Is It OK To Have a Relationship with the Pope?

Chapter 109

"Half of the solution, I can't kill her yet, or the Goddess of Light will instantly notice that her soul has returned to the kingdom of God and go down to earth to kill us all." Li Wei shook his head.

"so what should I do now?"

"At this time, I need a very ordinary equality contract."

Li Wei took out a book half a meter high from the system space.

"This is a contract?" Candice asked.

Is there any difference in our perception of contract?

Isn't the contract just a piece of paper, why did you become the Siku Quanshu?

"I'm just going further and further in the pursuit of equality." Li Wei said modestly.

"Everyone who signed an equality pact with me said yes."

For example, the demon scum Bernice will definitely boast.

No, she had eaten such a powerful demon before, and she should have digested it long enough to be a real demon.

Li Wei slapped Seraph's palm on the contract.

The Seraph's consciousness was not clear, and the contract should not have been established, but Li Wei did something to force the contract to be established with the power of the gods.

This is only a partial contract effect, but it is enough.

The power on Seraph gradually weakened, and finally became almost the same as an ordinary person.

"What are you going to do next?" Candice asked, looking at Livy.

"I took Seraph with me, and if I could, pry out the information related to the goddess of light from her mouth to prepare for the future."

"Are you really going to fight the Goddess of Light?"

"She came to the door, why didn't she call."

Candice admires Li Wei a little. Although she also has a higher heart than the sky, she has never thought about the struggle with the gods.

Or try it later, is there any suitable **** who can learn from me? Candice thought.

After the two communicated for a while, Candice went back to the imperial capital first, while Li Wei waited for the Seraph.


Seraph felt a headache, and his body was so exhausted that he couldn't get any strength up.

"You're awake!"

She saw a handsome and handsome face in front of her.

Chapter 150 Seraph: Li Wei can handle this!

Seraph opened his eyes dazedly, lying on the ground looking at this handsome face that suddenly appeared in front of him, and quickly realized that this was the human male who was with Candice just now.

She waved her hand to send the man flying, but her arm didn't even have any strength to rest on Li Wei's shoulder.


Seraph looked at the scene in shock, but was quickly distracted by his aching head.

"You were knocked out, and now you need to rest."

Li Wei looked at her very seriously.


By the way, I was knocked out by a god-level existence, and then I woke up like this.

Seraph looked at his body inwardly, and he did not have the same power as an ordinary person.

"Damn, did you even put a bond on me!" Seraph gritted his teeth.

Not only Holy Light, but even physical fitness has become the strength of ordinary people.

"Are you OK?"

Looking at the young man next to him, the inquiring Seraph snorted coldly: "I have nothing to say to the juggernaut's lackey."

"This is wrong. I just met her not long ago, and you didn't limit yourself at all when you didn't see her fighting with you, even if the aftermath killed me?"

Li Wei held out his hands to Seraph.

Seraph frowned, which seemed to be the case.

On the contrary, she would occasionally worry that it would affect this helpless human being raised in the sky to fight Candice.

"Did you force her to take you away?"

Seraph's voice was a little gentler, no longer so indifferent.

At first glance, the swordsman is not a good thing. He even grabs ordinary people to satisfy his own selfish desires. She will torture her the next time she meets.

"I don't have the power on my body now, but it's not a solution in the wilderness. I have to go back to the imperial capital first." Seraph looked around and said.

The place is empty, and it is estimated that wolves will come out at night.

Whether she can solve the Septwolves is still a question.

For the safety of their lives, they have to leave here as soon as possible and take this young man with them.

There is nothing wrong with protecting ordinary people as an angel.

But when she stood up, her legs were weak and she almost fell, and she barely stood still when Li Wei supported her.

"Damn, the power is so much less, what is the plan of that god!" Seraph gritted his teeth and whispered.

"that is."

Li Wei is also indignant to support her.

In the end, Li Wei walked from the wasteland to the imperial capital with Seraph on his back.

