Invincible Scanning System

~: 912th Neuronal Connection


Qi Xiaosheng thought about the complete plan.

"However, the technology of the earth is still worse.

Their mechas only look huge, they look very strong, but they are very inflexible, especially the thought control, which is also extremely restrictive and needs improvement.

In this regard, they should make their mechas stronger, reaching level 5, or even level 6. "

Qi Xiaosheng thought about the evolutionary route of the earth's mecha.

"If you give me more time, it is not difficult to create a 7th-level armor or monster, but only one year is definitely not enough."

Qi Xiaosheng pondered, and finally, he thought of a way.

Of course, all this requires a big premise.

Thinking of this premise, Qi Xiaosheng went directly to the Institute of Biology, took the thought helmet, and put it on his head.



Hong Kong, Shard Dome Hunter Base.

Hunter base has never been more lively.

Over the years, mankind has finally achieved a tremendous victory, successfully closing the space cableway on the Pacific ocean floor and repelling the invasion of the pioneers.

This is an unprecedented victory, a victory for mankind.

When the news spread from the hunter base, all human cities greeted cheers, and that night, Shushui held a grand evolution performance and celebration.

Hunter Base is no exception.

This is the first time in many years that the Hunter Base has relaxed, and all staff and all soldiers have shown a relaxed expression for the first time.

However, in the underground laboratory, two people did not rest.

These two are Newt and Herman, the two research geniuses of the Hunter Base. It was they who discovered the secret of the Pioneer Tunnel, which allowed the dangerous tramp to destroy the underwater tunnel.

"They celebrated too early." Newt walked back to the laboratory angrily, saying: "Everything is not over, before I connected the consciousness of the pioneers, I felt their strength, and found that they had nowhere to go, impossible. Give up, everything will happen."

"Newt, I'm just like you, I believe everything is not over.

I also believe that the soldiers at the base will not relax their vigilance.

But you have to know how many years we have finally won, at least now the undersea tunnel is closed and you can relax. "Herman said.

"You're right." Newt relaxed. "The soldiers can rest, but we can't, Herman. Let's make neuron connections again and see what they are doing now."

As Newt spoke, he came to a huge culture tank.

A green nutrient solution is placed in the cultivation tank, and a monster's brain is immersed in the nutrient solution.

This brain is not dead yet, it is still active.

There are some instruments, optical cables, wires, etc. on the active brain, which extend from the cultivation tank and are connected to the two helmets.

This is the neuron-connected helmet, and Newt and Herman used these two objects to detect the pioneer's secret.

Now, they plan to try again.

Between them they sat in a chair, with a wide head.

"Are you ready?" Newt asked.

"Okay, let's start. Let's look at the tragic situation of the pioneers." Herman clutched the armrest of the chair with both hands, his expression was tense, and there were thin bands.

Neurons connect with the pioneers and can steal the pioneers' information, but they will also be very painful, and there is a feeling that the brain is filled and overloaded.

"Then start."

After Newt finished speaking, he directly opened the neuron connection device.

In a flash, Newt and Herman’s bodies shivered. Their bodies twitched, their eyes blinked, and their brains connected through neurons to the monster’s brain, through the void wormhole, and connected to the pioneers .

In a flash, they felt a huge amount of knowledge.

The other party's knowledge is too huge, far more powerful than the pioneers they connected before.

Bioengineering, gene editing, monster manufacturing.

This is the information they have read, but it is bigger and more powerful.

Although they only saw the incomplete picture, they still felt unfathomable and terrifying.

Immediately following, they saw the message of Mecha civilization again.

Miniature Ark Reactor.

Mark 17 armor.

Nano armor.


The mech information continues to appear.

This shocked Newt and Herman.

Since the invasion of the pioneers, the pioneers have never demonstrated mecha technology, but have demonstrated powerful bioengineering technology.

Mecha technology is the civilization that the earth is good at.

But now, the pioneers actually have information on the organic civilization?

This is something they didn't expect, and it was something they were terrified of.

Because the enemy has a mecha civilization, it will be more powerful.

However, these are far from over.

All kinds of knowledge passed on.

"What the hell? Flying cornices? East Kung Fu?"

"Iron sand palm? Eagle catches merit? Four or two pounds? This... this is not scientific!"

Both Newt and Herman were stunned.

They didn't know that at this moment, there was red blood flowing from their nostrils, their skin was pale, their bodies were trembling, shaking, and saliva was flowing from the corners of their mouths.

If, at the moment, they are monitoring with physiological indicators, they will sound a harsh alarm.

However, their instruments are very rudimentary, and they have not prepared these things.

After a long time, Newt and Herman stopped shaking. The two passed out.

Their clothes were soaked in sweat, just like the old ones pulled out of the water.

A day later, the two came awake.

They stood up and removed the neuron connector, but there was still a weird green flash in their eyes.

"I'm going to remodel the thinking device."

"I'm going to study nano armor."

The two did not look at each other at all, as if talking to themselves, but they seemed to be talking to each other in a very strange state.

However, in the eyes of others, Newt and Herman were originally two science freaks, UU reading has a strange personality and is difficult to touch.

In the eyes of everyone in the Hunter Base, the two are scientific research geniuses, and their solitary and strange personality is normal.

Therefore, the abnormality of the two people was not discovered by outsiders at all.

In a blink of an eye, a month of human victory has passed.

Newt has developed a new type of thinking device. This device can greatly improve one person's thinking, so that one person can drive an armor, no longer need two people to cooperate.

This is a huge improvement.

In the past, driving mechas required two or even three people. They had to think long and match each other in order to drive a mecha.

This undoubtedly hindered the development of Mecha.

After all, it's hard to achieve that if you think it's too long, it's a matter of picking one out of ten thousand, and it requires two people to match, which makes the difficulty once again ten thousand times.

But now, one person can drive the mecha, the difficulty is suddenly reduced by ten thousand times, and more mecha drivers can emerge and create more armor.