Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 216: Leave the earth

Chapter 216:

Although    can't beat Gu Yi Master, Qi Xiaosheng is not too worried.

  Because Ancient Master Yi also has great limitations, his strength comes from an evil god, he dare not act rashly, and there is no room for growth.

   Moreover, according to the original plot development, Gu Yi will die next.

  Although Qi Xiaosheng speculates that Gu Yi is simply a fake death, well, the responsibility of protecting the earth is handed over to Dr. Kiwi, and he takes off the burden to be lazy.

   "Master Gu Yi is okay, the other one is hard to deal with."

   Qi Xiaosheng said in a deep voice.

   His full power is also worthy of defeating the current Avengers. In the original plot, the tyrants defeated more Avengers.

  Vision, Spider-Man, members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, etc. did not appear in this battle.

   Moreover, the current Iron Man and others are still in the middle of the plot, still a long way from the peak of strength.

   From this, Qi Xiaosheng speculated that even if he did not equip unlimited gloves, he might be stronger than he is now.

   "Then won the fourth infinite gem, so that I will be stronger enough to defeat the tyrant."

   Qi Xiaosheng has his own goals.

   Power gem, this is the goal of Qi Xiaosheng this time.

   According to the time, this gem almost appeared.

  He holds a special round ball in his hand, and it emits light, which is a star chart.

   Last time I didn’t know the star road, and I didn’t know how to go to the dwarf kingdom.

  Qi Xiaosheng learned his lesson, so he specially collected a star map.

  I don't know which alien stayed on this star map. It is very rudimentary, with only the general direction and no accurate coordinates.

   But like the more powerful extraterrestrial forces like the Cree Empire, the Sundar Star, and the Scrooge Empire, there are still notes on the map.

   "Go straight to Sandal Star."

   Qi Xiaosheng set the goal and began to let the spacecraft jump in space.

   "Warning, insufficient energy is not enough to complete the space jump."

   The spacecraft's system issued a warning.


   Qi Xiaosheng was slightly surprised, and under random inspection, he found that only one third of the spacecraft's energy remained.

   This spaceship had fought asgard before and consumed a lot of energy.

   However, the earth is too far away from the Sundar star, and one third of the energy is not enough.

   "Energy is not enough?"

  Qi Shengsheng showed a difficult look.

   "Come here, this spaceship also needs'refueling', but I don't know if there is a'gas station' on the way."

   Qi Xiaosheng searched for it, and soon found a somewhat familiar name.

   Sovereign star.

   There is also a highly developed life group on this planet. They are good at researching and developing small fighters and genetic modification technology, and have developed very powerful energy.

   "I heard that the Sovereigns have developed a titanium gold battery, which is the latest energy technology and is far more durable than ordinary energy."

   Qi Xiaosheng's eyes flashed and he had a goal.

  Sovereign star is halfway along, one third of the energy should be enough.

   So, he started the space jump function again.


   With the space jump function of the spaceship turned on, a diamond-shaped mesh structure appeared in front of the spacecraft. The mesh structure was slightly toggled, and then different scenes emerged.

  The dark elf is a powerful race, and the space jump function of the spaceship has been very stable.

   The space wormhole opened, and the spacecraft made a loud noise when it broke through the sonic boom, and then rushed directly into the wormhole.

   The whole process is very wonderful. When the spaceship traverses again, it has reached the other end of the wormhole.

  Here, he has moved away from the Milky Way to the Sovereign Galaxy.

   Sovereign is a very powerful form of civilization. It controls the power of an entire galaxy and can extract stellar energy without worrying about the energy crisis.

   The spacecraft arrived at the Sovereign Galaxy, and Qi Xiaosheng drove the spacecraft slowly into it.

   The spacecraft has just entered the Sovereign galaxy, and suddenly many small fighters rushed to the head.

   There are no pilots in these small fighters, but the pilots operate remotely, which can avoid casualties.

   After all, even with Sovereign’s high civilization, training a pilot is very expensive.

   After the small fighter, it was a huge command warship. A woman was sitting in the battleship. The woman had golden skin and perfect body, and her face appeared proud.

   The woman is the high priest Ayesha of the Sovereigns, which is equivalent to the status of president and prime minister.

   "A dark elf broke into Sovereign and must be eliminated." Ayesha showed her disgust.

   The dark elf used to use ether particles to try to turn the entire universe into a dark world, but it was the enemy of the universe.

   And the Sovereigns focus on perfection, so they hate the dark elves.

  Under the command of Ayesha, countless small warships immediately rushed over and began to attack Qi Xiaosheng's warship.

   "Huh? Attack when you meet?"

   Qi Xiaosheng frowned, and wanted to understand at random.

  The dark elf, this quirky black warship can attack Asgard, enough to prove that the performance is very powerful.

   Qi Xiaosheng manipulated the whizzing dark spacecraft to evade quickly, evaded the attack of a series of energy weapons, and maximized the spacecraft's performance.

   "It seems that flying skills, such flying skills are unique in Sovereign."

  High priest Ayesha showed her surprise.

   This is a group of thousands of fighters, but no black battleship has ever been hit in this way.

   At the same time, the black battleship in front also sent a signal.

   "The high priest, the spacecraft sent a signal that he was not a dark elf, but only captured the dark elf's But the ship's energy is not enough, so you need to stop at Sovereign Star."

   After the spacecraft interpreted the signal, someone immediately wanted Ayesha's report.

   "It turns out not to be a dark elf."

  The high priest Ayesha showed a sudden look.

   He was still wondering why only a dark elf ship came over.

   "Since that is the case, stop the attack."

  Under Ayesha's order, the fighter group stopped, but did not return, and still surrounded the black warships.

  Under the circumstance of fighter jets, Qi Xiaosheng drove the spacecraft with little energy into Sovereign Star and landed on the tarmac of Sovereign Star.

  Sovereign stars are highly developed, with tall buildings and clean streets.

   These high forests are full of beauty and are carefully designed. The surrounding streets have also undergone a unified plan, making everything full of a perfect feeling.

  At the same time, Qi Xiaosheng also saw the Sovereigns.

  The bodies of these Sovereigns are all golden skin. Except for the skin, other places are like humans.

   In addition, Qi Xiaosheng found that the Sovereigns are perfectly perfect, and there is no one who is fat or too thin and short.

   "I heard that Sovereigns pay attention to perfection, and the offspring all pay attention to genetically modified perfect babies, and the body should have a golden ratio, and now it looks true." Qi Xiaosheng said to himself.