Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 210

"You..." The party secretary sighed, "I lost to you, I really hate you."

"I know, I can see the magic weapon clearly."

"This is still shown on the magic weapon?" The party secretary looked surprised, "Then you should know how much I hate you, right?"

"I know."

If you have a negative opinion rating, it’s your party secretary.

"Then you still come to coax me? Isn't it good to let me sink and explode?"

"Not good." Ma Sha said categorically.

The group secretary paused, and said: "I won't be like this, I already have a sense of belonging here, and I will clean up the mess for you to the last minute anyway. So you don't have to worry about those..."

"I have no worries." Ma Sha decisively interrupted the party secretary's words.

"Then what..."

"Because I love you," Ma Sha glanced at the party secretary and deliberately added a nasty nickname, "My little fool."

The secretary of the regiment choked on his face.

At last she sighed and said for the second time: "I lost to you."

She paused.

"I'm telling you the truth now, you promise me, don't waste time looking for scenery that can move me."

"Then you say first, I will decide if I find the scenery in the end." Ma Sha tried his best to make this statement full of domineering presidential temperament.

The party secretary brewed for a while, and said in a much lower voice than before: "My father and mother's marriage has no love."

Ma Sha glanced at her, did not speak, let her continue.

"From the time I can remember, our family's dinner table is where everyone eats their own heads.

"My parents never quarrel, they will talk about anything, and calculate the benefits clearly. Even the division of property, they can sit down and exchange opinions very calmly."

Ma Sha glanced at the party secretary again, and asked timely: "Can it still be like this?"

"Well, there is no mood swing at all, and they exchanged opinions calmly, as if sitting across from each other is not a partner who has been with him for more than ten years and raised a daughter together, but a stranger.

"When the second semester of high school, remember?"

The secretary of the regiment asked suddenly.

"You can question everything about me, but you can't question my memory, of course I remember. You wanted to say that you suddenly called me that time and I want to accompany you to the movie, right?"

"Yes, that time."

"You also especially told me not to bring Chihiro. I thought you were going to confess to me."

"Who wants to confess to you! Dream! There are everything in dreams. I hated you to the extreme at that time, because I felt that you existed to laugh at my step-by-step life."

"Unfortunately, I have to clean up the mess for me again and again." Ma Sha said triumphantly, "This shows that I can't help but attract you!"

"Come less!" The party secretary hit Ma Sha, and then sighed, his voice suddenly changed, "It was that day, my parents decided to divorce, but the divorce would affect my college entrance examination, so they agreed that only my college entrance exam will be released without repeating the exam. Only sign the divorce agreement when necessary."

Ma Sha turned to look at the party secretary: "So...they are now divorced?"

"Yeah. Very simply. After knowing my grades, the two of them simply came up with a divorce agreement and signed it in front of me."

"Then you ran away from home?" Ma Sha continued to ask. Of course he remembered that the party secretary came out with a suitcase in the morning.

"I don’t have a home anymore. Where did you run away? It’s obviously that my home collapsed and I was left alone. When I came out with my suitcase, my mother asked me, "Would you have a place to eat?" I ordered She nodded, and she didn’t ask any more. Dad said, “Tuition and other expenses will be applied to your card, this house belongs to you, and the real estate certificate has its name changed.”

Ma Sha stretched her hand over and took the hand of the party secretary.

Instead of running away, she turned her palms over and shook Masha's hand back.

Fingers crossed, and the girl's body temperature spread through her skin.

The party secretary said: "I'm so miserable. In the end, I can only wander the world with the man I hate to death."

"I'm so sorry." Masha said.

"I'm going to move to live with Cai Shi tomorrow. Has the decoration been done on her side?"

"It's almost there. The engineering team hired by Boss Cai is very efficient."

"Well, by the way, does she have a piano there?"

"No. Oh, it's very convenient to buy one. Boss Cai is rich and powerful."

After a brief digression, the party secretary was silent for a few seconds and said again: "I originally made a deliberate mistake in preparing for the college entrance examination. Then I want to repeat the exam and my parents will not get divorced. After a few times, I will become a family. Squatting, nibbling on the old family, so that my parents have to support me all the time."

Ma Sha remained silent, just squeezed the girl's hand.

The party secretary asked: "Guess what changed my mind?"

"I guess it was my overlord who forced the bow to change your mind."

"Yes." The party secretary smiled, "Now you can make the world in the car like this, most of my credit. Without me, what can you do?"

"Well, we can't live without you." Masha said sincerely.

The opening bet on whether I can make five changes before 12 o'clock.

Come on, place a bet, place a bet.

Chapter 186

Ma Sha suddenly pulled out the hand that was interlacing with the party secretary.

The party secretary stared at him: "What's the matter? You..."

Ma Sha stood up, got behind between the driver and the co-pilot, picked up the loop through the wall, and put it on the door.

"What are you doing?"

Ma Sha gave a thumbs up to the party secretary: "Activate the skill and you will know."

"Oh... it's activated."

In the next moment, the bread returned to the real world. It galloped on an unfamiliar highway. On the left was the sparkling sea under the moonlight. In the distance, you could see the brilliant lights of the bay city.

Ma Sha took down the wall ring and threw it on the ground, then went back to the front row and sat in the driver's seat.