Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 61

However, Masha would not be discouraged by this.

He continued to execute his plan with the will of steel.

"It's nothing, I was inspired by someone and suddenly found out that you are also a beautiful girl."

"I've always been, right?" The party secretary frowned, looking a little angry, "You still need someone to enlighten you to find out? You want to say I'm not as good as your Lin Qianxun and just say it straight."

At first glance, it seemed like it was messed up. Ma Sha glanced at Fang Qiuyi's magic weapon page, which was on the table at this time, and didn't see the information that his favorability had decreased.

Although the favorability degree has not been increased, it is completely okay!

"I knew you could play the piano. Last time at the Red May performance, I also let you join."

"You were ashamed to say that during the Red May, I was regarded by the teacher as your accomplice because I didn't notice your plan. Later, because of the appreciation of the leadership of the Education Bureau, you turned over, but you didn't bring me. Okay. I was able to be elected to the District Youth League Committee, because of this, the pretending green tea **** in Class 3 was given the top spot."

It seems... stepped on a landmine again?

Ma Sha glanced at the magic weapon page, um, not panicking, not panicking at all.

"There's still this, sorry. But you see, our friendship for the past three years is right. Look at the blackboard newspaper contest, the layout you designed was copied by Class 5, I haven't helped you change it temporarily. Is it the design? Can you get the first place in the newspaper contest without me?

"You are ashamed to say that your design is good, but you won the prize because you used oil-based paint for the effect! I actually believed in your evil, really believed that the thing was easy to handle, and the result was two weeks after the blackboard. It hasn’t been spontaneously worn down, and I think it’s not right. Then I rubbed it with turpentine all afternoon!"

"I also helped wipe it!" Ma Sha glanced at the magic weapon on the table again, not panicking, "Oh, why do you care about these insignificant details so much?"

"You care about the details!"

"Then I'll care about it with you, but I bought good paint out of my own pocket..."

The young English teacher on the podium said crying: "Ma Sha, Fang Qiuyi, can you two use your mobile phones to type and talk?"

The English teacher has a very high level, and he has no words to teach, so he can be allowed to teach the graduating class at such a young age. The first time she took her graduating class, she met Ma Sha, who likes to make troubles, first grade, and it really embarrassed her a little bit.

Fang Qiuyi took out her mobile phone and typed in. Ma Sha jumped out of the chat bubble: "That's why I hate you guy. When I think that after the college entrance examination is over, I don't need to clean up the mess for you, and endure your willful behavior. I am so happy. It's incredible."

Ma Sha glanced at Fang Qiuyi, and buckled the phone to the table—yes, he deliberately made a big move.

Sure enough, Fang Qiuyi, who had already bowed her head and started to read the fill-in-the-blank question, turned her attention here.

Ma Sha looked straight into the girl's eyes, with a serious tone: "I was just the opposite. After recalling the troubles I caused you, I suddenly found that I still like you."

Looking at Fang Qiuyi again, her apricot eyes widened, her small mouth opened slightly, and she was stunned.

At the same time, the surrounding students turned their heads around, staring at the two with wide-eyed eyes.

Chapter 048 Come, choose, girl!

The atmosphere was very embarrassing for a while.

The secretary of the regiment gathered a surprised expression and was about to speak, when the English teacher on the stage shouted: "Ma Sha, Fang Qiuyi! You two will give me... Uh, go to the library for self-study!"

The secretary of the regiment pursed his lips, and without a word, he simply cleaned up the things on the table, stood up and walked to the back door of the classroom.

Ma Sha hurriedly took his magic weapon, and was about to leave. I thought it was wrong. I only took the magic weapon instead of real exercises. What should I do if I want to solve the problems later?

So he took another copy of "Cloze Collection over the Years of College Entrance Examination", and then he chased the group secretary out of the classroom.

Chasing all the way to the stairwell, Ma Sha almost hit the party secretary head-on.

The young girl stared at Ma Sha with her hands on her hips, her face full of sullenness.

Ma Sha took out the magic weapon with a guilty conscience and glanced at the value on it-well, it hasn't changed, don't panic.

"What do you pretend to love to learn?" The party secretary said as he reached out his hand|to grab the "Huanggang Secret Roll" in Ma Sha's hand, but his hand went straight through the magic weapon and grabbed the air.



The party secretary stared at his hand.

Ma Sha stared at the magic weapon.

——This is, automatic anti-robbing? Fuck, the function is a good function, but is it not cheating that it runs automatically now?

The party secretary suddenly reacted and reached out to grab the "secret scroll" in Ma Sha's hand. Ma Sha subconsciously hid his hand before realizing that the hiding action itself indicated a problem.

The party secretary stared at Ma Sha suspiciously.

"Think about it carefully," she said, "you are a bit weird about this Huanggang secret is a bit weird. You usually catch whatever papers you do, and don't pick them at all. You even rubbed me because you finished all the questions. Newly bought papers are made, and you have been holding on to this secret paper these days. It’s not right, it’s very wrong.”

"What are you thinking about," Ma Sha smiled. "It's just a paper. Where can something go wrong?"

"Then you let me touch it." The party secretary looked serious.

Ma Shaxu is gone.

——A magic weapon, let her touch it!

Then he held out the magic weapon with the idea of ​​gambling.

"Come on, touch it."

The party secretary stared at Ma Sha for a few seconds, stretched out his hand, and was about to touch it, but hesitated in the middle.

"Don't be afraid, you can't get pregnant."

The party secretary glared at Ma Sha, gritted his teeth and touched it.

This time she touched the paper well.

The rock hanging in Ma Sha’s heart fell to the ground. He let go, and he took the paper to the secretary of the regiment with confidence—he knew that the secretary of the regiment would not take away the magic weapon in this case, even if she wanted to, he could still let him The magic weapon has returned to a state beyond the reach of the party secretary.

The secretary of the regiment looked through the secret volume in doubt, and then looked at the cloze problem set in Ma Sha's hand, seeming to confirm whether there was a possibility of being dropped by Ma Sha.

Then she returned the "paper" to Masha.

"You tell me the truth," the regiment secretary paused, stretched his head to confirm the corridor, and made sure that there was no teacher from the Political and Religious Office who was visiting the hall. Then he retracted his head and continued, "You are not doing something big, are you?"

"What can I do as a high school student?"

"My hand must have passed through your paper just now."

"That is your illusion."

"Then why did you hide just now?"

"Conditional reflex." Ma Sha replied very calmly.