Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 624

Vote if you are kind!

Chapter 546 The Real Big Winner (four more)

Two flowers bloomed on each side. At this time, American scientists and mercenaries from the base were staring at the mummies that suddenly stopped moving.

The mercenary captain looked serious: "Don't take it lightly! Bob, aim at the neck! Break his spine! I just don't know if this ghost thing has a spine."

While the mercenary captain was muttering, he asked Bob's sharpshooter to pull out the powerful revolver on his waist using a .44-caliber Magnum bullet and aimed it at the mummy's neck.

The chief scientist of the research team rushed out and shouted: "What are you doing? That is the resurrected Pharaoh, a living fossil. He holds the intelligence of the Age of Doom, which will greatly deepen our understanding of Reiki Rejuvenation! Kill it, you are all sinner!"

"What are you guys who only screamed just now? Three people died on my side and two were injured. I must make sure that it can't hurt people any more! When you can subdue it by yourself, let's talk about the end. The intelligence of the times is not too late."

The mercenary captain nodded to Bob when he finished speaking.

Bob opened fire.

But the bullet hit an invisible wall in the air, spinning in vain, and then completely stopped in the air.

A young man in a light-colored long trench coat and a cowboy hat entered the room.

"It moves again, we are responsible for suppressing it." The young man said.

The chief scientist breathed a sigh of relief: "You are finally back."

The CIA has only three expatriates with superpowers in Egypt. The other superpowers are either local Copts or black people collected from black Africa on the other side of the sub-Saharan trade road.

The only three white superpowers were deployed at this test site.

They have to go out for inspections every day.

The young man in a cowboy hat frowned: "You opened the coffin to resurrect this thing when the superpowers at the base were not present."

"As you know, we just got the prophecy, and the dragon changed the future. So we must get as many secrets as possible before the ‘dragon’ as soon as possible." The chief scientist looked serious.

"Isn't the interpretation of the prophecy still inconclusive?"

"There will be no conclusion!" The chief scientist rushed. "Until the things in the prophecies really happen, we can understand the true meaning of the prophecies. This is the case every time, and there are some prophecies, which have not been clarified until now. You know all these things! Okay, now you are back! We will continue to study this mummy."

The chief scientist entered the room-yes he had been hiding outside the door.

He glanced at the paralyzed corpses in the room and ordered: "Immediately send the corpses to the next laboratory for a thorough examination!"

Two unclear and unwilling operators stepped in, bypassed the mummies that had stopped moving—but were still standing—and began to clean the corpses.

The chief scientist turned to the golden coffin: "Send the coffin to the radioactive laboratory next to it for a thorough scan."

It seems that he believes that as long as the coffin is not nearby, the mummy can't absorb human vitality.

In fact, he was right.

But he has no channels to know this.

He could only wait for the coffin to be removed before he approached the mummy that had stopped moving completely.

He was not wrong, because even if the coffin wasn't nearby, the power of this mummy could probably break all his ribs with one punch, causing him to die.

Observing around the mummy, he complained: "Look at the good things you have done!"

He glanced at the mercenaries.

"You are all about to break this bone frame."

"But it didn't break, and it beat our people to death." The mercenary captain said coldly, pointing the gun at the mummy, obviously ready to sweep the mummy and the chief scientist into pieces at any time.

Of course, the chief scientist just happened to be between the target and the muzzle, and was unable to lie down in time due to lack of exercise.

For this kind of rhetorical tricks, he had been a mercenary captain of the US Marine Corps, and he knew it well, and he played very sloppily.

The chief scientist continued to observe the mummies, saying: "The internal organs seem to be simply stuffed in, they are not working at all, **** it, just today, all life sciences are finished, and tens of millions of related experts and scholars unemployed."

A mercenary said: "If the private hospital goes bankrupt, I will be very happy. The reason why I am still making money as a mercenary is because only in this way can I afford to pay for my poor son who has a chronic illness. ."

Another mercenary echoed: "Go to XXXX."

The chief scientist looked serious: "I think maybe they are really unemployed. Magic can bring this kind of stuff back to life and can replace all medical treatment, but have you ever thought that people with this kind of magic might charge more The doctors are still tall?"

The mercenaries stopped talking.

The chief scientist nodded self-consciously: "It must be higher than the doctors, because superpowers and magic are all based on talent, and they must be much less than doctors trained in medical school. And the effect of magic is much better than medical skills. This will definitely become something that the rich can only enjoy."

"Shouldn't super heroes be free?" someone said.

Many people laughed.

"Think about who is the richest man in the United States right now." Someone said, "It's Stark for you."

"It's called Master Iron Johnny." Someone corrected.

The chief scientist made a decision at this time.

"Preparing to dissect this guy, all analytical equipment is ready. We can't analyze things, and immediately send them back to major domestic laboratories after sampling."

"Yes!" the operator and the scientists whose curiosity had overcome their fear replied in unison.

at the same time.

——I am Masha, when something happened suddenly, I became an Egyptian pharaoh.

Ma Sha looked at the slaves who were transporting the boulders with the rolling logs in front of him, and couldn't help but be stunned.

——Is it necessary to experience the memory of Lao Wang? Can't you give me a concise version composed of pictures and explanatory text?

——And how does this memory start from building a pyramid?

——What about previous memories?

——Let me be the queen of Pharaoh Kangkang, concubine or whatever!

At this time, an old man dressed as a "spellcaster" stepped forward and bowed to the young pharaoh, namely Masha.

"Your Majesty, the progress of the pyramid project has been postponed to a certain extent, and I hope there will be more slaves."

Ma Sha wants to say "then you go catch it", but this is a memory, not a real role-playing, so Ma Sha can't decide what he wants to say.

The Pharaoh said: "There are no more slaves. Let the overseers beat them harder."

"Yes." The wizard replied, and then said, "However, I think that showing the slaves the divine power that your Majesty has obtained from the **** Amon will be more effective in motivating them."