Is It OK To Have a Relationship with the Pope?

Chapter 155

Alexia sat obediently across from Li Wei and said, "I arrived a month ago, and I was lost in the mountains for a long time. I didn't come here until I recently discovered that there is a demon's breath here. As for those two beasts... those two people , I'm not very clear."

The corners of Daphne's eyes twitched. This guy just said the beast, right, but he turned it over with a nonchalant expression.

"Well, the two of them should be one step behind you, but I don't know if there are more people coming." Li Wei said.

"Better not." Alexia turned her head and pouted, then turned to look at Li Wei with a bright smile.

"Speaking of which, why did you come to the mainland?"

"Of course I'm here to find you!" Alexia looked at Li Weidao, she looked forward to looking at Li Wei: "Let's go back to hell, this time we can definitely succeed, start the ark again, and let us solve everything in hell. ."


Daphne moved in her heart and looked at Li Wei.

Li Wei shook his head and said: "The demons in **** have entered the mainland on a large scale. If I don't care, a large number of people will die."

Alexia frowned and loosened: "Forget it, you are such a character, if you ignored the lives of these ordinary people, you would not have joined the expedition at that time."

Having said that, Daphne looked at Alexia and asked, "Are you also a member of the expedition, why haven't I heard of demon wizards in the expedition?"

"I didn't say I had anything to do with the expedition." Alexia pouted.

Li Wei explained: "She secretly climbed the ark and smuggled it. If I hadn't saved her, she would have been purified."

"I just want to go to **** to catch a few powerful demons. Whoever told them to be so sensitive would want to do it when they found me." Alexia snorted.

Alexia crossed her chest and looked at Li Wei and said, "Although my attitude towards you is okay, don't think that those people in **** are like me now, some people really hate you, if If they come to the mainland, or if you go to hell, it is possible that they will kill."

"Well, there is indeed such a situation." Li Wei nodded.

Seeing that Li Wei didn't care, Alexia didn't say anything.

She looked at Li Wei for a long time and suddenly said, "Why didn't you say goodbye then?"

Daphne noticed that she was speaking in a different tone than before.

Before, she was full of closeness to Li Wei, but this sentence was scrutinized, as if if Li Wei said something wrong, she would do it without hesitation.

"Although I can't get along with those dogs, one thing is still the same, that is, your disappearance makes us very angry, the expedition army failed to return, the ark was stagnant, and it was stranded in **** for two hundred years, even if it was me There will be some anger."

Black flames flickered on Alexia's body, and you could vaguely see the demon that was about to manifest in the flames. This was the ability of a demon wizard to control demons.

She stared at Li Wei with murderous intent in her eyes.

Daphne felt a rather powerful breath from her body, and the black flame stinged her skin, causing her to frown and take two steps back.

Suddenly, Daphne felt her eyes lit up, the tingling on her body disappeared, and a holy light enveloped her.

Daphne looked at Livy.

Li Wei didn't panic in the face of Alexia's questioning, but said lightly: "The version update, I was forced to disconnect for two hundred years, what do you want me to do?"

He was eloquent and not guilty.

The black flame slowly disappeared following Li Wei's words and returned to Alexia.

"I don't understand, please explain." She pouted.

"You can't understand it, and it also destroys your three views. You only need to know that I was forcibly disappeared for two hundred years due to certain circumstances, and I only recently came back to life."

Alexia frowned: "Is it a law or something?"

"Dog planning is better than rules."

Alexia didn't understand, but decided to trust Li Wei, she knocked on the table and said, "Although I believe what you said, other people may not, even if they look calm in **** now watching the video Those people are so crazy that even I feel scared."

Daphne felt a chill on her back.

According to the performance just now, it can be determined that Alexia is a lunatic, and there are actually a few more terrible than her in hell!

"It's okay, they can't beat me." Li Wei said cheerfully.

Alexia thought for a while and said, "Yes, just knock them out."

