Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 127

"Comrade Balajang, love is free. No one can reprimand a love that happens freely, can you? So when can Lubyanka deliver the package?"

"I don't know. The host is crazy about the entry procedures for all beautiful girls around 18 years old. Maybe they have to smuggle the package in."

Romanov did not respond, and walked forward silently.

At the same time, Guangdong Heiyun International Airport.

The blonde girl with her hands on hips stared at the officer in front of her: "Is there a problem with my passport and visa?"

The girl actually speaks fluent Chinese, but she still has a somewhat foreign accent.

"Yes," the other party replied with a smile, "We are contacting the consulate of your country for confirmation. We cannot confirm the problem at this time. But it is very likely that you will have to take the next flight to Liverpool to return to the place of departure."

"WHAT?" The girl patted her hands on the counter, and started talking in her native language. "I am a fashion designer. I will have my personal brand show at the Guangdong Fashion Week next week! I am preparing for this brand show. It’s been a year! I have designed 30 sets of Chinese-inspired costumes! Now that I am not allowed to enter the country, my hard work has been wasted!"

The person at the counter smiled and replied in standard English: "We know your identity, but your passport and visa have problems. We can’t do anything about it. Maybe you can go to the consulate of your country for help, but you must reach the next flight. Return to the place of departure."

The girl sighed heavily, took back her passport and other documents, and left the counter dejectedly.

She went straight to the toilet and entered the toilet. She took out her small mobile phone and dialed the number of her assistant far away in her home country: "Damn, they won't let me in! My solo exhibition was completely destroyed! What? Invitation letter I showed it, it's no use! Okay, okay..."

At the same time, on the other side of the earth, in the telecommunications room of the "Government Telecommunications Bureau", the agent in charge of communications put down the phone and looked back at the supervisor behind him: "Ms. M, sorry, I couldn't get in. We prepared a perfect cover. Identity, the agent himself is a really famous and talented costume designer, but... he was stuck by them."

"Are they going to restrict all young girls from entering the country like this?"

Ms. M, who was slightly fatter, frowned and said.

"Generally speaking, even if a girl aged 18 or younger is restricted from entering the country, it will not have much impact." The deputy behind Ms. M said, "In addition, we speculate that it may be related to the appearance of the girl."

Ms. M glanced at her deputy.

"Your opinion is that we should make the girls ugly before sending them in?"

"The whole analysis department thinks so."

Ms. M was silent for a while, and took a deep breath: "Just do this, let Shelley come back, prepare the best makeup artist, and a new identity, move fast, to be ahead of other countries."

Qi Xiangwen looked at these new subordinates sitting in front of him-they were not new. Several of them were old acquaintances in the anti-secret agencies, but now they were all subordinates transferred to him.

"The two Japanese who were killed by KGB and us today can already be determined to be spies of the Japanese Cabinet Bureau of Investigation." The tall man who was talking was named Chen Zhongwu, who was from an investigation team, and later went to Shijiazhuang "Communication Engineering College". After studying for a while, and then working in the anti-secret agency until now, "We searched their residences and raided two spare safe houses, and we didn't find more valuable things."

"Are there any clues for girls and superpowers?" Qi Xiangwen asked.

"No, there are only some documents that seem normal. Both of them are middle-level management of Japanese-funded enterprises dispatched to Guangdong. The documents are all internal documents of the enterprise."

Qi Xiangwen nodded.

"In addition, today the airport sent back a talented British girl costume designer. We speculate that she may be a colleague of the Government Telecom Bureau."

Chen Zhongwu showed the photo of the girl at the airport counter on the big screen in the conference room.

"We think that she may take advantage of the opportunity of the costume show to gather intelligence everywhere."

"In addition, today we confirmed that Renault will enter the country, but it is not in Guangdong."

Qi Xiangwen frowned: "Let Renault? French movie star?"

