Is It OK To Have a Relationship with the Pope?

Chapter 134

"Fuck, come again... You gods have a tradition of blowing up if you can't beat them, don't you?"

Li Wei scolded, but fortunately he was not alone. Candice, who had made an agreement with him before the water **** made a move, silently touched the water **** with indifferent eyes and slashed the sword down!

The body of the water **** fell down weakly, and slowly fell to the bottom of the lake under the pressure of the water.


"Finally avenged." Candice wiped the sweat from her forehead with a hearty smile.

She had just killed all the strange fish around her, and she hid a little further in order to avoid being affected by Li Wei and the water god's attack, until now she found an opportunity to avenge her previous revenge.

Li Wei and her clapped their hands to express their pleasant cooperation.

Suddenly he saw the water **** who was powerless lying on the bottom of the lake looking up at Li Wei, and said weakly with a sneer: "I will also tell you a funny place for you. The water **** does not need any energy to control the water."

Li Wei's face changed and he looked in the direction of the energy ball, only to see the lake water condensed into a huge spear, which made the energy ball less transparent from top to bottom.


Li Wei looked at the water god, but found that she had returned to the kingdom of God, with a mocking smile on her face.

He was so angry that he almost whipped the corpse, but he still had the final respect for the enemy, so he reluctantly endured it.

The energy in the energy ball gradually leaked out, and Li Wei controlled it with holy light. Candice also helped to stop the energy, but still failed to completely seal it.

"Compared to the Vulcan time, this energy ball did not get out of control to the point of being uncontrollable. It may also be related to the fact that the water **** is not as strong as the water god, but if the energy continues to leak, we will be unable to control it sooner or later."

Only then did Li Wei know how terrifying the Goddess of Light's control over the Holy Light was.

Candice was stunned when she heard Li Wei's words.

"You mean that if we let go now, the energy ball will explode immediately. We'll cover it here, and it will explode after a while. No matter what we choose, we'll be dead?"

"In general reason, it is."

Candice is a little helpless, Li Wei can still joke at this time.

She could feel that the leaked energy was very powerful, and as long as they ran wild, they would definitely be able to take them both away.

Li Wei can actually take Candice out of here with the quest reward teleportation sticker obtained from the Forest of Spirits, but this is the last resort, and this thing is still quite precious.

Disregarding the unconditional teleportation of space and distance, in theory, as long as you stick to Shikali, you can go to the Land of Light and Siro side by side.

Li Wei noticed something vibrating in the system space, and reached out and pulled it out.

As soon as the demon residue appeared, it was pressed into a piece of cake by water pressure, but the flattering atmosphere was completely unabated.

"Master, I have a way to save you." The demon residue said seriously.

"Let it go." Li Wei said succinctly.

"As long as the master helps me eat the leaked energy to reduce the size of the energy ball, the master can also control the energy ball."

Candice stared blankly at Li Wei, who suddenly took out a slime-shaped demon, and the demon wanted to call Li Wei his master, which instantly changed her impression of the demon.

"Wait, it might be lying to you." Candice couldn't help but said to Li Wei.

Demons are the greatest deceivers, and they must never be trusted in matters of life.

"I am loyal to my master!"

After the demon residue was slandered by Candice, he gasped.

"And I have an equal contract with the master. I can't lie to the master, let alone have any unfavorable thoughts and behaviors against him. If the master dies, I will die too. Why should I kill myself?"

Candice was stunned again, and she looked at Livy.

"Equality... contract?"

Why is this equality contract different from anything I've seen?

"I'm surprised too, but that's the truth." Livy said to Candice.

What are you saying here?

Candice was speechless, but since the other party was a demon, she had no idea to protect it, as long as it was still under Li Wei's control.

Li Wei pondered for a moment and looked at the demon residue.

"You want to take the opportunity to go further. You have absorbed a lot of energy before, and theoretically it should be stronger than before, but you haven't recovered yet and you just want to become a demon like Andrea in one step, right?"

The demon residue rubbed his hands and boasted: "As expected of the master, you can see my thoughts at a glance."

There is a reason why it dares to say so forthrightly. After all, with the binding force of the equal contract and the power of Li Wei, even if it becomes a demon, it will be difficult to escape Li Wei's control.

That being the case, why didn't he make a request from Li Wei and Fang Fang?

Li Wei thought about it for a moment and said to it: "As long as you can eat the leaked energy, it's up to you."

After hearing it, the demon residue immediately jumped on the energy ball with excitement, grabbed the leaked energy and swallowed it.

Then it fried.

The scattered black liquid made Li Wei speechless.

"Master, help me pick up the body."

The sound of demonic debris came from a piece of liquid.

So you're talking about being a caddie?

Li Wei patted the black liquid together again as if he was pinching mud, and soon they merged back to their original shape, and the demon residue jumped on the energy ball again and opened his mouth to swallow a ray of energy.

It fried again.

It was repeated over and over again.

Li Wei gradually found that the number of pieces of the demon residue exploded less and less, and he was gradually able to withstand the energy.

It is absorbing energy and turning it into its own power.

Li Wei also thought of the goddess of light next to another energy ball.

Li Wei felt that there were two reasons why she did not do this. First, the energy ball in the imperial capital was about ten times larger than this, and the energy quality in it was more than a hundred times higher than this.

Moreover, the energy in the energy ball is messy, and Isabel is considered to be lacking in energy, but spending energy to adjust and absorb the energy ball will consume more power.

