Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 577

"When we were young, we could only watch the TV station in Victoria Harbour to see Japanese anime. At that time, the latter few game kings were not introduced in Victoria Harbour, so we kept playing the first one over and over again, so neither of us knew how many times we chopped it down. NS."

While Masha explained, Chihiro was very cooperative and shouted: "Listed Wado Kana!"

After shouting, she began to use the human voice to hum the classic beheading main melody "Re 旘闘者たち".

When Bai Quan heard it, he immediately joined the ranks of human humming-worthy of being the daughter of the person who blows the snow in Baishang. You know, one of the characteristics of the snow in Baishang is that he likes to use the cute sounds he makes to tune ghosts and animals. Accompaniment when singing.

Listening to the BGM that the two girls "ensemble" with their own voices, Ma Sha couldn't help but curl his mouth.

At this time, the party secretary vomited: "If I remember correctly, it seems that this game king popularized the slogan'No one can beat me in my BGM'?"

"Isn't it the Devil Hero Altar?" Cai Shi asked suspiciously.

Ma Sha turned his head and squinted at Cai Shi: "Wow, you also know the Dragon Sword?"

"Brother, you don't want to think about how many times you have played the stalk of the dragon sword in front of me." Cai Shi rolled his eyes, "That's why I will understand this."

Bai Quan yelled, "Hey, a girl in love is disgusting."

Cai Shi said to the little girl unconvincedly: "Don't you like brothers too?"

"I am different from you. You are his harem, I am his companion, and the harem is only a part-time job."

"Then don't stick to him in the future, it's best not to be turned over by him." Cai Shi countered.

Bai Quan: "Hehehe, I’m fine, but if you look at me so cute, it’s hard to say that your brother can’t bear it. It’s you, between Loli and Yujie, in other words, it’s nothing. No feature, you are very dangerous! Maybe you haven't been turned over for ten and a half months, you can only have a drink alone in the cold palace..."

Ma Sha cleared his throat, coughed a few times, and said, "Bai Quan, Cai Shi is a elder sister anyway, don't molest it too much."

"I haven't been molested anymore, I'm just stating the facts, it's really like this...Uh..."

Bai Quan was strangled by fate by Xiao Shi.

"Sorry, Cai Shi, I was joking."

She apologized decisively.

At this time, Masha had already seen the lights of navigable ships on the Suez Canal.

"Sit down, we are going down the Suez Canal."

Chihiro: "What, can you see Bayek's hometown?"

"This is a silly **** the Suez Canal. The Nile is still further west. Bayek's hometown is along the Nile." Masha said.

"I'm a liberal arts student, and I didn't take geography as an elective." Chihiro argued, "I just played a game, or secretly played with you. The process is endless, and I don't know how detailed it is."

Ma Sha was about to respond when he suddenly saw the boat passing through the canal.

"Wow, the Ford-class aircraft carrier is passing through the Suez Canal." He said to the girls.

Secretary of the regiment: "So, the Jews can't bear it anymore, and the Americans have to take action? But, you just said that depending on the situation on the battlefield, the Jews are attacking, and the Soviet Union and Bedouin forces are defending?"

"That's right now, but when the torrent of steel from the Soviet Union arrives here from the Caucasus through the Persian Republic, the situation will be different."

Masha shrugged: "What do the Jews use to block the red iron flow of the pigs? With the air force, they may be able to delay the Soviet army with the excellent air force, provided that their airfield is not destroyed by the strategic rocket army."

The regiment secretary frowned: "Since the two sides cannot join the air force, American aircraft carriers were useless in the past."

"How do I know that maybe the Americans would say that it was the Soviet Union and Jews who agreed not to join the Air Force. Uncle Sam doesn't have to follow it? Okay, we're going to the river."

As soon as Ma Sha's voice fell, the car suddenly fell to the bottom of the river.

Ma Sha: "Grass! This section of the river bank is vertical to Nima!"

The book guest's automatic update system has gotten into trouble.

I deleted the automatic update and sent it again.

It's 12 o'clock, vote!

Although I only have three chapters to save, there will still be an outbreak tomorrow.

Three chapters save the manuscript + tomorrow's code 5 changes, that is also the eighth update!

The next watch is still 12 o'clock in the evening!

PS: Your lychees are already 10 yuan a catty? The lychees I picked out by the old farmer on the roadside in Zhanjiang were still three yuan per catty.

Chapter 507: Heavenly Nights, YESYES!

"I remember that in Call of Duty, there was a canal scene. How could you not expect that the river bank of the canal is vertical!" Chihiro patted Ma Sha on the shoulder.

"It is true that there have been scenes of fierce battles on the canal in the Call of Duty Black Ops series, but that is the Panama Canal!" Masha shrugged, "Now, I can only look for the part of the river that is not vertical to go ashore. I remember if there is any part of the Suez Canal. The natural river channel used in the Shaohe Section should have a way to go up."

——If not, then you can only return to the real world under the nose of the US aircraft carrier battle group that is passing through the canal, and then climb ashore.

——That's too exciting.

Masha began to move along the Suez Canal towards the Red Sea.

——In any case, you can't land under the noses of Americans.

——If it doesn't work, you can only drive into the Red Sea first, and then find a place to land on the coast of the Red Sea.

Ma Sha made up his mind and went all the way. Fortunately, he quickly saw the **** he was looking for.

Without a word, he rushed up the **** and galloped on the east bank of the Suez Canal.

"Judging from the feeling of just opening the line, did you find the **** that went up?" asked the party secretary.

"Yes." Masha shrugged. "Fortunately we found it, otherwise we might have to drive along the Suez Canal all the way to the Red Sea to find a place."

The party secretary also shrugged: "I don't think it matters. Anyway, we can't see the outside scenery. In other words, in "Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea", Verne imagined a cave from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. , I don’t know if that is true."

"Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea was written in modern times, so it is unlikely to be related to the age of mythology. Moreover, it is just a modern science fiction novel. It is not modern, so it is not part of the publicity plan of the world government. So. It is more likely to be pure science fiction."

Martha paused, and then said: "However, it is also possible that Verne heard something from a secret society when he was creating, or that Verne himself was a member of the secret society. Who knows. There is. There is no undersea tunnel, at least it has nothing to do with us now."

Masa speeded up a little bit and headed westward. According to his geographical knowledge, he should now theoretically be heading parallel to the Mediterranean coast.

Cai Shi: "Now we are heading to Cairo?"

"I don't know. I'm not a humanoid map. I just drive to the west. But if you drive west along the coast, you should be able to reach Alexandria. It is also very convenient to drop by Cairo to see the pyramids."

Cai Shi smiled and said, "Couldn't the mummy be resurrected as soon as we go?"

Masha laughed: "Don't tell me, it's really possible."