"Hell is gradually connecting with the mainland, and if wormholes appear, you can protect the civilians here if you stay in the mainland." Li Wei said.

"Why should I help someone I don't know."

Alexia said mercilessly.

Li Wei didn't say anything, he knew that Alexia would agree.

Because she was ruined because of demons in the past, the people on the ark, she can be said to be the person who hates demons the most, but in order to have the power to kill demons, she became a wizard who enslaved demons, she is the most gentle and brave. people.

"By the way, a little girl came to **** before and said she knew you. What is her relationship with you?"

Alexia suddenly remembered something about Anna and looked at Li Wei.

"That's her wife." Daphne said quietly.

She heard that Li Wei even got the elf queen. This guy is a seeder. Fortunately, the Pope doesn't care about the romance between men and women, and will not fall into Li Wei's hands.

But Daphne was still unhappy with him, and she would not let him go if she could block him.


Alexia thought for a while and nodded.

"I don't care, but the women on the ark would have been very sad if they heard it. At that time, they all liked Paladins, and even dwarf women proposed marriage."

Hearing this, Li Wei quickly stopped.

"Don't mention it, even if the dwarves are grown up, they still have the shape of Lolita. Even if the age is legal, it is a proper crime for me. How can I accept it." Li Wei's face was pale and frightened.

"What about the elves, I remember there are several who expressed their affection for you, right?"

"They want me to add a few children with powerful genes to the sparsely populated elves. It's better to start with three figures. My mother is not a bulldozer!" Li Wei complained.

"Then you can always accept human beings."

"I think so, but the old thief Metatron is staring at me all day, and I don't think there is a chance to attack!" Li Wei said angrily.

It seems... the legendary expedition force is less serious than imagined. Daphne thought, listening to their conversation.

At this time, the sea began to vibrate again, and the wormhole that had been unfolded expanded again. There were hundreds of shadows behind it, all of them being demon monarchs!

And behind that, there is a powerful shadow looking at Li Wei across the space.

"Sure enough, it appeared, Demon God!"

Li Wei picked up the sword and looked over.

Chapter 188 Do you believe in gravity?

The moment the powerful figure appeared behind the wormhole, the people in the entire port seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force, and their bodies were stiff and sluggish.

They are a tripartite alliance of elves of the Holy See Empire. They are well-trained and still have agile minds, manipulating cannons engraved with runes to face the wormhole.

"Using third-level magic rune shells?"

"No, directly use the fifth-level energy ray and concentrate the magic stone liquid."

The mouths of the imperial soldiers were stiff and the conversation was stiff next to the largest gun mount in the port.

The power of the Demon God made their bodies uncontrollable, and if he descended, they might not be able to stand normally.

It took twice as long as usual, and the fluorescent blue concentrated magic stone liquid was poured into the 69-meter-long cannon.

This violent machine, which has been condensed with the efforts of the imperial alchemists, instantly shot a huge beam of four meters thick and swept towards the wormhole under the activation of the five magicians.

The densely packed demon monarchs died on touch behind the wormhole, and the beam slid across the wormhole and the sea.

The sea water evaporated instantly, and two seconds later, a terrible bombing sound and a storm hit the port. The sea surface seemed to be divided into two halves and the bottom could be seen. Under the action of gravity, the surrounding sea water quickly filled the void.

Nearly a quarter of the demon monarchs in the wormhole were instantly wiped out!

This was not because the beam was not powerful enough. The coalition forces at the port clearly saw that the demon raised his hand to block the beam, but even so, a quarter of the demon monarchs were eliminated.

Breaking through the defense of the Demon God with the body of a mortal, this is their victory!


An inaudible humming sound sounded, the demon **** stretched out his hand and waved and roared, and the demon monarch frantically rushed out of the wormhole.

The largest cannon in the port was in a high temperature state after firing. Three or four magicians proficient in water magic were frantically cooling it down, but it was still too late to fire the second cannon before the demon monarch had cooled down before arriving at the port.