"Human, I will give you a gift when I regain my strength." Seraph said on Li Wei's back.

"Thank you then."

"I didn't expect that the person who originally wanted to capture the Paladin would turn into this image later." She sighed.

"Catch, is that Paladin the one you want to catch?"

"Well, very bad, bad people."

"Then why not just kill him?"

"Because the Lord Goddess of Light indicated that he would be brought back to the Kingdom of God, although I don't know the reason, but I will obey the order of Lord Goddess. By the way, do you have any news of his trace?"

"No, not at all."

"That fellow is an extremely vicious gangster. If you see him, you can just run away."


One by one, the angels walked to the imperial capital while chatting.

On the way, Li Wei also learned a lot of news.

For example, in the kingdom of God in the sky, all the gods are present, and there is not a single walking **** on earth, except for this new born.

And the purpose of the goddess of light is not to kill him but to catch him, the specific reason is not known.

The God of Fire once pursued the goddess of light, and after being broken by the goddess, he never dared to approach her kingdom of God.

"Why refuse?"

"My Lady Goddess is unworthy of anyone, not even Vulcan, who is also a god." Seraph raised his chin proudly.

She seemed to think of something and her expression turned gloomy again: "Except for a certain time when a human intruded into the kingdom of God and brought shame to the goddess."

No doubt, it was Li Wei who did it.

"That person is really hateful." Li Wei was surprised.

Seraph looked at Li Wei with relief: "Although you are young, you have a good concept of good and evil, which is completely different from that person."

The night gradually fell, and the full moon stood terribly large on the horizon, as if walking towards the moon when walking on the wasteland.

There were wolves howling one after another around.

Seraph grabbed Li Wei's shoulder and whispered, "Come on."

Now this situation may be really life-threatening if caught by the wolf.

"There is a problem."


"They have come."

Seraph was shocked, and only then did he realize how bad his perception was, and he didn't even notice that there were wolves around him.

All around are now full of green eyes.

Seraph struggled to get off Li Wei.

"I'll deal with these wolves, you can take the opportunity to go."

"I do not."

"Staying here can only find death!"

Seraph shouted in a low voice, but he was a little moved in his heart. He didn't expect that there are such kind and righteous people among human beings, who are willing to live and die with her after only being with her for a few hours.

Completely different from Paladins.

If someone like him died, he wouldn't be led to the kingdom of God. Seraph looked deeply at Li Wei's profile.

No, even without her, go and make a request to the goddess in person.

Such a brave and righteous man cannot die in vain.

Seraph took a deep breath and looked at the wolves around him.

There are about seventeen or so, and they can definitely be beaten.

But to say that there is a chance to escape is to kill a few while they look down on the two.

The two stood side by side.

Suddenly a high wolf howl sounded, and several wolves rushed towards them.

"Be careful." Seraph whispered.

She aimed at the wolf's waist to attack.

But suddenly, an impact slammed into the sky and a deep ravine appeared in front of the two of them, and a dozen wolves suddenly turned into QR codes.


The two looked at the place where the shock appeared, and saw a huge demon looking at them with squinting scarlet eyes.

"I didn't expect to meet an angel here, and it's a weak angel. It is estimated that if you eat it, you can become a demon monarch."

It grinned with sharp teeth, and excitement flashed in its eyes.

This is an advanced demon.

Seraph's expression changed.

If there was any hope of surviving just now, it is now a desperate situation.

There is really no hope now.

It is too difficult for a powerless angel and an ordinary human to defeat the devil like this.

After the Seraph dies, he can return to the Kingdom of God, and at most lose a little of his original power, but Li Wei next to him is really dead, and he is gone without the time to connect to the Kingdom of God.

"Devil, let this human go." Seraph stood out and stared at the demon coldly.


The senior demon scratched his ears with a mocking expression.

Of course it has to be eaten!

"Otherwise, I will explode my soul here and return to the kingdom of God, and you won't get any benefit at all." Seraph said indifferently. The advanced demon stopped.