Invincible Demon Ancestor Evolution System

Chapter 412: Soldiers come to block

"How can you Bai Jue..." The succubus looked at Bai Jue with some complaints, but was scared by his eyes.

The Charm demon stomped his feet in a desperate manner, but when faced with Bai Jue, he dared not say anything, so he had to point the finger at Ye Xiu.

"Ye Xiu, don't be lucky, this time you have Bai Jue to protect you, but you won't be so lucky next time."

Ye Xiu knew that the succubus did not succeed this time and would never give up. Instead, he would think of more ways to **** himself, even if he knew these things well, he was not at all angry.

Soldiers will cover the water and earth, I have time to play with you.

Then he pretended to be afraid and hid behind Bai Jue, by the way, he pretended to be shivering.

Feeling the fear of the people behind him, Bai Jue cast a warning look at the succubus again: "Succubus, it is better to spend more energy to deal with the next thing than to threaten Ye Xiu here."

The charm demon was speechless when he said something, so Ye Xiu gave Ye Xiu an angry look and gave up.

At this moment, a strong black smoke quickly surrounded the three of them, and there was still a pungent smell in the black smoke, which made Ye Xiu cough.

"Ahem, where are you Baijue."

Ye Xiu coughed while clutching his nose while shouting Bai Jue. It must not be a good thing for this black smoke to come so suddenly, then...

But at this time, there was no other sound except the sound of cold wind blowing through the bamboo forest. He was originally in the middle of the night, and with the black smoke, Ye Xiu couldn't tell the direction at all.

He stretched out his hand and fumbled forward, and the steps under his feet were also moving slowly. He tried to find the two of Bai Jue in this way.

But suddenly a foreign object hit Ye Xiu's back neck, and in the next second Ye Xiu fell straight down.

When he woke up, he saw that it was indeed a strange town, and Bai Jue and the succubus had already disappeared.

Ye Xiu got up from the ground with his hands on the ground, and then watched the surrounding environment vigilantly.

There seems to be no one living here, but looking around, it is full of white houses, even if some houses are relatively simple, it does not affect the beauty of this place.

After looking around, he found a detail, it seemed that there was a symbol on every door of every house, but this also made him very chagrin.

If I knew it, I would have learned more, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to understand a little symbol.

As he walked forward cautiously, he kept muttering: "I don't know where Bai Jue and the succubus go, it's really boring."

Slowly he walked to a stone monument. He was hungry and tired, and he really had no interest in patrolling this weird street alone.

Looking up at the scorching sun, he was even more unable to lift his energy, sighed lightly, and sat down in front of the stone monument.

He couldn't find the place where Bai Jue and the other two could go now, so he had to recharge his energy in the same place, so he shrank his body into a ball and hid in the shade under the stone tablet, closed his eyes and took a rest.

But what he didn't know was that bright red blood was oozing on the stele behind him at this time, flowing down the three words "Ghost Street", its speed was slow, but it was also visible to the naked eye.

Gradually, Ye Xiu closed his eyes, and did not see the blood on the stele flowing everywhere.

Ye Xiu opened his eyes abruptly when he finally felt that something was wrong, and his hand also inadvertently touched the stone tablet, and he subconsciously looked at it when he felt the wet sticky thing in his palm.

I didn't know that he was startled when he saw that his white fingers were soaked in blood, his eyes widened in fright, and he immediately bounced off the ground.

Turning to see the white stele behind him was already stained red with blood, the three characters "Ghost Street" instantly came into view, and he looked down at the place where he had just lay down with some disbelief. They were all stained with blood.

Ye Xiu was taken aback, because the scene in front of him was really crippling.

He stood up abruptly and ran forward a few steps, trying to get out of this place of right and wrong, but the more he wanted to leave, it seemed that there was a force that would keep him from leaving.

This feeling made him a little frightened. He tried to restrain his emotions to calm himself down, but the weirdness of this street made him suspicious.

Everything here has lost its vitality, but he always has an instinct that someone is following him.

He gritted his teeth, this breath was so terrifying that he hardly dared to look back, so he had to run forward with all his strength.

But even though he used all his strength to rush forward, he never rushed out of this street.

Is this the legendary ghost hitting the wall?

He knew that this place must not stay for too long, hesitated for a moment, or looked aside, and found a place to hide.

"I'm going, where on earth is this place? The wind gusts around is too scary." Lan Xuan couldn't help but vomit.

You can't see anything in the dark, only the entrance in front of you can let in some light. Even so, it gives Ye Xiu a sense of security.

The scene that just happened is still fresh in his memory. He didn't dare to relax for a moment, but the "100-meter sprint" just now made him exhausted. Now that he found a "safe" place, he wanted to sit down and take a breath.

Suddenly, something rolled to his feet.

Ye Xiu used the faint light to discern what was at his feet, "Ah..."

He was so scared that he quickly crawled out of the hayloft.

It turned out that he saw a **** head, even though the head was completely unrecognizable, it still made people scared.

Ye Xiu crawled out of the straw shed, but when he turned around, he found that the street was full of **** heads, there were hundreds of them.

But why are there heads everywhere here, but only a body is missing?

This makes him puzzled.

It is said that it is rare and weird, so seeing so many at once is a kind of psychological test. He trembled and tried to calm his mood, carefully observing some heads.

He found that the blood on these people's heads was still bright red, indicating that these people had just died, and the incision in the neck was flat, indicating that it was cut off by a sharp weapon in an instant.

However, what kind of sharp weapon can cut such a wound?

Suddenly, a cold wind blew behind him, and Ye Xiu hurriedly wrapped his clothes tightly, but did not notice that a group of people behind him were walking forward in an orderly manner with umbrellas, and stopped until they walked behind him.

Ye Xiuxian was observing the head intently, and accidentally ran into the person holding the umbrella behind him. At that moment, he thought he had hit another person's head, so he closed his eyes and folded his hands together and bowed his head in apology.

"Sorry, sorry, I have no intention of offending, I..."

As he spoke, he realized something was wrong, gathered up the courage to half-squint and looked at the person in front of him before he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he couldn't help complaining: "Oh, it's a person."

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