Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 318

——Although the name of the movie has been beaten out with great fanfare, the Americans can completely arrogantly claim that the counterattack is done by the king of yellow clothes.

——So the top management in Greater China may have made some concessions.

——However, these are all expected.

—— Deterrence. When you don’t have it, others will blackmail you and prevent you from possessing it. When you really have it, others will not dare to blackmail you.

——This is like a big mushroom. There are always articles on the Internet saying that any country can create a big mushroom as long as it is willing, but it cannot be made under pressure.

——But in fact, when you really have big mushrooms, no one dares to really put pressure on you.

This is different from ordinary mushrooms. Big mushrooms are the real nuclear deterrence, and ordinary mushrooms do not have that great deterrent effect on big countries.

So a country that has the ability to create big mushrooms will really do it, and you will be the sixth handle of the Blue Star. No restrictions are used. The reason why there are only five carrying handles with big mushrooms is simply because other people can't come out.

Now Masha has a deterrent effect.

Although others can't be sure that he did it, he doesn't plan to let others get evidence, and it's definitely him.

But in the future, no one would dare to send a commando team to break into this ordinary maid shop in the south of the university town.

After all, no one wants to backhand his own spy agency to be bombed into the sky, right?

This is the biggest purpose of Marsha's determination to attack Langley.

This is deterrence.

Of course, you don’t let people do it hard, they will definitely change the way, right?

Chapter 277 He didn't do it, how could such a good young man like Ma Sha... (five more)

At this moment, about a fifteen-minute walk from Masha’s maid’s shop, there is a street breakfast shop.

A bunch of foreigners came to this breakfast shop today.

To be precise, it is a few foreigners.

Sitting on the westernmost table in the whole shop are three sturdy big men with serious expressions and a man who is a little smaller, but looks obviously more capable. The man seems to be quite young. , Maybe more than fifty or even close to sixty, the hair on the top of his head is sparse, but the sharp eyes like eagle still make no one dare to underestimate him.

The strong man on the left hand of the man asked in Russian: "Comrade Vladimir, what would you like to eat?"

"I heard that la vermicelli is a characteristic of Guangdong, so you must taste it."

The man nodded, and then shouted to the boss in Chinese: "Boss, give me four stacks of pigs and add fans, hurry up."

Counting from west to east, on the second table sit a few gentlemen who ran the wrong set.

The theme of this table is actually a sense of violation:

The ordinary roadside early stall is the kind of stall that pulls a cart out and puts a table on the street, and next to the table for 40 yuan, sits a hand-made suit wearing a set of 8,000 pounds. , The brown-haired man with his leather shoes shiny and square glasses on the bridge of his nose...

I took four more at once.

It is simply impossible to have no sense of violation!

The key point is that Guangdong is so hot now, and meticulously wearing a suit or something, it's just crazy.

The person on the third table from the west looks much more normal-looking—but it depends on how normal is defined.

If you usually sit at a table like this early stall with a group of guys who look like members of a foreign underground rock band, then no one will think it's normal.

But now they are much more normal than the gentlemen in suits and leather shoes squatting on the pony pony waiting to be served.

However, the three Asians of this group of people fighting the table, the office worker's respectful attitude towards their superiors, all of a sudden wiped out this normality.

Counting to the east, the fourth-well, the one that counts the table together should be the fifth table, and the people at the table feel completely different.

"August, what are you talking about?" The short bald man frowned and asked the companion on his right very quickly.

"Stanislas, I said, Jeanna..."

"Your tongue is really good, Jeanna~" Stanislas sneered. "If we can do our job well, I won't lose my position as the head of the Paris district!"

"Ah, I'm sorry about that. Then, Jeanna..."

"What's wrong with her? Women from other countries have already been dispatched! Where is she?"

"She helped an old grandmother who was knocked down on the way here. She is now in the hospital waiting for her family to come over. In addition, she asked us one hundred thousand world dollars to pay the old woman's medical expenses and mental loss."

"What? She knocked down the man?"

"No. But it seems that the rule here is whoever sends it to the hospital who pays."

"RUA! Didn't she realize that she was blackmailed?"

"I think... I realized it, but she is a kind girl. If no one pays for the grandmother..."

"She's still an agent!"

"No," August wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Isn't she, didn't you read her file? She is the most beautiful girl chosen by our department from the trainees of the dance group."

"???" Stanislas stared like a bull's eye, "What are you talking about?"

"Uh, the above seems to think that romantic French girls can easily win all their relationships as long as they are beautiful enough."

Stanislas half-opened his mouth, looking at his most trustworthy deputy, and then said, "I can't believe it, our boss actually came to the same conclusion as the Japanese, and sent a layman. ."

"We had the opportunity to protest, but uh, her identity file was kept with your secretary for three days, because the file was delivered on Friday..."

"So the secretary went home. What about you, how about you?"

"I'm working overtime with you." Auguste shrugged.

Stanislas waved his hand helplessly. This gesture was very similar to the rest gesture made by the conductor at the end of the music.

"You know, my dad is Polish." Stanislas sighed. "I really shouldn't wade in this muddy water. I should go back to Poland, be a real conductor, and then conduct the Warsaw Philharmonic. The band recorded BGM for Cyberpunk 2077. That must be more interesting than it is now."

Auguste shrugged.

On the command vehicle, Chen Zhongwu looked at the image sent back by the drone.

The drone operator asked Chen Zhongwu: "Should we not take them in one pot now? Why do these people suddenly come out?"

"Because Langley was beaten yesterday." Chen Zhongwu said calmly.

"Does it matter?"

"I don't know the specific things, but if this kind of thing happened, the Americans - North America will definitely protest. Not long after yesterday's raid ended, the Langley Building went to heaven, and a bunch of spies and people died. Intelligence analysts, the Americans insisted that this was Masha's counterattack. We must make some concessions here, right?"