It's equivalent to making a fake coin out of 10 real coins, and no normal person would do that.

Second, she probably felt that this method was too low-end and despised it.

But the energy ball at the bottom of the lake is just right for demon residue. Anyway, it never calls itself high-end. Succubus wants to be high-end. What it wants is a show.

After most of the day, the energy ball at the bottom of the lake decreased by about a quarter. Li Wei felt that he was gradually able to control the energy ball, and the demon residue stopped his mouth with hiccups.

Don't look at the devil's residue so easily. In fact, it risks its life every time it swallows a ray of energy. The main reason it can survive now is that it has eaten a lot of tonic beside Li Wei before, which makes it die every time. The edge can climb back.

I'm exhausted, and after becoming a demon god, I don't think I will practice hard anymore. Demon residue stuck his tongue out of exhaustion.

But as long as it becomes a demon, it can transform into shape, and it becomes more attractive than before, which is especially attractive to its first succubus.

Li Wei controlled and sealed the energy ball so that it would not continue to leak, and threw the demon residue into the system space and Candice surfaced.

"I still haven't been able to eradicate the harm. As long as there is a controlled device in it, it will become a part of the initiation of the kingdom of God on earth at any time."

Li Wei said to Candice after landing.

"I knew I should have asked about the device before cutting her," Candice said.

"No, there are still clues. At least we now know that the gods are very arrogant, and the places where they appear are all next to the energy ball."

"What's the meaning?"

"With the arrogance of the gods, it is impossible to give the device to Emperor Chenxi for a mortal to use casually, but they may only be able to move next to the energy ball, so as long as we find another energy ball in the imperial capital, we can know where the device is."

For the strong like them, sensing energy is much easier than finding a device that doesn't know what it looks like.

It's like the difficulty of playing a Chinese team in table tennis is similar to that of an African team.

One difficulty is in the sky, and the other is mediocre.

So it was no surprise that they returned to the emperor this time. They were able to quickly get the device and put an end to the ridiculous plan of the gods and the emperor.

After the two returned to the imperial capital, they went back to their respective homes. Li Wei returned to the Bauhinia family mansion and rested for the night.

I'm going to repair Isabel's demons today, otherwise she will give up and blow up the imperial capital.

While thinking about it, Li Wei made breakfast. Seraph was living a good life here, but he was a little uncomfortable with Madam Bauhinia's enthusiasm.

"Today you're going to find Lady Goddess, be careful." Seraph said before Li Wei went out.

She thought about it and said to Li Wei: "Lord Goddess seems to be more than a blessing to you. If possible, I would like to know all your experiences from the past to the present."

Her eyes are serious and full of trust, like gems sparkling.

Li Wei looked at her and smiled: "Don't worry, I'll tell you when I get back."

Seraph had a smile on his face and waved goodbye to Li Wei.

Li Wei also left the Bauhinia family mansion with a smile, and then ran faster and faster to the ground floor of the palace.

He almost forgot about it!

To Seraph, Li Wei is like a heavenly being. He doesn't know about his past. He only knows that he is related to the goddess of light. Although this is enough to make her trust, she must still want to know more about Li Wei. matter.

And some things can't be hidden.

Such as Li Wei once punched her dear goddess of light.

Isabel closed her eyes and stayed quietly in the palace grounds. For her god, the short two days was just a flick of a finger. She was still holy and beautiful here, as if it would never change.

She raised her eyes and glanced at the entrance of the passage, but she hadn't waited for the agreed figure.

Isabelle knew that Li Wei would come, so she was not in a hurry, but there was always an unpleasant thought in her heart.

Although it is said to be two days, it does not prohibit you from coming every day.

Maybe she wants to beat Li Wei too much...Isabel thought.

Suddenly she saw Li Wei appear from the passage, and she almost subconsciously adjusted her posture, appearing more beautiful and majestic.

"Are you here..." Isabelle said.

But she was interrupted by Li Wei before she could finish speaking.

"Sir Goddess, please do me a favor about Edith and say something nice to me, otherwise the marriage relationship will have a crack." Li Wei asked Isabel seriously.

Isabelle looked at Li Wei's appearance of begging for help, she could use this to make Li Wei lose face or something.

But when she heard Li Wei's words, she was inexplicably disgusted. The first sentence you came here was to talk about Edith, what about me?

Is her dignified goddess of light not as good as a blazing angel in your heart?

Isabelle frowned at Li Wei's serious eyes, maybe it was.

"Why should I help you?" Isabelle's voice had never been so indifferent.

Chapter 169 Goddess of Light: This is an emergency, you have to forget

"Look at what Lord Goddess said, isn't helping me just helping you, Edith, as your general, if she lives happily, doesn't it mean that you teach well?"

Li Wei approached Isabel with a shy face.

Isabelle took two steps to distance herself from Li Wei and said lightly: "How can I tell Edith that it is within the kingdom of God, you who steal divine power and offend divine power are not qualified to ask before us."

Li Weixu looked at it.

"I'm an upright god, and I can say something nice to you if you want... Wait, are you a little angry?"


Li Wei was puzzled. He and Isabel talked about the Seraph, why did she have an indifferent expression, isn't this a win-win situation?

Both of us won!

Isabel's expression was indifferent, and Li Wei didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only watch her easily control the energy ball.

It was much easier than when he and Candice fought so hard to control.

Is this the power of the goddess who has lived for thousands of years?

Li Wei sighed, but he couldn't say it, or Isabel would never let him go.

"Yes." Isabelle suddenly said indifferently.
