Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 696

——This can be!

At this time, the furious bear father picked up a stone-the stone was not big, it was a very ordinary roadside stone, and it happened that a nearby residential area started construction at night and a sand-carrying vehicle passed this road at night. A lot of stones fell.

Daddy Bear took the stone, rounded it, and slammed it on the head of Mother Bear who was screaming frantically.

Mother Xiong fell to the ground, blood rushing.

Ma Sha turned to look at Chihiro immediately.

Qianxun had already raised his hand, and the bear father who was still about to smash was pulled away and set in the air at a height of one meter, and he could no longer use his hands.

Ma Sha said to Xiao Shi: "Come, show your ability, my lover!"

Love disciple, short for disciple of love, no problem.

Xiao Shi took out the props, looked at Chihiro, and then started dancing directly in the air.

Chihiro is a ballet student, and he is also good at this, so he adjusted Xiao Shi's position in the air in accordance with Xiao Shi's dance steps.

Although it was the first time for the two of them to cooperate in this way, they showed a high level of understanding.

The beautiful dance, Xiao Shi's body seemed to be shining, everyone's eyes were attracted.

Ma Sha had an idea and began to feel the aura.

——That’s right, aura is gathering.

——Of course, compared to the top of Mount Sinai, the aura here is too thin.

——But this amount is estimated to make Xiao Maki glow slightly.

——So that's not an illusion, it's that she is really shining.

The bloodied mother Xiong sat up, looked around with a bewildered expression, then looked at the bear father who was set one meter high in the sky, and finally looked at Xiao Shi who was still dancing.

She raised her hand to touch her wound and exclaimed: "It's moving! My flesh is squirming! It's..."

This woman is a woman who usually finds a Feng Shui master to show her Feng Shui.

At this moment, her face changed drastically, she turned over, switched to kneeling on the ground, and began to kowtow to Xiao Shi who was still dancing.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of Mercy and Compassion!"

Xiao Shi stopped dancing and said with a troubled expression: "I am a shrine maiden of Shintoism, and Guanyin Bodhisattva is not the same department."

Mother Xiong immediately lay on the ground, her face pressed to the ground, she didn't dare to say: "Sister Fairy atones! I don't understand! Don't blame me!"

Xiao Shi smiled and said, "It's okay, but you must pay attention to what the master just told you. In the future, your child will fall into the devil's way, and your family will surely suffer from bad luck. Today this is just what he brought. One of the bad luck, I help you get rid of today’s worst disaster, the others are helpless."

Ma Sha was shocked.

——You little fairy, there are as many twists and turns in your heart as mine!

Mother Xiong: "I understand! Thank you Fairy Sister!"

She stood up and turned to look at the bewildered bear child.

Upon seeing this, Chihiro put down Dad Bear.

Ma Sha: "Throw the stone! Only by hitting with the flesh of the palm can it be effective. Because the force is mutual, you hit the child while feeling the pain in the palm of your hand, so that you can drive away evil spirits with sincerity and embody your sincerity. To open."

Chihiro: Puff.

But when Masha turned her head to look at her, her face was stern.

Ma Sha waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Chihiro flew up with the three of them.

In the middle of the sky, Chihiro said, "It's the first time I have heard that it is possible to hit a child with sincerity."

"If you think about it this way, his child is the magic pill, and he will become the demon king in the future. How can he lead this bear child without showing sincerity?" Ma Sha asked back.

Chihiro: "Your dad hasn't beaten you less, don't you still grow up to become a demon king?"

"Where is it? I am preparing to start a sect and establish the immortal orthodoxy. I am orthodox, and the one who is different from me is the demon sect."

Ma Sha's words were heard by the superpowers in several guarding offices, and they looked at each other.

Regardless of their expressions, Masha turned his head and said to them: "I want to speak to the people gathered here, and you should prepare amplifying equipment."

The second 3000!

4000 will be delivered tonight at 11:30!

Where's the ticket? Where are your tickets?

Chapter 599

Ten minutes later, Ma Sha looked at the helicopter flying not far from him and the big horn hanging from the helicopter.

"Why does this device feel like "Apocalypse Now" when I look at it?" He asked the office superpower flying beside him.

"This plane is the plane of the psychological warfare unit. It is very similar to the psychological warfare helicopter in Apocalypse Now, right?"

——You are so reasonable, I can't refute it.

Ma Sha picked up the microphone and looked at the microphone's light-it was on.

However, Masha blew the microphone. This was not to confirm whether the microphone was working properly, but to try to trigger that kind of harsh phoenix.

Ma Sha used to be the backstage of the school’s art performances, and learned a lot of knowledge in this area from the teacher in charge of the equipment. The teacher said that many times the kind of Fengming was deliberately used to suppress the noisy scene. The fast speed made the whole venue quiet, and everyone's attention was focused on the person holding the microphone.

Therefore, the backstage equipment manager will deliberately cooperate to create Fengming when he sees the person holding the microphone on the stage knocking on the microphone.

This time, the person in charge of the helicopter equipment was obviously good at this. When Ma Sha blew the microphone, he immediately made a huge piercing buzzing sound. All of a sudden, the whole scene was silent, and everyone looked up at Ma Sha.

Ma Sha was very satisfied, and then said into the microphone: "I am Ma Sha, the first person to open up the path of cultivating immortals! I have not had any descendants, nor have I shared the cultivating methods I discovered with anyone. Those on the Internet claim I know how to cultivate immortality, and what can induce awakening is a lie."

Although Masha said this, he knew that he would not leave those people out of business just because he said that they were deceptive. There are 10,000 ways for scammers to fool people with insufficient intelligence, and Masha himself is a deceitful person and knows this well.

He said this to separate himself from the scammers. Those scammers had something wrong with me, and I said I didn't have any descendants.

After clearing the relationship, Ma Sha continued: "I know that you all want your children to take the lead in the world of Reiki recovery, but unfortunately, as far as the information I have about Reiki, it is necessary to cultivate immortality. Look at talents. But I believe that I will definitely find opportunities for people with no talents to embark on a fairy road and get a glimpse of beautiful scenery that is completely different from reality."

Masha paused, and someone below shouted "Okay!" and then began to applaud. Applause rang vigorously after a half-second delay.

Ma Sha waited for the applause to end, and then said: "I plan to open the world, the first Xianfu Academy, and the site selection work will begin tomorrow. This plan is fully supported by the district and it is estimated that the Academy will be completed within half a year.