Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 545

After a night.

After dawn, Ma Sha took a set of mathematics textbooks for the upper grades of elementary school, and also a set of mathematics textbooks for junior high school-now it seems to be called seventh to ninth grade. Anyway, Ma Sha took these to open the random door to the planetary wonderland. After entering the door, he threw it directly in front of Bai Quan.

Baiquan has gotten up and is sitting on the bed stretching back-the planetary wonderland will rain, but the rain clouds will not move, just facing the same underground rain in that place.

Ma Sha estimated that the water circulation system of this planetary wonderland was designed in this way. The water concentratedly fell from the rain clouds to the ground, and then directly nourished the entire planet from there.

So you don’t need a house to live in a planetary wonderland. Just put a bed on the ground and a parasol.

In addition, the temperature in the planetary wonderland is actually similar to that of the island wonderland. The temperature is slightly higher, but as long as it is not exposed to the sun, it is still very pleasant.

"Is this a **** horse?" Bai Quan hadn't woken up yet, so she was a little bit milky when she spoke, which was in line with her age.

"Mathematics, you have to study here today."

"Ha, why?"

"You are so smart that you would be wasted if you didn't study."

Bai Quan blinked his eyes and looked at Ma Sha: "I'm so smart, learning is a waste, right? I can handle most things without studying at all!"

"But you didn't think about how to find Reiatsu yesterday." Masha said.

"Then, that's because you are smarter than me, you found it first! As long as I want to find it, all I need is time!" Bai Quan said stiffly.

Ma Sha: "Then why am I smarter than you? Because I have done a lot of study. The human brain is a gadget, the more you use it, the smarter it becomes. If you leave it unused, it will quickly rust into a big pile of iron."

"This is nonsense!"

Ma Sha said decisively: "This is based on science!"

In fact, Ma Sha also heard this sentence from his elementary school teacher, but now he insists that there is a scientific basis for this statement. Bai Quan has already determined that Ma Sha is smarter. As long as he has a strong enough momentum, Bai Quan will not doubt it.

Sure enough, Bai Quan did not refute, but pouted, obviously very unhappy.

If this continues, Bai Quan will definitely not study hard.

Ma Sha is also a bear boy himself, he knows what bear boy thinks too well.

"Come on," he opened the first year textbook, "When I come back, you will do the after-school exercises for this lesson, and I will buy you relevant exercise sets by the way. You can't do it, there will be no watermelon today. eat."

Bai Quan stared at Ma Sha, and suddenly said, "I love you."

"Then study hard." Ma Sha remained unmoved.

"Why! I'm so cute and confessed to you!"

"So I let you study hard. I don't want to fall in love with an idiot who doesn't even understand Bernoulli's equation."

As soon as Ma Sha's voice fell, he heard the sound of something falling behind him, and when he turned around, he saw Xiao Shi froze there, lying on his feet with the cup and teapot that had just fallen to the ground. In order to wake up quickly, Ma Sha would drink a cup of strong tea in the morning.

It is said that many people in Guangdong will make themselves sober quickly in this way.

Bai Quan gloated and shouted, "Xiao Shi, you are out of defense!"

"Xiao Shi has breasts, a special case." Ma Sha said.

The smile on Bai Quan's face disappeared in an instant. She bulged her cheeks and looked at Ma Sha.

Xiao Shi looked relieved, squatted down and began to tidy up the broken tea set.

Ma Sha began to move with reason and affection to Bai Quanxiao.

"When I was a child, I didn’t like learning, and I found it boring. Especially for mathematics, I didn’t want to do math homework, and openly said to the teacher that the homework was too simple and it was a waste of time. I could not get any improvement from it. Learn more. At that time, the old version of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms was being shown on TV. I talked to the teacher to watch the history of the Three Kingdoms and cultivate sentiments. I also recited the theme song of the Old Three Kingdoms on the spot, rolling the Yangtze River east and so on."

Bai Quan seemed to be very interested in this sudden memory killing, so he asked, "What then?"

"Then the teacher couldn't tell me, he was angry and anxious..."

"Will you not be excluded from the class like this?" Bai Quan suddenly interrupted Ma Sha, "I was excluded by those mortals because I was too smart at the beginning. After I transferred to another school, I began to pretend to be a mortal, so my desks were no longer Scribble, indoor shoes will not be hidden."

"We don't have that kind of tradition." Ma Sha shrugged, "We all respect smart people here. You see that Japan is also popular in the three countries, but everyone likes Cao Cao, Guan Yu and the like. We like Zhuge Liang but a lot of people here. . There are even three of the three favorite characters in the Three Kingdoms are Zhuge Liang, Kong Ming, and Wolong."

"Isn't that alone!" Bai Quan exclaimed.

"Yeah, this is a comic book." Ma Sha shrugged. "Do you want to hear me talk about what happened later?"

Bai Quan: "Think, say."

Ma Sha: "Later, the teacher who became ashamed and angry threw me a copy of Olympiad Math for elementary school and said, ‘You’re smart, do you do this, can you do it?’"

"Then you did it?"

"Then I did it. Although I only made a few questions, I was very angry. I looked at the teacher's triumphant face and wanted to beat him up, but I was very happy in that math class. Later I went to the elementary school in the city. Mathematical Olympiad training, and later won the Hua ** gold cup, but I have forgotten the original purpose of the teacher bitch, I continue to learn these, because for me, solving math problems is the same as playing a decryption game. Happy things!"

In fact, Ma Sha has adapted his own experience appropriately, but this is not important, this thing has indeed happened! Adaptation is not random! Joking is not nonsense!

Bai Quan stared at Ma Sha: "Will it really become interesting?"

"Yes, learning this thing, as long as you work hard to a certain stage, it will become interesting. I can tell you the truth. Among so many subjects, only history. I think it is very interesting from the beginning. Other subjects are all I started to find it interesting only after I went to school. I didn’t understand the truth in elementary school, so I resisted studying and wanted to play, thanks to the teacher who became irritated."

Bai Quan looked at the book Ma Sha piled up in front of him, with a suspicious expression on his face: "Really? Are you bluffing me?"

——Although I am really bluffing you, but when you learn, learning will become fun, which is true.

——A real student master, the reason why his top subjects are top not because of the many questions he has done, but because he likes this subject and can have fun in the process of learning this subject, so he has an inherent motivation to learn .

——And Bai Quan, with such intelligence, she is a potential student bully, and she will definitely have fun in learning a certain subject!

"Really, you try it." Ma Sha persuades.

"Well, I'll try it." Bai Quan said, "If I try, I will eat three watermelons tonight."

"Silly boy, Chinese watermelon is very cheap. You should order something expensive. Watermelon is an incidental."

"Then I want to eat sushi! The expensive one!" Bai Quan immediately changed his request.

"For sushi, there is still a gap between the top part and Japan. So, if you go to study today, I will take you to a real Fujian restaurant and ask you to eat Buddha jump over the wall, how about it?"


Bai Quan is very happy.

Ma Sha was also very happy. Since he can fool Baiquan, it means that his intelligence is much higher than that of Baiquan. Moreover, Baiquan has extraordinary intelligence. Those who can fool the extraordinary intelligence may be at a level above the extraordinary.

——My intelligence may be more than 25.

As Ma Sha thought, he waved to Bai Quan: "Then, see you after school."