Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 742

He sat down in front of the black box.

Bai Quan continued to yell next to him: "If you are not as strong as me, I will take your bird's seat! I will be the boss, and you will be the second master!"

Ma Sha glanced at the white spring, and then took a deep breath. After entering the concentration, relying on her feelings, she created a spiritual vortex in the position of the black box.

When it was said that it was too late, a light came out of the opening of the black box, and immediately after the optical lens was facing the opening of the instrument, a warning was issued, and the recorded warning sound was played: "Please do not irradiate the measuring head with laser."

Bai Quan: "Nothing! This must be a trap you set in advance! Xia, you count me!"

Ma Sha stood up, came to Bai Quan, held Bai Quan's head with his big hands, whirling her hair back and forth.

"What did you just say?"

Baiquan knelt on the ground with a puff, and put on what the Japanese call a soil seat posture: "Sorry, brother! I was wrong!"

The Japanese spoken by Baiquan also used the tongue-like sound that is unique to Japanese Kokudo. Ma Sha wanted to laugh. He said, "In order to show your roots, cut a little finger."

Bai Quan lay on his stomach and said nothing.

It is estimated that I want to pretend to be in the past.

Xiao Maki: "I'll go take the knife and disinfect it by the way."

Ma Sha: "Don't, we are joking!"

Bai Quan: "Don't, we are joking!"

"Ah, I'm joking too." Xiao Shi said with a smile.

Ma Sha: "You exude the breath of Miss Ji Dao, who believes this!"

Bai Quan: "That's it!"

Xiao Shi looked down at Bai Quan, and Bai Quan quickly moved his position with his kneeling legs, hiding behind Ma Sha, holding Ma Sha's thigh with both hands.

Chihiro said to the side: "I can see that Bai Quan has three great skills, pretending to be forced to hug his thighs. From this point of view, the difference between her and Ma Sha is quite big."

Ma Sha: "I would also pretend to hug my thighs, but the status quo is that I am the thickest thigh and no one would hold me. Look at me taking you from the COS group. At that time, I was crazy about Kerry."

Ma Sha said with a regretful sigh: "I also want to live a life of worry-free living with my thighs as long as I know how to shame and make good use of the skin."

Bai Quan: "Listening to you, I always feel ridiculed and a little unhappy. But forget it, your legs are thick."

After saying that, Bai Quan continued to maintain King Qin around the pillar, no, holding the pillar, for fear that Xiao Shi would really pull her over and cut her fingers.

Ma Sha spread his hands together: "Look! How cool it is to hold your thigh, I don't have a thigh.

"Everyone thought of me as a thigh and gave me the name of a thigh mother, but in fact, I got this strength without any effort.

"So I was relied on, admired, envied and jealous, and hated by others.

"However, I don't want all of this.

"I have never longed for power, it is power chasing me!"

What Ma Sha said, the girls were stupid, and no one knew why he suddenly gave such a "speech" so seriously.

Chihiro was the first to react: "Which new series are are addicted to? This is the line change of the new series, right?"

Ma Sha pointed to Qianxun and said to Bai Quan: "Look, you are still inferior to Qianxun in this regard. If you can't increase the synchronization rate with me to this level as soon as possible, I will let Qianxun be the second master."

Bai Quan: "Chee, she is just older than me, and she has been with you for a long time. In terms of synchronization rate, I must be higher!"

At this time, Shelley, who had been interpreting Jeanna, coughed. After attracting everyone’s attention, she asked Masha: "Why does it become a laser? I still can’t feel the aura, so I’m not sure, but... …Generally speaking, for the same SSS, will the power gap be so large?"

"He had his soul out of his body, and he even ate a part of the pharaoh's soul." Chihiro shrugged, "It is estimated that in terms of soul strength, it is already much higher than ours."

"But even so, it's not right to emit the laser directly, right? The laser not only has a high output energy, but also requires the light particles emitted by the exciter to maintain a high degree of consistency..."

Ma Sha: "My perturbation of the spiritual energy, the energy released makes the gas in the black box become excited...Then the naturally generated photons trigger the chain excitation, I can only think of this."

"Can ordinary air become the exciter of a gas laser?" Shelley frowned. "This is usually something that can be done with specially configured gas?

"Even if this works, what then? You want to say that the black box has become a resonant cavity? But, isn't this black box made up by you improvised?

"If this could be used as a resonant cavity, all laser designers in the world would have heard it, and they would have been too surprised, and the mouth would be too wide, causing the jaw to dislocate."

Chihiro: "Can you speak human words?"

Shelley looked at Chihiro suspiciously: "Aren't you also a top student at the same school as Ma Sha?"

"My mother is a liberal arts student! It's normal if you don't understand the principle of lasers!"

Ma Sha ignored his childhood sweetheart and said thoughtfully: "I think it may be my manipulation of the spiritual energy that affected the characteristics of the excited photons.

"To verify this conjecture, just do this."

Ma Sha began to create a spiritual vortex outside the black box, and the aura of the big banyan tree was pulled out again for a little bit, before Ma Sha, spinning.

Ma Sha tried his best to make the rotation of the spiritual energy close to the state he had just in the black box experiment.

The ball of light appeared. At first it was a very ordinary ball of light, but the next moment

"Disappeared?" Chihiro exclaimed.

Shelley: "No! It's because the light no longer radiates disorderly, so no photons enter our pupils! Light..."

Shelley looked everywhere for the laser's drop point, then pointed to the distance and shouted: "Look over there! On the sea!"

There are very small spots on the sea, but the spots are quite bright, and you can see them with a little attention.

Chihiro: "Do you directly emit laser light?"

Bai Quan also stood up and looked at the sponge: "Oh oh! Sri Lanka!"

"Baiquan, you are not in the same country, and you also made a light ball. I will observe the difference between the aura vortex that we two create. That is the key to turning light into laser light."

Masha said.

Bai Quan: "Oh!"

Bai Quan's ball of light lit up.

While maintaining his control over the aura, Ma Sha compared the disturbances of the two.

Maybe it's because there is no need to be distracted to control the aura, Qianxun first said: "Baiquan does not rotate at a constant speed, and the trajectory is not a regular circle!"

Xiao Maki: "It's red, the rotation made by Asha is very regular."