Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 401

Dojima Group Office, Kabukicho, Tokyo, Japan.

Suddenly a large group of police surrounded the office, and then two men in trench coats who were not wearing police uniforms walked towards the door of the office under the watchful eyes of the uniformed policemen.

"I am Shiratori from the Cabinet Investigation Office. I have something to ask your team leader."

"The leader has no time to pay you..."

As soon as the little leader of the gatekeeper opened his mouth, the elevator opened, and an obviously higher leader came down and said loudly: "The leader is upstairs, Mr. Shiratori, please."

So, the man in the windbreaker named Shiratori was invited to the team leader's office.

"Your Excellency, I am here this time to ask you about one thing: Have you ever heard of an organization called'Shadow'?"

Nepal, as a country of Buddhism, there are many monasteries in Nepal.

Quite a few of the monasteries did not actually enjoy the blessings of the recent pilgrimage tourism, and they still lived a life of poverty and asceticism.

Among them, there are many monasteries that quietly worship some unusual gods.

On this day, a group of Indian soldiers took a few motorcycles and drove mightily to the door of a small temple.

A large group of Indian troops immediately rushed into the temple and caught the believers who were worshiping a strange Buddha statue with an indescribable aura.

The leading officer kicked the face of the monk who presided over the ceremony and shouted in Hindi: "Say! Where is the shadow organization!"

Romania, an old castle in the mountains.

Suddenly, the Mi-28 catastrophe helicopter formation with the red star emblem painted on the white border appeared, facing the castle, there was a burst of rockets washing the ground.

At the same time, a convoy of several armored vehicles on the ground was advancing quickly. The commander of the convoy poked his head out and cursed the helicopter team: "Only a living person can tell the secret! You idiots! Do you understand the living? ! Who taught you to catch captives like this?"

"It was taught by the FUZE instructor, Mr. Commander." The helicopter pilot said in Russian with a Ukrainian accent.

"Cykablyat!" the commander scolded.

South Africa, Johannesburg slums, the slums finished a day of begging and were about to return to their dirty dens. Suddenly, the roar of engines came from the sky.

The experienced poor immediately ran.

The remaining people who hadn't seen the "big scene" more than ten years ago raised their heads in doubt, and the huge figure of the B-3 Arsenal Bird flying high in the sky came into their eyes.

Then came the helicopter group. Because it was Africa, the French and Tanzanian helicopters appeared.

Soon, the French Foreign Legion wearing white hats and Tanzanian soldiers who spoke Mandarin with Shandong accent rushed into the slums.

South Africans are obviously more afraid of the dark-skinned Tanzanians than the French Foreign Legion. Everyone knows that they are Chinese servants.

Well-trained world government forces rushed into the homes of the "underground kings" in the slums.

"Say! Do you know the film organization?" the Tanzanian officer asked in fluent Chinese.

Chapter 349

Ma Sha certainly didn't know that so many secret organizations were uprooted because of him.

These organizations are also really unlucky. They didn't do anything. Suddenly a group of people rushed in and smashed the pots and pans.

The culprit slept happily until dawn, and did not forget to rub the beauty in his arms when he got up.

After getting up, Ma Sha Pidian went downstairs, chose a nice enamel teapot, opened the door in the food store, and rushed into the wonderland.

Shelley was already awake and was running around the banyan tree for exercise. When Ma Sha came in aggressively, she was taken aback. When she saw that he was holding a pot in his hand, she understood at the time, she yelled, "NOOOOOO!"

Ma Sha: "Don't be afraid, I'm not your father!"

As he said, he wiped the rim of the teapot twice, and Shelley was sucked into the teapot with a swish.

Shelley's voice came from the teapot: "What are you going to do?"

"So you can stay with me forever." Masha said, "I also chose an enamel teapot for you, which is not easy to break, and it is just right to carry it with you."

Shelley didn't protest anymore—it seemed that she really wanted to be with Ma Sha.

Mashamez carried the teapot and walked through the random door to return to reality.

He carried the teapot, went to the first floor, put the pot on the table, and then opened the lid.

The teapot screamed: "Hey!"

"Huh? Can you feel me opening the lid?" Masha asked in a low voice in surprise.

"I...I don't know, you, don't just mess around!"

Shelley's voice was interrupted because Ma Sha put the lid on the teapot again.

——She can definitely feel it!

Ma Sha took the lid of the teapot and kept opening and closing it.

"You, what are you doing!"

Shelley was obviously panicked.

Ma Sha whispered: "Shh, it's late now, and Xiao Shi is coming over soon. Don't make any noise."

"Oh...but you..."


So Ma Sha took out the inner pot of the enamel teapot-this was for the tea leaves.

This teapot is not the kind of ancient purple clay teapot, it is just a beautiful enamel teapot, of course it has a stainless steel wire inner pot for tea.

Shelley said again.

"Hush!" Ma Sha originally wanted to put the bladder back again.

He packed the tea leaves in the inner pot, inserted it back into the teapot, then took the hot water that had just been boiled, and poured the water into the teapot.

The teapot made a strange noise again, and Masha ignored it.

——It should be because of thermal expansion and contraction.

Generally Ma Sha drinks tea, there is nothing particular about it, there is nothing to wash tea. Old Cantonese people only have these specialties when they drink morning tea. Ma Sha is not old and does not pursue these.

He directly poured the tea from the first round into the cup.

The teapot made a mysterious sound again.