Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 656

Anyway, the scabbard is now in front of Ma Sha's eyes.

Of course, this is completely different from the scabbard in the FATE series, and looks very simple.

However, it is placed in such a place, no matter how simple Masha can not be a vulgar thing.

Ma Sha approached the scabbard cautiously.

——According to the routine I have experienced under the Pyramid and Petra, should there be something to guard this sword at this time to fight me for three hundred rounds?

Ma Sha is on guard.

However, nothing appeared, until Ma Sha's nose touched the scabbard, nothing happened.

So Ma Sha bent his heart, bit the scabbard in one bite, and took it from the altar.

Still no demons or ghosts jumped out.

——Since nothing jumps out, then I'll take the 36th plan!

He backed away quickly—he was still a bit big and couldn't turn around in this cave.

At the moment he quit outside, Ma Sha had an illusion, as if something was guarding outside, and he felt bored when he came out.

But this is also an illusion

Suddenly, Masha, who had just exited the cave, saw some kind of huge creature floating from the bottomless abyss below.

That is a plesiosaur!

It's just about 30 times the size of Masha now.

The real Loch Ness monster opened his eyes and looked at Masha.

The eyes were glowing with green light, and at first glance, it was not a good thing-green, in World of Warcraft, it was a sign of evil energy!

How can it be a good kind that uses fel energy?

The water monster looked at Ma Sha and suddenly opened his blood basin.

Don't panic, at 7:30 tomorrow morning, update the next chapter on time!

Chapter 573

In the car world, Baiquan in the form of a plesiosaur was rolling on the ground with excitement.

"There are really Loch Ness monsters! Since I knew that Santa Claus is fake, I have always felt that this world is completely boring, I was wrong, this world is so interesting! If next, someone tells me that Santa Claus is actually real too Yes, that's even better!"

Chihiro: "According to Ah Sha's current theoretical system, the legend of Santa Claus was born too late to keep up with the Age of Doom."

"Isn't the legend of the Loch Ness monster too late?" Cai Shi asked, "this legend is really widely known, right?"

Snake-necked dragon Baiquan swayed her flat, pebble-shaped head: "Tsk-tsk~you don’t understand. Although the aura recovery started recently, according to the commander-in-chief's theory, it is very likely that the recovery is a gradual process, so I fall asleep. It’s also possible for the water monsters to wake up intermittently in the last century! Modern people have captured the Loch Ness monsters who woke up intermittently and walked on the lake!"

Shelley: "I can explain it like this...there seems to be no big problem logically."

Xiao Shi asked worriedly: "Is it okay for us to be so leisurely? Asha seems to be about to be eaten! Shouldn't we worry about the situation of concern?"

The girls looked at each other and seemed to realize that Xiao Shi made sense.

The party secretary said: "This...that's the case, but I always feel—that is—he would definitely not be eaten by a plesiosaur, and I feel very nervous if I don’t know it."

Bai Quan echoed: "Yes, yes, if Godzilla or Cthulhu suddenly appears, I will probably worry about it. Now... the commander is invincible! The commander does not need to open the Gundam. , Just tear it by hand and it's over."

After speaking, Bai Quan spread his hands together.

At the same time, the invincible Ma Sha is exhausted.

His original plan was to open a random door directly in the lake to the Planet Wonderland after he stabbed the basket.

The planet is quite big, it doesn't matter if you fill it with water, and the planet wonderland doesn't store any electronic equipment that is afraid of water. Even if the wonderland is flooded, it just turns Stonehenge into an underwater landscape.

I didn't do this because Masha wanted to figure out one thing.

——Why didn’t this guy show up before I took the scabbard? Shouldn't the guardian take action before the thief gets the treasure?

——I have all the treasures, this treasure is not a simple antique, it may contain powerful power.

——Theoretically speaking, I might use the treasure's ability to deal with the Guardian in reverse.

——So, the normal logic, the guardian should definitely be designed to prevent the treasure from being stolen, rather than waiting for the treasure to be in the hands of the thief to "arrest" the thief.

——There is something strange.

To understand why this plesiosaur is only appearing now, it is necessary to gather more information.

So Ma Sha dashed from left to right in the water, avoiding the giant plesiosaur's mouth, while observing the behemoth.

——It looks like a real creature, not a golem that suddenly came alive.

——If it is a living thing, what has it depended on for so many years to survive? It can't always go hungry, right?

——Could it be said that there is still an S2 mechanism on this plesiosaur?

Because Ma Sha is now running to the surface of the water while looking back at the big guy, he can't see what's going on behind the big guy.

Based on the principle that the data collected by scientific research must be complete, Ma Sha decided to kill the carbine, drill through the dead corner of the big plesiosaur, and rush behind it to see what is going on.

He bent his heart, turned his head violently, and rushed towards the giant plesiosaur.

In the process of rushing down, all his senses focused on the head of the plesiosaur.

As long as you avoid the head-on bite by the plesiosaur, you should be able to successfully rush to the back of the plesiosaur.

Then, something magical happened.

The plesiosaur simply ignored Ma Sha, who rushed down again, but maintained a straight forward pace toward the surface of the water.

——Wait a minute, its target, not me?

——Or, I am regarded as the same kind by it?

——After all, I am also a fake plesiosaur now.

——Perhaps the plesiosaur tribe has already possessed wisdom, and then they made a rule that plesiosaurs would not fight plesiosaurs.

——Could it be that because I am also a plesiosaur and I have not brought any other humans, the behemoth guarding the scabbard doesn’t bother to care about me?

Ma Sha thinks this possibility is still quite large.