Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 615

"Have you heard," "Dummy Goose" said to "The Lone Ranger", "F35 is about to be equipped in our squadron."

"I really don't want to open that kind of silly thing." The "Lone Ranger" was speechless.

"Don't say that, the Chinese have already started mass production of their advanced stealth fighters. Do you want to fight the wits with the new Chinese stealth aircraft in the Super Tomcat?"

"Why not?" The Lone Ranger shrugged, "The performance of the machine does not determine the outcome of the war."

"Come on! But this time our opponents should be MiG and Sukhoi. Our Super Tomcat should be enough."

The lone ranger nodded and looked at his landline.

"It's great that the Super Tomcat was the one who won the bid, otherwise we might be going to shoot the Super Hornet."

"This is thanks to the Soviet Union sending the flankers to the aircraft carrier, otherwise the congress masters will think that the Super Hornet is enough to hit the Yak 141." The dumb goose laughed.

At this time, the squadron leader codenamed "Puma" also got on the deck. He and his companions will drive the long plane of the Lone Ranger.

The Super Tomcat is a two-seater aircraft with two pilots.

The lone ranger is in charge of the flight, and the goose is in charge of the weapon operation.

The Cougar gave the Lone Ranger a thumbs up: "This time it looks like it can be a real fight with the MiG Sukhoi."

The Lone Ranger also gave a thumbs up: "Yes, when we equip the F35, it will be crushed with performance, it will be too boring."

The cougar laughed with everyone.

After a while, both the Cougar and the Lone Ranger boarded their respective planes and entered the catapult takeoff preparation position. The ground crew signaled the two with a gesture that the catapult hook had been connected and everything was normal.

The jet rectifier rose slowly, and the dumb goose sitting in the weapon control position behind the Lone Ranger turned his head to confirm this.

"We're ready." The dull goose told the Lone Ranger using the internal circuit.

The lone ranger glanced at the lead plane.

The cougar's voice sounded in the headset: "I'll take a step first."

The next moment, the ground crew made a "permit to take off" gesture, and the cougar ejected and took off.

"Here we are." The "Lone Ranger" gave the ground crew a thumbs up through the cockpit glass.

The ground crew squatted down, confirmed each position one last time, and then pointed his hand forward-that was the signal that he could take off.

The double thrust provided by the catapult and engine turns into a powerful back thrust.

The Super Tomcat fighter left the deck of the aircraft carrier and rushed into the blue sky, full of bombs under its wings-the Tomcat is an air superiority fighter, yes, but the Super Tomcat is a multi-purpose fighter that retains the ability to combat air and ground attacks. It's also quite outstanding.

However, so far, the Super Tomcat has not had a direct confrontation with a new generation of Soviet aircraft such as Flanker.

This first battle may be about to happen on this blue Mediterranean.

Before the air strike arrived, the Egyptian troops that surrounded the city of the dead were first attacked by the "107mm magical arrow that can be launched without being tired and troublesome".

This weapon, provided by an unnamed supplier, is characterized by extremely low requirements for launchers. You can even pile a mound, put it directly on the mound, and use a battery to make it simple. The ignition device can be launched.

Of course, accuracy can't be exacting.

However, this thing is very powerful, and it's almost okay to be accurate. Even if the enemy can't be blown up, the loud noise of the explosion can also cause a morale blow to the enemy.

And if it takes a lot of trouble to use a simple launcher made of welded steel pipes to launch, this thing is even more terrifying.

The key is that this thing is also cheap, and similar weapons of the Americans and Soviets are almost as cheap as that. The guerrillas can be used widely, so this thing is especially popular in the Bedouin area.

Now, these things fell on the Egyptian troops one after another. For a time, the Egyptians wailed and hid.

Each explosion meant the casualties of several soldiers, and the unfortunate BMP was hit directly. Soldiers covered in fire screamed and rushed out of the car and rolled around.

There was chaos on the position of the Egyptian brigade surrounding the city of the dead.

In fact, the Coptic has not yet completed the assembly. A large number of Coptic forces are coming from the desert on Toyota pickups. Now the attack is only an advance team composed of five or six pickups, with a total of less than 30 people.

These 30 people launched such a brutal firepower, which can be said to fully reflect the characteristics of modern guerrilla warfare in the Bedouin region.

After the rocket hit, the advance team drove the pickup truck and ran away. In order to run faster, the launcher was directly dismantled and thrown away.

However, the Egyptians reacted quickly, and the female deer, who had been on alert in the air, immediately began to scatter around to search for the rocket launch vehicle.

The Egyptians did not have anti-artillery radar, nor did they have light assault guns or vehicle-mounted heavy mortars that could counter such attacks. They had to be armed helicopters for this task.

Soon, the Hind found the escaping pickup team and rushed up with howling.

Only one of the pickup trucks had a 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun, and the machine gun started shooting as soon as it saw the female deer.

However, the car was too bumpy when it was traveling. Although the tracer looked flying towards the helicopter, it was actually a thousand miles away.

However, the female deer equipped by the Egyptians is a relatively early version, and the firepower of this machine is only a machine gun. The pickup truck used to hit the speed is not so effective. After several rounds of shooting, only a pickup truck belches.

The pilot switched to using rockets, but unfortunately the level of training was low, and several rounds of rocket attacks were inaccurate, only to kill another pickup truck.

Finally, the pilot of the Hind decided to use the expensive weapon on board the anti-tank missile.

The first missile swayed away from the helicopter, swaying forward in the air like a drunk.

The Coptic on the pickup yelled, and the drivers turned the car around in the desert, desperately showing off their driving skills, trying to avoid missiles that were not flying fast.

But the missile still hit a pickup truck.

The pickup suddenly turned into a fireball and stopped after advancing a short distance. The people in the car got out of the pickup full of fire, struggled for a while, and fell onto the desert.

Without calculating the value of human life, it is definitely a loss-making business to exchange a missile for a pickup truck.

The ghost knows why the Soviets didn't equip the early female deer with machine guns.

The Egyptians made a few more loss-making transactions, and then they cleaned up all the pickups.

But the other party has finished firing the rockets, causing enough damage to the Egyptian forces, and it doesn't matter if they are eliminated-they actually no longer have the ability to continue to threaten the Egyptian ground forces.

In the first round of the match, the Copts supported by the Americans can be said to have won.

Not only that, these burning pickup truck wreckages were also photographed by American satellites in the sky, which became hard evidence of terrorist organization activities near the City of the Dead.

After that, the Super Tomcats came and bombed according to the requirements of the North Africa region, which is reasonable.

It was an accident to hit an friendly army by mistake. I can only apologize.

The "Day in the Ark" recommended by my senior sister is an old author, with guaranteed writing ability and good health.

The official plot is like that, and it can only be completed by the same people!

By the way, ask for a recommendation ticket! There are enough recommended tickets. For a big dinner in the afternoon, I will post all the photos of the authors to you Kang.