Even though the enemy is far apart, the knights of the Holy See shouted and formed a battle to face the demon monarch who was madly attacking.

Imperial soldiers and elves also braved their fears and prepared to fight at the port.

"Mother, I am a hero..."

The young man kissed the tag on his neck, his eyes firmly watching the terrifying demon monarch attack.

A demon monarch suddenly descended from the sky and landed on the port. The white stone brick floor was smashed mercilessly. Its aura far exceeded that of ordinary demon monarchs and almost reached the stage of a god.

This suffocated the coalition forces in the port.

The devil's eyes were scarlet, and he glanced at the combined army. He reached out and grabbed an incoming demon monarch, crushed its head, and smashed its corpse into the group of demon monarchs running over the sea, breaking it into pieces. a few.

The coalition army in the port was stunned. Is this a demon infighting?

"Although the quality is a little worse than the expeditionary force, the attitude is not bad."

On the port demon's head, a red-haired woman with curved horns on the top of her head looked down at them.

"I will crush the demon monarchs, and then you will solve them. This is the most basic way to face high-level demons. Those who can't get out of here."

Alexia ignored their answer, and charged the demons in front of her while controlling the demons under her feet.

Her slender fingers snapped a few times, and five equally huge demon monarchs appeared in her black flames!

The six demons roared and embraced their kin with the warmest hugs.

Hometown, go for one!

The demon took out the eyes on the opposite side, and they danced bloodily in the demon pile.

The coalition army in the port quickly adjusted to deal with the injured demon monarchs after the initial stunned.

This is a must-have item for the cultural exam when screening the expedition army two hundred years ago. How can the combination of a high-level powerhouse and a number of ordinary soldiers destroy the enemy with the purpose of retaining maximum physical strength, and Alexia's words are perfect Answer.

It is said that a paladin of the Holy See handed in a blank paper in the exam and announced in public that "I will definitely become Hokage". He came to the exam again the next month and was very confused.

How did the Naruto pass?

Just because he is not the second generation of the official?

The Demon God behind the wormhole squinted his eyes when he saw Alexia slaughtering all over the place, and with unpleasant memories, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on the space of the wormhole.

The wormhole is still too small for it to get in, but it can pass through part of the power, and that's more than enough to kill Alexia.

A purple light flashed from the Demon God's fingertips, and an invisible force shot towards Alexia through the barrier of space.

Alexia had already noticed it, but she did not stop and slaughtered the demon, and she did not move at all until the demon attacked her, and her eyes calmly looked at the demon behind the wormhole.

The Demon God even thought it was him who was being targeted.


Li Wei appeared in front of Alexia and swept away the attack of the demon **** with his sword, and the two looked at each other and parted tacitly.

Alexia continued to kill the demon, and Li Wei rushed to the wormhole and turned the holy light into a spear and shot it inside.

The demon god's pupils shrank and instantly retreated, but half of his body was still blown to pieces by the stab of the Holy Light's spear.

If Li Wei enters the wormhole, he can kill it. At this time, the mainland can easily enter the **** through the wormhole, but it will take a lot of effort to get back from hell. If there is a more powerful demon attacking the mainland during this period, Li Wei If you can't get back in time, you'll lose a lot.

The demon squinted at Li Wei.

It has long known that this largest wormhole will be guarded by strong people, but it did not expect such an existence.

The gods...even more than ordinary gods.

But why didn't he go to the kingdom of God?

In any case, it plans to retreat, and it has the disadvantage to fight through the wormhole. This time, the demon monarch borrowed from other demon gods can only lose here.

Originally, I wanted to attack the mainland ahead of time, but I didn't expect such a strong...

The Demon God stepped back and slowly disappeared within the range of the wormhole.

Suddenly it opened its eyes wide and saw Li Wei's hands condensed a more powerful holy light than before.