Invincible In the Beginning

Chapter 283: Terrible Eternal Protoss, to the Io Univ

brush! brush! brush! brush!

Ye Xin is exactly the same as his three avatars, full of masculinity.

Then, like a wolf preying on it, he pounced on the four girls.

Immediately, all the clothes on his body disappeared.

In the shyness of the four women, four **** of light were wrapped inside like a cocoon.

Do shameful things.

Through double cultivation, Ye Xin continuously passed on to them the avenues of his own comprehension, improving their realm.

A wave beats a wave.

Ye Xin's endless comprehension kept pouring into the body of the Eternal Empress.

The Eternal Empress's body was flushed red, and her face was intoxicated.

Enjoy the happiness of this practice.

The three ultimate cosmic laws that she inherited are constantly rotating in her body.

Started to march towards Chaos Realm.

With such cultivation, I am afraid that within 100,000 years, one will be able to cultivate to the Chaos Realm.

Boom! ! !

The flash flood broke out, and the essence of Hongmeng entered the body.

The Eternal Empress actually condensed the Hongmeng Eternal Body.

Talent and strength, greatly increased.

In another cocoon.

Ye Xin hugged his sweet wife Li Yue'e.

The essence full of sufficient energy was injected into Li Yue'e's body.

Li Yue'e cried out in relief.

The delicate body trembled.

Chaos up and down, actually exudes the breath of the Holy Emperor.

The ice blood in the body is actually nourished by the Hongmeng essence injected by Ye Xin. Genius one second to remember 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

Evolved into the Hongmeng Ice Body.


If you don't deliberately restrain yourself.

By the way, if you take a breath, millions of light-years in radius will be frozen into ice.

In the third cocoon.

"Ye Xin, being your wife and cultivating with you is the greatest happiness in my life."

Concubine Mi's eyes were silky, and she looked at Ye Xin full of love.

He was gasping for breath.

"Let me break through to the realm of the Holy Emperor!"

Concubine Mi said infatuatedly.

"Okay, my husband will help you break through to the Holy Emperor Realm now."

Ye Xin laughed.

In an instant, the essence of Hongmeng was injected into Concubine Mi's body.

Boom! ! !

A terrifying aura burst out from Concubine Mi's body instantly.

She became a holy emperor!

At the same time, Ye Xin helped her condense the Hongmeng Taoist body.

In the fourth heavy cocoon.

Ye Xin and Yan were like water, practicing with ease.

In her body of Hongmeng Water, Ye Xin received incomparable nourishment.

Ye Xin also nourished her in turn,

Soon, she also broke through the bottleneck and became a holy emperor.

Yan Rushui is also the person who can let go the most.

The voice was very loud, screaming wildly with impunity.

He was very involved in his cultivation with Ye Xin.

Ten thousand years have passed like this.

Except for the heavy cocoon of Ye Xin and the Eternal Empress.

The other three cocoons burst open instantly.

At this time, the three naked women came out at the same time.

A terrifying power radiated from his body.

Holy Emperor's limit!

The three girls smiled at each other.

There is no embarrassment.

Serving Ye Xin together is not one or two times. Naturally, you can let it go.

"Sister Empress and Ye Xin should cultivate for a long time."

"Now that we have broken through the realm of the Holy Emperor, we will first go out of the Hall of Inheritance to accept the inheritance."

"Then, come back with Ye Xinshuangxiu, and strive to directly break through to the Chaos Realm."

The three girls laughed.

"Sister, let her go to accept the inheritance first."

Yan Rushui was fascinated by Ye Xin.

I wish I could cultivate with Ye Xin for the rest of my life.

Naturally, I hope that I will be the first to accept the trial and come back to practice with the person I love.

"I know that my sister is in a hurry and wants to be loved by her husband, so if you are the elder sister, let you go first."

Li Yue'e said with a big smile.

As for Concubine Mi's character of not fighting or robbing.

Afterwards, the three women's volleyball teams entered the Hall of Inheritance.

Successfully accepted the inheritance of an ultimate universal law.

Then, go back and continue to practice with Ye Xin.

With the help of Ye Xin, he attacked the Chaos Realm.

In the blink of an eye, 100,000 years have expired.

The cocoon that Ye Xin and the Eternal Empress cultivated broke open.

At this time, the Eternal Empress, all over her body, was dazzling with golden light and mighty.

The whole body is enveloped by an aura that dominates the world and dominates the world.

The leaked breath can easily tear apart the sun and the moon, shattering a universe.

However, she is such a domineering and unparalleled eternal empress.

In front of a man, he was so obedient and allowed him to slaughter himself.

Ye Xin smiled and flew to the front of the Eternal Empress.

