Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 748

When the Spanish explorers landed on the American continent, they were probably in the same mood as Johnny now.

Johnny couldn't wait to find the "Golden Seven Cities".

The aura here in the Pyramid of the Sun seems to be different in nature from the aura in the place where Masha established the school, so according to Masha's method to guide the aura, the energy emitted is also different.

Johnny even discovered that there may be "negative energy"-this discovery alone is amazing enough!

Indeed, many particles in negative energy states have been discovered before. Dirac even proposed that there are an infinite number of particles in negative energy states in the vacuum, which is the so-called Sea of ​​Dirac—an ocean of negative energy particles.

But this is the first time that "negative energy" has been discovered directly—well, I haven't discovered it directly. It's just that there may be negative energy, but it's amazing enough.

Johnny even felt that quantum mechanics might be an "illusion" caused by humans not observing aura.

There is a famous hypothesis in the scientific field: suppose there is a scientific rat living in a bamboo rat farm, it observes the bamboo rat farm, and then finds that bamboo will be put into its world by the giant of light at a fixed time every day, so he proposed A scientific law: When the giant of light appears at a fixed time every day, food will fall from the sky.

For bamboo rats, this is the truth of the world.

In the same way, scientific rats will also draw various laws, such as eating too fat will be taken away by the giant of light, fighting and heatstroke will be taken away by the giant of light, white bamboo rats do not meet the criteria for entering heaven, and will be taken away by the giant of light. The giant will return soon after taking it away.

The bamboo rats take these as the truth, eat fat every day, fight everywhere, work hard for heatstroke, in order to be able to enter heaven.

But in fact, what the scientific mouse has come to is only the illusion that the way of observing the world is limited, which is too one-sided.

This is a misunderstanding of the world.

It's like the Chinese idiom, "the blind touch the elephant".

If the aura does not disappear, it is just suppressed and becomes very thin. In fact, the aura has always been able to affect the world, but the impact is minimal and can only be observed on microscopic particles.

That quantum mechanics may be a hypothesis put forward by scientists in order to explain the wonderful phenomena of microscopic particles due to the aura when they cannot observe the aura.

In essence, it is the same as the scientific rat's theory that the giant of light will have food when it appears.

Now that aura can be observed, there must be countless scientific discoveries hidden in this untouched continent before, just like the "Golden Seven Cities" that Spanish explorers dreamed of.

This makes Johnny not excited.

Now if Ma Sha appeared in front of Johnny, he would definitely hug him and kiss him fiercely!

Because it was Masha, he brought everyone to the New World!

Although Johnny himself may one day discover this new world by himself, but-in short, I want to thank Ma Sha for giving Ma sofa a one-ton medal!

In fact, Johnny really asked someone to make pennants. He knew that Chinese like to send pennants at this time.

He asked someone to make a Guinness World Record-level large carpet as a pennant.

He, Johnny, is rich and doesn't mind using so much money to show his admiration for Marsha.

No, it was Masha's choice, and it was worth spending so much money to express his admiration.

——The king of yellow clothes rejected the solicitation of the righteous police and the shadow, rejected the possibility of becoming the overlord of one party, chose to do research, and then announced his results to share with the world.

——This is a real scientist. In Chinese, it is called a real "shi". Guo Shi Wushuang!

——The poor and the poor cannot be moved, the rich and the noble cannot be licentious, and the mighty cannot be subdued. This is also called a big man!

However, it seems that Masha is not poor, but this is still worthy of respect!

——Just not monopolizing such great research results, not monopolizing this "New World", is enough respectable!

——I Johnny, I misunderstood you, Marsha! You are a truly noble person, and you are a respectable gentleman!

——If you want to fight against the shadow, I Johnny, will stand on the same line with you!

Johnny thought from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, Johnny also knew that most of Marsha hadn't published all his discoveries, and he must have gone further than his published discoveries.

He must have mastered more aura secrets.

There is no doubt about it!

However, Johnny fully understands this approach, and he himself will only publish those results that have been confirmed repeatedly and are slower than his own research progress.

Scientists are also humans, and they also have seven passions and passions. What scientists desire is to be named in the history of science, so they have reservations in publishing their own results. Johnny feels that there is no problem with this level of selfishness!

However, he also has some worries.

——Maybe, Ying knew this for a long time.

Yes, this is the biggest worry.

——Shadow may go further than us.

If this is the case, then Masha is even more respectable!

——Because only scientists understand that the word truth itself has a huge temptation. If Shadow uses "the truth of the world" as a bargaining chip to solicit Marsha, what a temptation it is, Johnny fully understands!

——So, Ma Sha, who is unmoved, is really respectable.

——Too respectable! He chooses to use his own power to explore the truth, instead of conspiring with the evil shadows for the truth!

Ah, what kind of high quality is this!

One day in the future, if Johnny knew that Ma Sha was the leader of the movie, he would probably knock himself to death on the spot.

Johnny watched the American soldiers carrying the equipment, and was always distracted, expressing his endless admiration for Masha in his heart.

However, his self-lyricism was interrupted by a reminder from the correspondent: "Sir, your cell phone is ringing."

Johnny came back to his senses and noticed that the phone was ringing.

He picked it up and found it was Ben.

"Hey, I went to paint the sky above Nazca, **** it, this is a blessed land, just on this empty ground, can you imagine? There is a blessed land on such an empty ground!"

Johnny made a fist and made a gesture of celebration.

"Do you know what it is?" Johnny asked.

"I see lightning, a lot of lightning, I think it should be the same as that of Ma Sha's college, it is of wood."

"Very good! This is the first wood-attribute Reiki hole we found."

"Wait a minute, do you guess what I found on the way here? When I flew over Machu Picchu, I felt aura, and there was a heaven and a blessing there too!"

Johnny was shocked: "How could it be! Machu Picchu was the park at the beginning of the 16th century, when the Spanish landed in America!"