Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 706

Immediately, the comparative data was displayed on the tablet computer in Johnny's hand.

"This... it started suddenly? This is not right. The curve of this kind of change is like the tripod in Youzhou in the northern part of Greater China was suddenly snatched away. Friday, where is Ben?"

"Ben is holding a fruit platter ready to open the door." answered Friday.

The next moment I opened the door: "Johnny, I made a fruit platter. You should add some fructose."

"Ben, look, the tripod in Youzhou seems to have been taken away."

Ben immediately came over, glanced at the tablet computer in Johnny's hand, and said, "Well, this data does seem to be taken away by someone, so correspondingly, there should be a sudden drop in the awakening data. where is it?"

"This is where the problem lies. There is no area where awakening falls." Johnny replied.

Ben frowned, and after a brief thought, he said, "Then there is only one answer. Where the awakening rate is close to zero, his awakening rate will drop again, which is not obvious statistically, because the awakening rate cannot be a negative number."

"Yes!" Johnny snapped his fingers, "The Ding of Youzhou was moved to Yuezhou. The Chinese took the initiative to cancel the protection of Ding for some places! They knew Ding from the beginning, and knew the role of Ding! And! They at least know where the tripod of Youzhou is!"

"Is it possible that Ying stole Youzhou's tripod?" Ben asked.

"You mean, Ying stole the tripod, but the Chinese don't know anything about it? No, no, unless the Chinese deliberately let Ying stole the tripod."

"Maybe they don't know where Kanae is at all," Ben pointed out. "In this case, they might be like us. They only speculated that Kanae might be taken away after looking at the awakening distribution map."

Johnny stared at Ben and curled his lips: "I have to admit that you make sense. But I am more inclined. The Chinese know Ding and know where they are, because you see, the two organizations, the shadow and the righteous police. It is impossible for him to grow out of the ground out of thin air. Their existence proves that there must be a powerful secret society that has existed for a long time in China."

"You are using the conclusion to infer the argument. Although I agree with your guess, I still want to point out that your statement is logically sophistry."

"Okay. Then let's not discuss whether this is the Chinese initiative to move the tripod, or the trip was snatched by the shadows. We can be sure of the fact that the tripod in Youzhou has been moved, and it is most likely to be located in Guangdong now. There are already three tripods in the state, and this place will undoubtedly become the place with the slowest awakening progress in the world."

"And right here, the king of yellow clothes artificially induced an awakening? Are you trying to say this?"

"No, what I want to say is that no matter what the Chinese or the shadows are planning, Guangdong must be the most critical location in their plans." Johnny put his arms around his chest, with a thoughtful expression on his face, "This must be with the shadows until now There is no relationship between using **** to make a fuss. But I can't see what the relationship can be between."

Because there is no relationship between them, it's normal if you don't see it!

Johnny scratched his head vigorously: "What does Ying want to do? What does the Chinese want to do? How come I don't understand at all? I thought I had grasped Ying's fox tail, but it suddenly became dormant. It seems to be laughing at us who are busy dealing with the resurrection of Jesus! Do you know what Hoover said? He said that because of my whimsical nature, the CIA wasted half a year of funding!"

"I'm sorry about that..."

"Don't be sorry! Maybe it is because we invested half a year of funds that the movie chose to dormant! I can explain it this way, and it really makes sense, but I still think I was played by the movie. Do you understand what I mean? Ben ?"

Ben nodded: "I think I understand."

Johnny sighed, took a piece of fruit from Ben's fruit platter and threw it into his mouth.

"In contrast, the actions of the King of Yellow Clothes are easy to understand. They found the key to the suspected awakening, then opened schools, increased the number of subjects, and used a large number of experiments to verify their conjectures. This is all well understood. "

Ben: "Do you think he really found a way to stimulate awakening?"