He took her in his arms.

The big hand is making trouble in front.

The Eternal Empress, who had a domineering face just now, became extremely warm.

A face filled with happiness.

"Empress, congratulations on breaking through to the Chaos Realm. With the power of your three ultimate cosmic laws, the terrifying old Chaos Realm must be your opponent."

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Ye Xin laughed.

"It's all your credit."

The Eternal Empress smiled.

"Ye Xin, you know that when you first met, why did I help you, even killing the Thunder Punishment Heavenly Emperor and hurting the Fengxing Saint Ancestor?"

The Eternal Empress suddenly asked.

"why is that?"

Ye Xin looked at the Eternal Empress suspiciously.

Speaking of talent, in front of the eternal empress standing at the peak of the chaotic universe.

That talent is really nothing.

It is impossible for this to protect himself so much that he would not hesitate to kill his own people.

This question has always troubled him.

It's just that he didn't take the initiative to ask the Empress.

"At the beginning, I figured out how to break through the realm of the Holy Emperor."

"He told me that the person who can draw the eternal sword is my destiny."

"And, my destiny will be able to help me break through to the Holy Emperor Realm."

"After meeting you, I not only broke through to the Holy Emperor Realm, but now I have become the Chaos Realm."

said the Eternal Empress.

"Haha, so that's the case, it seems that I'm really your destiny."

"Hahaha, from now on, I will be your destiny person for the rest of my life."

Ye Xin laughed.

Holding the Eternal Empress even tighter.

She is the man of destiny of the Eternal Empress.

Why, she's not the one who was destined for her?

Without her, Ye Xin might have been killed by the Holy Ancestor Feng Xing long ago.

without her. Ye Xin would be suppressed by the three emperors of the human race.

Although, his life is not in danger.

But his wife, his relatives, friends, and disciples will all perish.

In the whole world, he is the only one left.

At that time, what's the point of living?

"Well, I want you to be a man of destiny for the rest of your life."

The Eternal Empress said affectionately.

In the presence of domineering women and lovers, they will become affectionate and gentle.

After a long time.

Boom! ! !

The three worm cocoons vibrated at the same time.

A piece of cocoon, formed into ice, emitting absolute zero temperature.

A slender ice man walked out.

The whole body exudes the aura of Chaos Realm.

A piece of cocoon turned into a monstrous sea with turbulent waves.

In the sea, the endless sea began to spin.

A huge whirlpool of water rushed into the sky.

Then a water beauty was formed.

A piece of worm cocoon turned into a picture of yin and yang fish.

A beauty with natural Dao rhythm, shrouded in a huge Dao formation, appeared in front of her eyes.

"The three younger sisters broke through to the Chaos Realm."

The Eternal Empress said happily.

"Haha, I, Ye Xin, are really lucky. All four wives are in Chaos Realm."

Ye Xin laughed.

In the universe, it is almost impossible to have a chaotic wife.

Ye Xin has four Chaos Realm wives.

All the men in the universe can be extremely envious.

"Xin, we are in Chaos Realm now, we don't need to accept your protection anymore, we can fight side by side with you."

Li Yue'e smiled.

This has always been her greatest wish.

Fight with her husband.

Whenever I look at the Great Axe Holy Emperor and the Eternal Empress, I fight with Ye Xin.

In my heart, I was so envious that I wanted to die.

"Yes, with my current understanding of the formation, I can use various auxiliary formations to help Ye Xin fight."

Concubine Mi, with a profound Taoism, is extremely holy.

"Ye Xin, since you became your wife, you have been protecting me."

"There will be enemies in the future, so let me protect you."

Yan Rushui laughed.

It should feel good to protect the people you love.

"Our four sisters joined forces, we don't need those men."

The Eternal Empress also interjected and laughed.

"Yes, the ladies are all so powerful, I don't have to do it for my husband, let the madam do it."

"I'll keep some of my body to deal with the four of you."

Ye Xinwei laughed.


"You are bad."

"Ye Xin, I didn't expect that you are old and serious."

The proud hum sounded upwards.

"You dare to scold your husband, and let him teach you a lesson."

Ye Xin condensed a water polo and wrapped himself and the four daughters in it.

No need to practice.

Ye Xin doesn't need to turn into three avatars.

This time, he played four.

This battle lasted for ten Chaos Era.

just ended.

This horror is the longest battle in the history of the universe.

Ten chaotic eras, more than a billion years!


Time accelerates space, and a hundred chaotic epochs have passed.

Outside, only 100,000 years have passed.

At this time, the inheritance of the Jing Clan in the Holy Land of the Universe was completely digested.

The power of the entire Eternal Protoss can be said to have skyrocketed.

The core members, all become the Supreme Patriarch.

