain the original combat effectiveness, that would be surprising. I really don't know how this guy maintained it.

Besides, they asked about it just now. In such a battle, it is never allowed to drink any potions. If you are allowed to drink potions, then this kind of battle will probably be lost. Since this guy has no way to heal himself He’s injured, but why are you not worried at all? Looking at the expression on his face, he actually felt that this was what he wanted.