Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 288

There is no explosion.

The horse sofa made a sound as if the **** couldn't be pulled out: "You won't get up again... I'll... die!"

Then he was picked up by Chihiro in power armor like a chicken and thrown into the car.

The secretary of the regiment got into the car immediately-she barely squeezed through the back of the car to enter the world in the car.

Chihiro could only "sit" in the trolley as much as possible.

Masha let the car enter the shadow of the earth.

The moment he entered the shadows, Chihiro was forced into the car by some force, and the power armor was deformed.

Ma Sha hurriedly thought of instructing the magic weapon to cancel the armored equipment.

Chihiro suddenly lay down in the car and screamed: "Oh my God, I was almost squeezed to death. Fortunately, this power's a bit strange. If it is an ordinary power armor, it is the kind produced by the factory. It's a meatloaf."

"In short, the armor protection is very good. We already know this thoroughly." The regiment secretary standing in the world of the car is also equipped with armor. It is a magic weapon derived from an SSS-level magic weapon. No, it should be a magic weapon derived from an EX-level magic weapon?"

Ma Sha also sat up: "The missile that hit the wall just now did not explode, which is strange. Is it a malfunction?"

"No, I feel like I turned off the fuze deliberately." Qianxun got up and sat down on the seat of the car. "Some missiles have been very close to me just now. These missiles are usually near bombs. Fuze, right?"

"Of course." Masha nodded, "Since more than one missile is like this, someone has given an order to turn off the fuze. The attack is probably..."

Ma Sha stopped talking.

Because he saw light coming in from outside the house.

Now only he can see the real world scene.

The girls all looked at Masha suspiciously.

Cai Shi asked: "What's wrong?"

"Someone is coming, so fast."

The girls looked at each other.

The next moment the wall of the abandoned house was exploded, and countless red aiming lights shot in and landed in a messy house.

The first thing that entered the room was a power armor, which was equipped with a flamethrower-like weapon, but there was no flame at the muzzle. Ma Sha guessed it might be something like a riot spray.

After the first power armor entered, it was followed by a power armor holding an energy shield.

Ma Sha doesn't know that technology has actually developed to this point now-has the original shield technology been lit? The sledgehammer shield in Overwatch is not science fiction?

——Wait, Overwatch, isn't it part of the publicity plan to get the world to get used to superpowers?

——Is the omnic

Of course the people who rushed in couldn't find Ma Sha and the others.

Ma Sha looked back at the girls, and finally turned his eyes to Cai Shi: "You and the little girl really didn't go out just now? Didn't you drop your hair or something on the ground?"

Cai Shi: "None of us went out."

Ma Sha took off his hat and stroked his short hair.

——My hair fell to the ground, it is probably not easy to find.

——Yes, it should be okay, right?

——After that, we need to solve the problem that may drop hair or something on the scene and be found.

In fact, it is easy to solve this problem, just get a Kamen Rider or Ultraman leather case and put it on.

Of course, you can also wear Kumamon bear doll outfits.

"Aren't you leaving?" Chihiro asked.

"Wait, I want to see if they find anything afterwards."

"If you find it, you can't come forward to stop it, right?" said the party secretary. "Let's go, go back, or the ghost will become suspicious."

After thinking about it, Ma Sha drove away from the scene.

After a while, they returned to the garage of the maid's shop, and the car returned to reality with the cooperation of the wall ring and the team secretary's skills.

Ma Sha got out of the car and headed for the stairs first.

The fourth floor was quiet, and there was no sound at all.

He crept up the stairs and saw the ghost lying back on the chair, his hands drooping naturally, and an open black tea bottle poured on the ground next to it.

Today there are currently 2712 blades.

The debt hasn't reached 100, so don't panic.

By the way, the sponsor plans to use the money to engage in a new book NPC design contest. You design a dragon set in the book review area, and finally I choose the three most satisfactory, and then use them in the subsequent plots, and send cash red envelopes.

I don’t know how much the red envelope is, maybe 50?

Come, the focus is on participation.

Chapter 253

Ma Sha looked at the ghost and ghost who was asleep in the chair and would surely stumble tomorrow, and fell into deep thought.

——Why does she drink this black tea?

——I told her this is sleepy black tea!

——Could it be that she wanted to drink water while she was working, so she drank it when she picked it up?

Ma Sha thought for a while and felt that this was the most likely.

——But, in case she drank it deliberately, through this behavior tell me "you can go"...

--is it possible?

——I have to confirm.

Guigui's underwear is very rustic, only one set is particularly cute, the one that I bought together that day.

——If this set of underwear is on her now, it means that the fruit is ripe and ready to be picked.

Ma Sha stretched out his hand to lift the hem of the ghost's skirt, and looked down at the outline, Chihiro and the others came up.