"Yes, this is the public identity. In fact, he is an agent of the French Foreign Affairs Investigation Bureau. He uses his true skills to act in the movie." Chen Zhongwu shrugged, "Old Qi, the VIP in your hand is very attractive. what."

I really like to let Renault appear in real life, huh.

Chapter 107 The Eve of Life's Decisive Battle (ten more)

Of course Ma Sha didn't know what happened in these secrets. He continued to spend the last time of high school peacefully.

Time soon arrived on the evening of June 5th.

After dinner, Ma Sha and his parents looked at Ma Sha very seriously and cleared his throat.

"Tomorrow, silly, you remember, as long as there are no regrets, it's fine. Anyway, what you reported to is a Yixian University. Yixian University recruits thousands of people in this province. You will definitely be able to go. So..."

"Dad," Ma Sha interrupted Dad, "I will get the champion back."

Dad was shocked, looked at each other with his mother, and said, "No, listen! We took the first place for a year, that's enough! Dad and mom know your strength, so you don't have to ask for it tomorrow... "

"I didn't force it, I will really get the champion back."

Ma Sha has actually guessed what these "old couples" are going to do. He must have read some articles on the public education account, such as "Ten things that parents must do before you watch them, and you will regret it if you don't read them." For example, "How should qualified parents help their children adjust their psychology before the exam", etc.

Then they wanted to come over to help Ma Sha relieve the tension or something.

Mom and Dad, I understand very well.

"Dad, mom, don't worry, I'm not nervous at all. Really, just wait to see me get the champion."

Ma Sha's father and mother looked at each other with an expression that something bad happened. Mother said: "I see it, but fortunately, we said it in advance. It is exactly the same as in the article!"

Ma Sha was shocked, what the hell, my dignified king of yellow clothes, could it be calculated by an ordinary public account writer?

He frowned and said to the two elders: "Dad, mom, most of the articles on the official account were written by sand sculptures that failed to pass the test of Tsinghua University and Peking University. Do you really think it is a teacher or an expert? People are really capable teachers. And experts are now receiving high salaries in think tank companies supported by foundations. Who is free to write your official account? That little income is not as good as a fraction of other people's monthly income."

Mom and Dad were speechless for a while, and after looking at each other, Mom went out and said, "But, your reaction just now is exactly the same as what others said. "It doesn't make sense to set an imaginary goal. Confident, isn’t this how you were just now? How accurate!"

——No, I will really get the champion, it's all already decided. Although I often learn from Kiryu Wartu that the law of victory has been decided, this time it was different, this time it was really decided.

——It doesn’t sound good. Even if I hand in a blank paper, people will pinch my nose and get things done for me.

Ma Sha looked at his parents and sighed: "Your two elders are good at everything. It would be better if you can trust those official accounts. I'm really not nervous at all, don't worry."

"No, you can't be too nervous! You need to maintain a moderate amount of tension to help you perform supernormally!" Mom said.

Ma Sha is speechless-what do you want me to do.

"Well, I'm moderately nervous, moderately nervous!" Ma Sha put on a serious expression, "I am very moderate now."

My mother looked at Ma Sha, frowning, and complained to her father: "Look at your son, don't take the words of your father and mother seriously, tell you, don't listen to the old man's words to suffer in front of you..."

"But what you said is not what you said. Those articles on the official account may not be written by people much older than me. How come the old man said it." Ma Sha shrugged.

At this time his father sighed.

"Forget it, forget it, let him prepare to go."

"Why let him prepare to go by himself? This is a very important thing...Do you know? Now, the college entrance examination is the least difficult ascent path. Look at you, a battle hero, boasting that you are alive when you chase me. Legend, isn’t it also a middle class now? If you came back for the college entrance examination that year and went to a university, look at the first batch of college students who resumed the college entrance examination, which one is not a master?"

The mother sighed and looked at Ma Sha: "Son..."

Ma Sha: "Mom, don't you increase the pressure on me? I am so nervous by your words now."