"Of course, what's weird about this. Those old men without superpowers have studied for more than ten years, and they can come up with instruments that can really detect the fluctuations of superpowers. My opinion is that aura is similar to electromagnetic waves. This is a wave or field that we haven’t detected before. I don’t have time to do this research now, because the shadow is already ahead of us by a lot. If we want to overtake, we have to catch the shadow’s tail."

Ben: "Maybe we can send someone to join the academy of the King of Yellow Clothes-they call the Academy and see how he does it."

"No matter how stupid Hoover is, he will find someone to do it. Believe me, it doesn't matter what we do. Our goal is shadow, always shadow. By catching shadow's fox tail, we can catch up to China all at once. People, otherwise they have to be passive forever."

Johnny put down the tablet and paced the room: "I have a hunch that the shadow is about to move."

The members of Shadow are now crossing the desert as volunteers.

"We are almost there."

When passing through the Great Rift Valley, Masha had to leave the shadow of the earth, put on power armor and use bamboo dragonflies to fly over the Great Rift Valley.

But other than that, the whole journey was very safe and pleasant.

This is mainly because Africa has relatively few mountains and no virgin forests, except for the Great Rift Valley. They are all arid and semi-arid grasslands.

Ma Sha can keep racing in the African wilderness, driving as fast as an airplane.

Even if you drive to a speed of seven or eight hundred kilometers, it's just a bumpy occasionally.

Of course, the occasional bumps were extremely violent, which would make his sisters fall into a ball. Later, Ma Sha transferred all the weaker sisters to Wonderland, and this problem would be fine.

The so-called fragile girls, of course, refer to the girls who haven't rolled the sheets with Ma Sha.

The girls who rolled through the sheets all have armor fat, and their heads have added hardness and shock resistance, which are more resistant to falls.

It happened before that Chihiro stepped on the air and fell down the stairs. The fall down this way was at least the result of a cracked big ass, but Chihiro did not fart, and knocked off the concrete of the stairs. Horn.

——The horror is as horrible as it is.

Now, Masha saw the city, but he didn't know if it was the city in KGB's intelligence.

"I'm going to use the wall ring for positioning." Ma Sha notified the girls who had not gone to Wonderland, and picked up the wall ring and placed it on the car door.

Then he looked at the GPS locator he had obtained from Europe. Masha had already dismantled this thing himself and confirmed that it would not emit radio waves to expose Masha's position.

Soon after the positioning was completed, Masha compared the latitude and longitude on the note given by Claudia and said: "It's the city in front. The priest should be hidden in this city."

"Old rule, you first investigate, and then make a plan." While the party secretary spoke, his eyes were straight at NS in his hand, "Look at me overtaking you in the next hairpin!"

"Hmm, you can't do it, because my car has 600 horsepower!"

"Why do you play Mario Kart 8 and you can play the initial D feeling?" Masha complained, and drove the car to the city.

Before he even entered the city, he suddenly saw something amazing.

There is a big tree outside the city gate. It is placed on the semi-arid grassland of Africa and belongs to the level of a towering giant tree. A bunch of people who have dried up are hung on the tree.

"I'm going!" Ma Sha was speechless. He saw several children among a bunch of people on the tree. "We must kill this **** this time!"

"What's the matter?" Chihiro and the party secretary raised their heads and asked.

"There is a tree full of corpses at the gate of the town. I can smell it so much. It's so cruel, I have to use this as a god."

"Then find a way to take a picture and show it to Xue Jianmei." Chihiro said, "Tell her that we killed the person who did this cruel thing. See what else she said should give him humanitarian treatment? ?"

"Wait, I'll find where the pastor is first."

Ma Sha drove into the city, and soon he found that there were a large number of armed men in the city, and there was a totem pole in the square in the center of the city that didn't know anything about it.

Ma Sha really didn't study African culture. Looking at the totem pole, he went around and didn't see what it was.

The armed men have built barricades on the city roads, and don't know who they are defending.

Ma Sha's plan is to use the city center as the middle point, spirally moving, and carpet-like searching for the priest's foothold.

The coordinates of KGB are given to the city center, which building the priest is in, Mashade went to find it by himself.