Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 345

——But, I will not let you, let you do what you want, I have seen through your tricks!

Shelley is fighting spirit.

—— Mortals will not succumb to you transcendents who have received the favor of God!

In fact, Shelley is not a devout Christian. After all, she often forgets to pray before meals, but now, she can't help but put Masha in the position of God's choice.

A transcendent who can deceive people's hearts, only God's choice can do such a thing, right?

Think about it carefully, doesn't the appearance of superpowers mean that God exists?

——However, I will not succumb, even if it is God, it cannot affect my free will.

Shelley was even more motivated.

Ma Sha looked at Shelley and was very puzzled: Why can this person have a bitter and hatred expression after eating a soup noodle?

——Is the joke I just made a bit too much?

Thinking about it carefully, I specially ordered French fries and grilled fish just to create a contrast. It seemed a bit unkind for a girl who took so much trouble to trick me.

I’m British. It’s bad enough to grill fish with potatoes and look up at the stars all day long. From time to time I have to eat Haggis, the national dish of Scotland. Can make Ma Sha, a Guangdongese, feel fishy.

But if there is a chance, Ma Sha still has to eat. As an authentic Cantonese who has eaten even cockroaches such as sea cockroaches, nothing can stop him from pursuing food.

In short, the British girl is miserable enough, and it is really unkind to sprinkle salt on other people's wounds-Ma Sha came to a conclusion on his own, and then gave Shelley a portion of every delicious Cantonese cake.

"Eat more, eat more." He showed his old mother's expression when she was picking vegetables for a child who had returned from school.

Shelley maintained the surface calm.

——I will not be fooled, Huairou has no effect on me.

But the delicious food in front of her tempted her.

——This layer of jelly-like thing (thousand layer cake) seems to be delicious, but one bite should be fine, right?

Shelley cut off a piece with a spoon.

——So flexible! The taste of this jelly must be very good!

She put the "jelly" into her mouth expectantly.

There is no strong sweetness as expected. In fact, the sweetness is very weak. Correspondingly, there is another kind of taste that Shelley doesn't know what it is. It tastes a bit like sugarcane juice, but it is very light and moisturizes Shelley's tongue.

After eating one piece, Shelley was still a little bit overwhelmed, and decided to take another bite and continue to taste the peculiar taste.

At the second entrance, Shelley felt that happiness and the faint sweetness spread from the mouth to the whole body.

——Wait a minute! In the count!

——This delicacy is also a trap! Moreover, Ma Sha and the king of yellow clothes said at the beginning that they should use delicacies to corrupt me! (Actually not, but Shelley himself twisted the memory into this way)

——This is his assassin!

——No, I can’t eat it. I’m an Englishman, so I should eat French fries and grilled fish!

Shelley stared fiercely at the food in front of him.

——No, I have eaten this jelly, I should finish it, or it will be wasted.

-It is wrong to waste food.

——The food itself is not wrong.

Shelley picked up the spoon, dug the third spoon, and put it into her mouth in a panic.

——After eating this jelly, I will never touch anything else again! Never touch again!

Today's goal is five shifts.

I forgot to calculate the owed change yesterday, and now I still owe 48 more. It is estimated that 46 more shifts will be owed after the five shifts today.

Yes, I am a three-shift guarantee.

I feel sorry for the votes you voted because I feel that the two are more guaranteed.

Chapter 300 Heroes (two more)

Twenty minutes later, Shelley felt his chubby belly and looked at the pile of empty dishes on the table, sinking into self-condemnation.

——Damn, I really am too weak, I must train my mind to be stronger!

At this time, Ma Sha ran over and touched her belly directly.

Her thinking was completely down.

--Eh? Why would he do this?

Ma Sha smiled and said: "True circle, how many months old?"

Chihiro: "If you make trouble again, I will let the ghost come over, pinch your ears and pull you away."

Ma Sha obediently turned and went back to the back kitchen.

Guigui bowed his head and cleaned up the table with Xiao Shi, while Tuan Party Secretary and Cai Shi calmly swept the floor.

Chihiro patted Shelley's shoulder, who was still in a down state: "This sand sculpture is always full of power, so it is possible to do this kind of sand sculpture at any time."

Shelley looked up at Chihiro: "Why did he touch his belly, not his chest?"

"Don't try to understand the sand sculptures," Chihiro said solemnly, "but with my years of experience, he probably just saw your belly bulge, and he wanted to come over and say'a few months'. Touching your belly is just Subconscious side action."

Shelley looked blank. In his cognition, no "gentleman" would do this kind of thing. No, not even a gangster would do this kind of thing. The gangster always stared at his chest and buttocks.

Chihiro suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Actually, Ma Sha has a special preference for the abdomen, because he has collected a lot of books from teachers who are particularly good at drawing abdomen, such as Da Qiang Weiren."

Shelley subconsciously blocked his abdomen.

"So, if the abdomen curve is very good, the umbilical dress will be a plus."

"I can't wear it!"

Although Xiao Shi was clearing the dishes, she felt like she was listening with her ears upright.

She didn't notice that Bai Quan's child had disappeared.

Ma Sha is preparing to take a break in the back kitchen-although he is not tired under the influence of the tool man's crown, fishing is just a human need.

Whether tired or not, humans will want to fish.