Quantity, more than 10 billion.

Ten billion!

In the original chaotic universe, the total number of the supreme ancestors of the entire universe was only tens of thousands.

Now, the number of supreme ancestors of the Eternal Protoss has exceeded 10 billion!

Terrifying, the eight chaotic clans in Li Tianyu world, all the supreme ancestors combined, are far from so many.

There are countless holy kings.

There are nearly a thousand holy emperors!

A thousand holy emperors!

The Marquis of Chaos was so frightened that he ran for his life in panic.

As for the number of Chaos Realms, it is extremely terrifying.

Anyone who has taken Hongmeng Dao Fruit has broken through to Chaos Hou.

Ye Di and Ye Hao, the two little guys, also broke through to the Chaos Realm.

There are already thirty-six princes of Chaos in the entire Eternal God Race.

The Thunder Clan only has thirteen, and the Snow Clan has fifteen Chaos Marquis.

Of course, there are also Lei Zu and Xue Zu, the two kings of chaos.

However, Ye Xin's current strength is comparable to that of the Chaos King.

If you wait until the fifth divine bead.

He can directly break through to Chaos Realm.

At that time, what kind of terrifying realm will the strength reach.

He couldn't even believe it himself.

Absolutely a very terrifying realm.

Such an Eternal God Race is absolutely powerful to the point of terrifying.

Can sweep all the universes.

The Io universe is a fusion of the three universes.

All will be existences that don't look a single blow.

Among the thirty-six princes of chaos.

Because of the double cultivation with Ye Xin.

Received his Dao inheritance.

The strength of the four daughters, Eternal Empress, Li Yue'e, Yan Rushui, and Concubine Mi, is definitely at the peak of Chaos Hou.

The combat power of each realm in Chaos Realm is divided into three levels: ordinary, veteran, and peak.

Ye Xin took the "Space-Time Divine Pearl" back into his body.

The acceleration space is over.


One after another, terrifying figures exuding a chaotic atmosphere flew in front of Ye Xin.

"Brother, I have really become a Chaos Realm!"

Zhang Qingyang was excited to keep his eldest brother and kissed wildly.

Ye Xin's face darkened.

My third brother, every time he gets excited, he has to kiss him.

Ye Xin still loves his third brother.

Not a single kick kicked him away.



Ye Di and the little guy Ye Hao ran over.

One hundred thousand years have passed, and they have grown to be seven or eight years old.

The Great Emperor, the growth rate is really too slow.

"You two little guys have also broken through to the Chaos Realm."

Ye Xin smiled kindly.

When my children were young, they never enjoyed their father's love.

Ye Xin put all this regret and guilt on the younger generation.

"Grandpa, I can finally defeat Lei Jue and get justice!"

"I can finally avenge my father!"

Ye Hao roared.

This depression has been held in my heart for too long!

too long!

It made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Brother, don't worry, brother will help you get justice together."

Emperor Ye patted his younger brother Ye Hao on the shoulder.

"Father-in-law, father!"

Changshan Ying, Ye Xuan, and Ye Qingshang came out.

At this moment, Chang Shan Ying was still shocked in his heart.

like a dream.

He actually broke through the Holy Emperor Realm and became a powerhouse in the Chaos Realm.

It's really unimaginable.

He knew that he had taken a good wife.

If you don't marry Ye Qingshang.

The end of his life may be the Holy King.


Wukong, Su Yingxue and other disciples also came out.

"Big brother."

The Master took his disciples and walked out.

Haoran's righteousness that has just arrived in the sun is terrifying.

Master definitely has the peak strength of Chaos Realm.

He really walked his own way.

"I have seen Ye Zu!"

At this time, the cores of countless Eternal Protoss all came out.

Salute to Ye Xin!

they know

Ye Zu helped them with their achievements today.

Ye Zu became the object of crazy worship of the entire Eternal Protoss.

Ye Xin immediately announced that the entire Eternal Protoss will celebrate a thousand years.

A thousand years later.

Ye Xin broke into the Io universe alone.

It's time to get back the fifth divine bead.


Io Universe.

Darkspawn Abyss.

The ancestral land of the dark demons,

This is one of the forbidden places in the Io universe.

On the long history and strong heritage.

The Darkborn Demon Ancestor is definitely the most powerful race in the entire Io universe.

At this time, in front of a huge building.

This is a huge dark tower.

The powerhouses of countless dark demon races sat cross-legged outside.

As if waiting for something.

Boom! ! ! !

Suddenly, the entire Dark Tower shook violently.

The terrifying power of chaos shrouded the entire darkin abyss.

"It's the ancestor who woke up!"

All the dark people were shocked.

They were all excited.