Invincible, Why Do I Need To Do It Myself

Chapter 836

KP (Game Host): Throw the dice. Considering the difficulty of your invention, three are extremely difficult to succeed.

Johnny: Good.

System: Johnny conducts intelligence appraisal, extremely difficult to succeed, extremely difficult to succeed, extremely difficult to succeed...

KP: Day

But the problem is that Johnny doesn't know that the human attributes have been simply summarized by the system created by Nuwa into six-dimensional data, so he has an illusion, that is, the illusion that he feels that he is holding the authority of the Creator.

Of course he hasn't lost his mind yet, thinking that he is the heir of the Creator, but he still has a certain sense of pride in the invention.

Johnny is wearing an upper and lower body tights under the clothes he is currently wearing. It is actually his newly invented power armor. Muscle" effect.

At the same time, through the built-in ultra-micro computer and neuron signal interchanger, the effect of synchronous interaction between the "electromagnetic muscles" of the power armor and the human muscles is realized.

Such a wearable power armor can give the wearer more than one ton of punching power, break a toughened glass or something.

The new nano-fabric wrapped around the memory metal frame has more than twenty times the strength of Kevlar fiber.

Putting on this thing, as described literally, is equivalent to wearing a super-small power armor.

But there are many disadvantages of this thing. For example, its surface material can prevent the bullet from penetrating in, but it cannot offset the kinetic energy of the bullet. After being hit by the bullet, the wearer will feel like being punched.

For another example, the life of those memory metals is not long, and because the whole thing is integrated, part of the memory metal strips reaches the end of their life, and the whole piece of clothing will be scrapped.

For another example, although this thing is called a wearable power armor, in fact, because there is no strong load-bearing deconstruction, the improvement of the wearer's load-bearing capacity is limited.

Of course, the biggest flaw of this thing is its price.

Even Johnny only made three sets, one set to evaluate and defraud the U.S. military, one set was used to defraud the oil rich in reincarnation exhibitions around the world, and the last set was worn by himself.

The cost of this thing can be seen from one thing: the oil guys in the Gulf region hesitated after seeing the price.

Johnny wore such a thing that can be said to be the incarnation of wealth, broke the windowpane, jumped out, and activated his magic weapon in the cold wind outside the building.

Johnny recently discovered that his magic weapon has a new feature. As long as the replacement of parts and the operation of the magic weapon can logically "fit", his modification of the magic weapon will gain "extraordinary characteristics."

For example, he puts a cellular missile on the power armor, as long as it is "recognized" by the magic weapon, it will become a part of the magic weapon, and then become a cellular missile with unlimited ammunition with cooling time.

Johnny believes that there are two possibilities for this kind of change in the magic weapon. One is that the rejuvenation of the aura makes the aura full, and the ability that cannot be used in the first place is unlocked.

Another possibility is that he became stronger in the process of exercising according to the method of the king of yellow clothes.

In terms of time, Johnny believes that the first possibility is more likely.

After all, I have just used the method of the King of Yellow Clothes to exercise for a short period of time, and it is impossible to have such a huge change.

And Johnny did feel that from the details of the power armor's mobility, attacking power and other details, he felt that he gradually became stronger after practicing with the method of the king of yellow clothes.

He can clearly feel the extent of his gains through the performance of the power armor.

He believes that this range is not enough to cause the armor to undergo that degree of qualitative change.

As the degree of aura recovery intensified, Johnny believed that his armor should unlock more abilities.

——In theory, other people's superpowers will also become stronger, but I can rely on foreign objects to increase my combat effectiveness, and my combat effectiveness should be the largest increase.

——In this way, I will definitely become the mainstay of our side in the process of fighting against evil organizations in the future.

Johnny, who fell to the ground, thought like this while destroying the undead.

The flamethrower he newly equipped for his power armor works very well.

This flamethrower has become part of his armor, possessing super-power attributes, and the flames it sprays have aura, which seems to have special effects on the undead!

While using the flamethrower to effectively kill the dead, Johnny felt the aura around him.

——It is true that there is a distinctly different aura in these undead. Compared with the five elements aura that has been confirmed on the earth, this aura has a gloomy feeling.

——The feeling that is not a living thing.

——Is it true that, as Masha predicted, these things come from a plane different from the main material plane of the earth?

——From the Yin Cao Jifu in Chinese mythology?

The reason Johnny didn't think of **** in Christian mythology was because he couldn't feel the breath of hell.

——But perhaps the aura that passes through the underworld of Greek mythology will also exude this kind of aura.

——So, different planes have their own auras?

——The aura that penetrates from another plane turns the dead into undead?

At this time, Johnny suddenly noticed something.

He found that although the cold aura emitted by the undead seemed to have been wiped out, the total amount of aura in the entire area had not decreased!

——The cold aura did not disappear, but the aura in the flame that I sprayed was transformed into the aura of the earth?

——Can the auras of different planes be transformed into each other?

-Great discovery!

——Why doesn’t the transformation occur in normal times because the concentration of aura in our plane is not enough?

——Or does this transformation require the participation of superpowers?

Johnny decided to experiment.

He intends to determine first whether it is possible to use purely radiating aura to transform the cold aura from other planes in the undead.

After confirming this, try to find a way to get a few undead to the blessed land with high aura concentration to see if the undead will automatically die as the Senleng Aura is transformed.

Eliminating this step by step, you can determine whether the concentration of aura is at work or the participation of superpowers is at work in this transformation of aura.

Johnny thought for a while, and thought that there was nothing wrong with his idea of ​​this experimental procedure.

So he started the first experiment.

Johnny hadn't mastered the method to directly transform his supernatural power into pure spiritual energy radiation, but this couldn't trouble him.

If you can't directly release the aura, then use other methods to release it, and then find a way to slow the speed of the aura into other energy!

In this way, the effect coverage area can never maintain a certain amount of aura.

He stopped breathing and turned on the headlights of the power armor.

Suddenly a strong light covered the entire block in front of Johnny, covering more than a hundred undead.