Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 740

Because he had forgotten that Bai Quan was still being carried on his shoulders, this action directly caused Bai Quan to roll off his shoulders and fall firmly to the ground.

Bai Quan stretched forward with one hand, bent his five fingers with four fingers, and stretched out his index finger alone, with the other hand swinging backward, in a famous posture.

When Ma Sha saw that she still had trouble with kung fu, he judged that she hadn't fallen too hard, so she didn't reach out to help her, and continued to say to Shelley, "You too, please help me comfort Sister Xue."

"Yes, I'll help you comfort you. Let's go in the autumn."


After Shelley took Tang Yingqiu away, Ma Sha kicked Bai Quan's ass, who was still posing on the ground: "Get up and work."

"I remember that the law in your region prohibits the use of child labor." Bai Quan said.

"Should I open the door and call Xiao Shi to come in?"

Bai Quan sat up: "What do you want me to do?"

"Make another ball of light just now."

Ma Sha also sat down cross-legged and began to feel the aura distribution in the island wonderland.

It is true that the aura of the island fairyland is concentrated around the tree, and it is slowly revolving around the tree.

Ma Sha: "You start."

Bai Quan closed his eyes obediently, he should have begun to feel and interfere with the movement of spiritual energy.

—In fact, she should also be full of interest in what Ma Sha is going to do. After all, she is the person who owns the Kamen Jiqi. In this respect, she should have a connection with Ma Sha.

Ma Sha felt an aura peeling away from the tree, forming a small vortex in front of Baiquan. The small vortex and the aura on the tree side maintained a lotus root connection, and the small vortex was growing bigger.

When the small vortex stopped growing, a ball of light appeared in front of Bai Quan.

—Well, the aura drawn from the tree began to be continuously transformed into light energy.

-So the vortex maintains its current scale, probably because the new aura and the aura consumed by the light energy cancel each other out.

Ma Sha stood up, looked at the readings in the optical equipment that aimed at the big banyan tree, then took out the spare equipment and aimed it at the light ball made by Baiquan.

He also took out the box that contained the stuff, and quickly made a dark box, which he set up with a stool.

"Bai Quan, move the ball of light and put it in the dark box to make the data more accurate."


After using the dark box to obtain a relatively undisturbed brightness reading, Masha came to the computer, opened the mathematical modeling software, imported the calculation template he had made before, and began to estimate how many watts of light bulb the Baiquan photosphere was equivalent to based on the brightness.

Calculating the wattage, you can further calculate how much aura is converted into energy...

Although the accuracy is not high, it can provide a rough reference standard for the quantification of Reiki.

Earlier, Ma Sha planned to quantify the aura and aura with the brightness of the big banyan tree and the stonehenge, but after determining the conversion relationship between the aura and the energy, the unit of energy can be used to quantify the aura.

This is much simpler than the set of quantitative methods that Ma Sha thought of before.

Scientific research is the continuous process of overthrowing old conjectures.

Whenever an old conjecture is overturned, it shows that the process of scientific research has advanced a step further.

Masha was very excited.

—As long as the formula for conversion of Reiki energy can be established, my position as the founder of Reiki science will be consolidated.

—My biggest dream is to go down in history as the founder of a certain science field!

That's right, this is Ma Sha's biggest dream before the rejuvenation of spiritual energy.

Maybe because of this dream, he would turn a blind eye to the kindness shown by the girls around him-woman, go away, you are blocking me from climbing the new heights of science.

After a calculation, Ma Sha estimated that the light ball made by Baiquan was roughly equivalent to a 20-watt incandescent lamp.

At the same time, he calculated the rate at which the brightness of the big banyan tree slowed down.

As long as Baiquan reduces the brightness of the light ball, then calculates the wattage of the light ball after the reduced brightness, and compares the change in the brightness of the big banyan tree to slow down the rate, then the basic aura-energy conversion ratio can be obtained!

Then you can use this conversion ratio to define aura!

—If you can really do this, it would be a huge breakthrough!

—This is the cornerstone of Reiki science! It is the seed of the towering giant tree of Reiki science in the future!

—Come on, Baiquan!

Ma Sha: "Baiquan, reduce the speed of the spiritual vortex."

"Huh? How much lower?"

"Feel free, math and I will do the rest!"

"Wow! This line is so cool! Boss, how did you come up with this line! "Mathematics and I will do the rest of the work", suddenly I feel that you and math are super awesome!"

"Stop talking nonsense, lower the speed!" Ma Sha scolded.

"Well, reduce the speed."

The brightness of the light ball seems to be reduced a bit.

Ma Sha immediately re-collected data.

He knew that his experiment was very imperfect, and there must be huge errors in the calculated results, but today's focus is to verify the conjecture. After the laboratory is built, further experiments will be carried out to determine the accurate conversion rate.

The calculation result is out.

Perfectly in line with Masha's conjecture!

The ratio between the wattage before and after the brightness of the photosphere decreases, and the ratio between the rate of decrease in the brightness of the big banyan tree, are similar!

The reason why it is only approximate, not the same, should be because the experiment is too simple, so there are errors!

This is not important. In the process of scientific development, there are a lot of experimental data that are restricted by conditions and cannot accurately correspond to the theory for the time being.

For example, Galileo’s Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment never really happened. The famous inclined plane experiment he designed was limited by the conditions at the time, and it was almost impossible to draw the perfect experimental conclusion he described.

Another example is Mendel. Regarding his famous "pea experiment" that laid the foundation of modern genetics, there has always been a controversy about "falsification", and it is also very famous in the history of science—Mendel's original data shows that he has abandoned a lot of problems. Data in line with his speculation.

However, the two conclusions are correct. They are both great scientists and masters in a certain field.

Even in the current scientific experiments, statistical verification is used to filter out some results that are too far apart from the expected experimental results. These filtered results are generally considered to be caused by experimental design loopholes or instrument accuracy problems. error.