Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 558

"You said that, I really agree. If you don't say anything else, even if you just know why the movie is interested in Masha, that's good."

"So we have to keep an eye on the East German." Ms. M emphasized.

Merlin nodded, but then asked a question: "Ms. M, I can't help but think, if in the end it was Gundam and the Iron Veyron who completed the commission of Miss Josephine, then how should we judge it?"

Ms. M was silent for a few seconds and said: "That means that my'conditional reflex' is wrong."

Ms. M emphasized that she was a conditioned reflex in a stressful way, which was not intuitive.

Eleven more! From 7:30 to 9:00, every ten minutes!

Can I ask for a ticket now?

But after saving the manuscript, it will be 12 noon next time!

"Devil City Revival Project" recommended by a friend: This is a story of a brave man who regenerates into a devil and saves the world by fishing.

Chapter 4 ** Find someone (twelve more)

"It can't be wrong," Shelley looked at the newspaper Masha and the others bought. "This man is Maxim Rosenborg. The burned city is Fort XXXX. In fact, it is a small town with a population of 5,000, with a population of three hundred. An old castle with a history of years."

"Where is this person now?" Masha asked.

"Sent to a new training camp on the outskirts of East Berlin to receive training." Shelley directly turned on the tablet, opened the map function, and quickly entered the coordinates. "I remember the location of most of the superpower-related facilities in East Germany."

"I fully feel that you used to be a professional and dedicated British agent." Masha said.

"I am also a professional and dedicated agent now."

"As for the traitorous agent, you must often cut the rope in the dark zone." Ma Sha said again.

"What kind of game is this?" Shelley asked suspiciously.

""The Division"," Ma Sha shrugged, "a game about a big boy or a big girl holding a BB bullet gun to save Peanut Tun DC."

The party secretary interrupted Ma Sha’s play and popular science question: "Now we know where the person is, what's next?"

"Detect first." Ma Sha spread his hands. "Our goal is to punish only Maxim Rosenborg, so we must investigate well. When we finish the investigation and draw up a plan, it's almost time to set the sun and enter the night. We will start to act."

Ma Sha did what he said, and directly based on the location of Shelley's mark, opened a door to the nearby fast-travel point, and then drove to the place Shelley drew-of course, the shadow of the walking earth.

After arriving, Masha discovered that it was a satellite city outside Berlin. There were basically no buildings over four floors in the city, and it looked like an authentic European town.

The new training camp is located to the west of the small town, so it is very easy to recognize, because the building with walls seems to be the same.

For Masha, the wall is just like a decoration. He easily got inside the wall and started looking for this Maxim Rosenborg against the photos in the newspaper.

Party secretary: "Is it too inefficient to find one by one?"

"No, because I saw people training in a queue on the playground. This is the East German army, okay?"

Cai Shi: "How do you understand? What should we understand?"

"Many of our army's traditions actually come from the German army, such as our German-style forward marching." Masha said, "I guess, East Germany's recruit training will start with queue training at the beginning, just like our army."

Ma Sha is worthy of being the son of the captain of the reconnaissance brigade, and life in the barracks is very familiar.

While speaking, he drove the car to the training ground of the queue, looking at the faces of the recruits one by one.

At this time, he found that there was a person in a Soviet uniform supervising the playground, and that person's armband was very strange.

Ma Sha turned, drove directly to the person, began to observe his armband, and while watching, described the structure of the armband to Shelley.

"It's the super-powered special forces of the Soviet Union. This person is a super-powered person." Shelley said categorically.

"The young man in the East German uniform next to him, the armband is..." Masha described the armband of the young East German soldier again.

Shelley: "It's a soldier of the East German Rapid Response Brigade, which is also a unit equipped with superpowers."

Ma Sha already understood at this time.

These superpowers at the scene are here to suppress the formation, and the guys near them wearing the same clothes as the recruits are probably the "facilitators" selected by the recruits to help manage them, and 80% are also superpowers.

After all, this is the lair of superpowers. The managers and instructors are not superpowers. I'm afraid they can't deter the recruits—especially the villains who have wiped out a small city.

The instructor must be a ruthless role in order to be able to hold the ground.

Ma Sha looked at the Soviet superpower. The Soviets were very old. Ma Sha looked at him and felt that he was in his late 20s and 30s.

——Is he an SSS class? This kind of scene can only be suppressed by the SSS class, right?

-Damn, I really want to sacrifice him!

——But maybe they haven't done anything that hurts the truth, so forget it.

Masha decided to put aside the matter of how to deal with this "family" of superpowers first, and concentrate on finding Maxim before talking.

He wandered around the playground, and every team in the queue looked carefully, and finally he saw Maxim Rosenberg in the team trained in the north corner of the playground.

——Sure enough, he just joined the new training camp must participate in queue training.

"Found it." Masha said to the girls.

The party secretary rolled up his sleeves: "How to do it?"

"Don't worry, now we don't talk about the two or three hundred superpowers outside, and there may be SSS-level town venues. This definitely can't be forced. Let's observe more and wait for it to get dark."

Speaking of Masha, he started the car again, wandered around the playground, and noted the position of the camera.

Chihiro: "The two or three hundred superpowers are so exaggerated? It's just a new training camp."

Shelley shrugged: "After all, the Soviet region was the first region to have a full-scale awakening. There are only two such new training centers in East Germany, which are responsible for educating and training newly awakened superpowers. Not all, there should be'high school students'."

Chihiro murmured: "I didn't expect to be so exaggerated, even if most of the awakened people are miscellaneous fish like C..."

Hongye: "Do you have any opinion on trash fish?"

"No, Hongye, your skills are very useful to us! Don't be discouraged by ghosts and ghosts! I mean, even if most of these awakened people are C-rank and have no combat effectiveness, but with so many people, There should also be a considerable amount of A, and a small amount of S? In contrast, awakening an S in our region is the same as the New Year."

"Really?" Masha said in surprise, "Why don't I think."

"You are singular!" Qianxun rolled his eyes, and then continued the thought just now, "If this goes on, we will have a temporary gap in the number and quality of superpowers, I mean, and the Soviet Union. ."

Ma Sha: "I know, this is not a matter of course, so I said, I will rely on Jiuding to balance and control the progress of awakening as needed. For example, we can take both of them in a few days. Come out and take it to the Soviet Union to find a place for two days."

The party secretary shook his head vigorously: "Don't, Qianxun and I went to punish the evil and promote the good. When we saw too many misfortunes, let me choose. I would rather have fewer superpowers and overall quality first."

Ma Sha shrugged.