Invincible In the Beginning

Chapter 5: Survival of the fittest

"Don't worry about it, just go."

A voice as light as the wind came from the carriage.

Li Daozong restrained his expression and immediately became extremely respectful.

"Yes, Master."

Immediately, he ignored the obstacles of the disciples of the six major sects, and continued to drive the bullock cart.

"Hehe, there are still people who don't know how to lift them up. Kill them."

The disciples of the six sects, their lungs are about to explode with anger.

In the territory of Xijiang Prefecture, there are people who dare not give them face.


More than a dozen people charged directly at the ox cart with sharp knives in hand.

He vowed to tear the two madmen to pieces.

Then, when they were ten feet away from the bullock cart, their expressions suddenly changed.

They only felt that a terrifying force was impacting their internal organs.

Boom boom boom! !

The disciples of the six major sects exploded to death one after another.

Like balloons exploding with heat.

Li Daozong, who was driving the bullock cart, continued on without any expression on his face.

In front of Ye Xin, he was as weak as an ant.

But, in front of this group of warriors, he is like a god! ,

"Drive! Drive!"

At the foot of Guangmingding Mountain, two youths in their twenties and a girl of sixteen or seventeen looked flustered, and the horses kept beating their hips and galloping.

And behind them, there are dozens of disciples of the six major sects, chasing after them.

At this time, the main forces of the six sects were all besieging Bright Summit.

The Kunlun faction is in crisis of extinction.

As a result, the top management of Kunlun decided to select three true disciples of Kunlun who are naturally gifted, send them down the mountain to escape through a secret passage, and keep the last fire of Kunlun.

With the talents of the three, and given time, they will be able to rebuild Kunlun.

"We just went down the mountain through a secret tunnel, why were people from the six sects found out?"

Looking at the chasing soldiers behind, Gu Qingfeng frowned slightly.

Only the Sect Master and the core elders in all dynasties have the right to know that secret way.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for the six sects to know the whereabouts of the three of them.

"Eldest brother, what should we do?"

Mu Yingxue looked at Gu Qingfeng anxiously.

The pursuers from behind were getting closer.

"Junior Sister Mu, Junior Brother Lin, hurry up and leave, I'll stop you later."

Gu Qingfeng gritted his teeth and said decisively.

"Eldest brother!"

Mu Yingxue looked at Gu Qingfeng in astonishment and called out anxiously.

She was obviously unwilling to leave Gu Qingfeng behind.

"Don't hesitate any longer, Kunlun's future depends on you."

"You cultivated to the pinnacle of a grandmaster at the age of sixteen, and you are the most talented disciple in Kunlun's history."

"I can die, but you must never lose."

"Junior Brother Lin, protect Junior Sister Mu well."

Gu Qingfeng said solemnly.

"Eldest brother, take care."

In the end, Mu Yingxue still focused on major events, nodded with tears in her eyes, and prepared to leave.


At this time, Lin Lei, a young man in black, suddenly attacked Gu Qingfeng.

Without the slightest defense, he was pierced by a sword.

"Senior Brother Linley, what are you doing? Why did you want to kill Big Brother?"

Mu Yingxue roared in pain.

She dared not to believe that Senior Brother Lin would take action against Senior Brother.

"Lin Lei, it turns out that you betrayed us and told the six sects that we were going down the mountain."

Gu Qingfeng's face was pale, his eyes were wide open, and he looked at Linley angrily.

At this time, he still didn't understand that Linley was a traitor, that is, his IQ was zero.

No wonder the three of them were hunted down as soon as they exited the secret passage.

"Kunlun is destined to die, so I naturally have to plan for myself. I don't want the rest of the year to be only desperate, or even killed by people from the six sects."

Linley said with a gloomy expression.

People are not killed for their own sake.

He just wants to live and live better.

"Damn it, Brother Linley, I, Kunlun, treated you like a mountain and raised you up. I didn't expect you to be a greedy person who betrayed our Kunlun. I'm ashamed of you."

At this moment, Mu Yingxue's pretty little face was full of indignation.

The jade hand was already on the hilt of the sword, and he could not wait to kill the traitor Linley immediately.

At this time, the men and horses of the six sects also caught up.

"Haha, Mu Yingxue, Gu Qingfeng, you can't escape."

Tianjiange Elder Feng Wanli said with a smug smile.

Mu Yingxue was the sure-fire target of their six sects.

Otherwise, with her talent, they will have trouble sleeping and eating in the future.

"Elder Feng, Gu Qingfeng has already been dealt with by me, and now only Mu Yingxue is left."

After the traitor Lin Lei killed Gu Qingfeng, he came to Feng Wanli and smiled ingratiatingly.

The disciples of the six major sects immediately surrounded them, surrounding Mu Yingxue in the center.

"I didn't expect that my face, Mu Yingxue, would be so great that the elder Wu Sheng of the Heavenly Sword Sect would actually go out in person."

Mu Yingxue looked at Feng Wanli and sneered.


Feng Wanli didn't talk nonsense with Mu Yingxue, and directly ordered the disciples of the six sects to take action.

After some battles, although there was Mu Yingxue, who was at the pinnacle of the Grand Master, she was outnumbered and soon fell to the ground with serious injuries.

The snow-white dress has been dyed red with blood.

The beautiful cheeks are pale and colorless.

"Mu Yingxue, I am the strongest genius in the Western Xinjiang for thousands of years, and his appearance is even more unparalleled. Disciples, today I will take advantage of you. Come and enjoy this arrogant girl."

Feng Wanli not only wanted Mu Yingxue's life, but also wanted to insult her.

He pretended to be famous and upright, but his deeds were incomparably despicable.

When Feng Wanli was young, he injured his lower body in a duel and was unable to act.

Because of this, I became a little perverted, and I like to see women being masturbated.

In order to satisfy the perverted pleasure in his heart.

After hearing Feng Wanli's words, the eyes of hundreds of disciples of the six major sects were obviously brightened.

For Mu Yingxue, the number one goddess in the Western Xinjiang, her heart is naturally full of fantasies.

"Mu Yingxue, this bitch, I have long wanted to kiss Fang Ze, and I hope Elder Feng will fulfill me."

Lin Lei's face showed a wicked smile, and UU reading stared at Mu Yingxue's delicate body.

When he was in Kunlun, Mu Yingxue was the object of his fantasy every night.

However, Mu Yingxue was highly valued by the elders, and he did not dare to act rashly.

Now, here's a great opportunity to realize your fantasy.

"Okay, for the sake of your great deeds, I'll allow you to pull her jackpot."

Feng Wanli patted Linley on the shoulder, showing a smile that every man understands.

Linley has a good talent, and Feng Wanli is going to introduce him to the Heavenly Sword Sect

Mu Yingxue, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, saw the excited eyes of hundreds of wolves eating her, and her body trembled with fright.

Her heart sank completely.

Can she really escape the insult today?

The whole person became desperate, and his face was full of grief and anger.

At this time, an ox cart passed by.

But no one paid attention to it.

"Master, do you need to take action to save that girl?"

Li Daozong's face was a little sullen.

He was still a little uncomfortable with a girl doing such a thing.

Kill, kill, but why do such despicable things?

However, now he is Ye Xin's servant.

Naturally, he wanted to ask Ye Xin what he meant.

"No, move on."

An emotionless voice came out.

Ye Xin knew too much about the tragic experiences of mortals.

For thousands of years, his heart has already been rock solid.

Ye Xin's attitude towards people who have nothing to do with him.

Just like on the earth, the life and death of the animal kingdom, human beings must not interfere.

Let them fend for themselves and obey the laws of nature.

The weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive.
