Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 455

His wound was quite deep just now. Although he was disinfected and bandaged in time, there was still a slight suppuration, and because the wound was relatively large, no scabs formed immediately.

Now, you can see that new pink flesh has grown on the edge of the wound.

This feels quite magical, because the pus or something is obviously still there, and the granulation has grown...

Ma Sha just watched his wound heal little by little, and the pus in the wound was actually squeezed out of the wound by the newly grown flesh.

Five minutes later, the wound had healed completely, and the squeezed out pus formed a long water mark on Ma Sha's hand.

Masa took the gauze he had just removed, wiped the pus, and carefully observed his hands.

The scar is still obvious, obviously Xiao Shi's power can't heal the scar.

Ma Sha again commented on the status of Bao Shang Xiao Shi: the belief value has been returned to zero.

——So, 1,000 faith points can cure such a stab wound?

——Or is it possible to use one treatment in exchange for 1000 beliefs?

——We must continue to test, for this we have to collect more beliefs.

——It seems that Xiao Shi must be turned into an idol...

Ma Sha was thinking, Hong Ye came over and glanced at Ma Sha's wound: "Wow, the wound is healed! Xiao Shi is super!"

As soon as the voice fell, the faith value in Xiao Shi's status bar changed to 2.


——Wait, just now Hongye thinks Xiao Shi is great, so he adds 2?

——Then why was it just broadcast live, the popularity was so explosive, only 1,000 faith points, as long as 500 people think that Xiao Shi is powerful, it will be 1,000, right?

——Could it be said that this is also related to the devotion of believers?

——A hundred pious licking dogs, no, believers, provide more faith than ten thousand spectators?

——So it feels like being a female anchor is better than being an idol.

Ma Sha weighed it up and thought it was better to try to see how effective the female anchor is — of course, if you can, try to see the effect of becoming a virtual anchor.

While sighing that there are so many things to do, he asked the magic weapon to call out the card of the child Baiquan.

——Oh, sure enough, there is still a bit of favorability.

The favorability of Baiquan children towards Ma Sha is the same as Xiao Shi of the year, 30, but a favorability is enough, and you can see her attributes.

Probably because of his young age, this guy's force-sensitive body is at the level of trash fish, and his perception is only 10, but his intelligence is as high as 18, which is the same as his charm.

——Sure enough, this little guy is very smart, and considering that children learn things fast, maybe after this month, her Chinese has reached the level where she can conduct daily conversations.

Human learning ability generally decreases with age, with a few exceptions.

Those exceptions are either the type of wisdom and demon in themselves, or the stronger self-control gained by age is purely hard work to maintain the effect of learning.

For most people, the ability to learn and master new things and skills will decline with age.

Baiquan is only 10 years old, and it is the time when his learning ability is strongest.

"Bai Quan may already speak Chinese," Ma Sha said to the girls, "So you all pay attention. Don't talk nonsense when Bai Quan is there."

Xiao Shi was surprised: "She has only been in China for a month! And before coming, the Japanese Cabinet Investigation Office asked a teacher to give her Chinese lessons. She basically didn't listen well and didn't practice at all..."

"I'm afraid she did it deliberately, or the teacher made it too simple, she would do it all at once."

"Yes, is that so?" Xiao Shi looked rather surprised, "Bai Quan, is that smart?"

Masha nodded.

Chihiro: "You have Baiquan's information in your hand, how qualified is she?"

"A, so so."

Hongye yelled, "Even A is so mediocre, so why should we like B and C like that!"

"Well, my fault, A is not bad." Ma Sha changed his words, "Also, Hongye, it seems that our team's B and C qualification skills have played a lot of role. There are no waste skills, Only people who don’t know how to use it."

Hongye nodded: "I know that you are very good at Leg Mom, and can make full use of our bad skills. I just complained, complained."

Ma Sha smiled and changed the conversation: "Okay, now we have a healer, but this healer needs to collect faith points to use abilities. At present, it seems that the efficiency of collecting faith through live broadcast should be the highest. Continue to open a shop. There are also reasons. As long as our store pays attention to operations, it should also become a stable income channel for faith value."

"Should I continue to travel around the world next?" Xiao Shi asked Ma Sha with bright eyes.

It seems that she is really looking forward to traveling around the world.

"We are currently only crossing the Eurasian continent, and the world... has to wait for us to find a safe way to cross the ocean floor."

——Actually, you can fly over the sea with the body of a bamboo dragonfly, but Ma Sha is a little worried. This bamboo dragonfly will run out of power after flying just like the "original version" of Doraemon for four hours.

Ma Sha stood up and said to the party secretary: "Go, let's travel quickly."

"The last fast travel spot was in Stalingrad?" asked the party secretary.

"Yes, near Stalingrad. You turn off your mobile phones, and I want to switch the destination of the random door."

"I closed it after I got into the world in the car."

"Morning." The girls responded one after another.

Ma Sha took out the last photo of the "fast travel spot" taken last time, closed the random door while watching it, adjusted the destination and opened it

Shelley smacked his tongue.

Ma Sha looked at the night sky glowing red in the open random door.

"What the hell?" he said.

Chapter 395

Ma Sha drove the trolley and went straight to the direction of the fire-of course, the form hidden in the shadow of the earth.

It turned out to be a block in Stalingrad.

Because he saw a large number of heavily armed Soviet Red Army, Masha speculated that the fire was caused by superpowers.

As for the terrorist attack, or whether the newly awakened superpowers are showing off the power they have just gained, it is unclear.

"It seems that Europe will soon become a mess."