Is It OK To Have a Relationship with the Pope?

Chapter 166

The top demon roared, and what he said caused many people in front of the ark to flash with anger.

Some people, they can scold, but others... can't!

But they also seemed unable to refute.

No matter how much they placed high hopes on Li Wei, when he disappeared, he was still a mortal who could not touch the realm of gods, and he has only recently regained consciousness, and the possibility of reaching here through many crises is almost zero.

They were just angry at Li Wei's disappearance, and felt that he had the ability to come here.

Lightning strikes blast holes in the ground.

There was a slight delay in their speed due to their mood.

The top demon **** seized this moment and slammed the protective cover again, and black thunder and lightning fell like rain and bombed.

Many people were affected and injured, and looked at the top demon gods coldly.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. After all, you have to turn off the protective shield, but it is acceptable to give you a little punishment." The top demon **** narrowed his eyes, grinning and showing his fangs.

The knight in the armor paused for a moment. If it goes on like this, it will be consumed by this top demon **** sooner or later. It is better to hide in the ark.

But being helpless and hiding in the ark was not an option that each of them wanted, they wanted to wait here.

When that person appears, he will definitely appear here in a way that neither of them thought of!

They thought so sincerely.

"Enter the ark." Someone suddenly said.

The knight looked at the person who was speaking and said, "I remember that you are the one who trusts him the most among us."

"Trust can't protect us, and if he were here, I'm afraid he would have made the same choice."

The knight was silent for a while, watching the falling thunder from the sky.

"Enter the ark."

This is the most sensible choice.

But there was always a sense of unwillingness and frustration in their hearts, they thought they could last longer in **** than the paladin bastard.

"whispering sound."

The top demon pouted when he saw that the knight and others were planning to enter the ark.

"A bunch of cowards."

The knight and the others froze.

"I suddenly thought about it, if the paladin **** really died, or couldn't come, it would be meaningless for me to guard the ark." Someone said.

"What's the meaning?"

"I want to go out and kill it."

"You're wrong, it killed you."

"Just a metaphor, knight bastard!"

They stopped and looked at the top demon **** in the sky coldly, and they all had the same idea.

Being ridiculed like this, if they don't fight back, then they are really cowards.

Even dying here is better than being laughed at. Everyone here is a strong person in their own race. How could they swallow this breath.

No matter how strong the opponent is.

The top demon gods also felt their determination, the scarlet eyes narrowed slightly, and the terrifying coercion radiated out, giving people huge pressure from far away.

They will die, but they are all willing to give their lives for it.

The top demon snorted coldly, black lightning covered his body, and the surrounding dozens of miles were instantly scorched black by lightning.

"Do you want to work hard? Humans, then let you see how weak you are, and what kind of power the Paladins you have given high hopes will die under..."

A black flame suddenly shot from a very long distance, and the speed was so fast that even the top demon **** was severely hit in the head before he could react.

The black flames spread out in the air, revealing the three figures inside.

Li Wei caught Natalie and Bernice's eyes and knew the situation here.

"The seven top demon gods are all here." Li Wei said.

He looked at the person who was stunned by the sudden change and shouted: "I will send two people in and open the protective cover of the ark!"

They were stunned for a moment, and subconsciously controlled the ark to open a hole in the protective cover.

Li Wei pushed Natalie and Bernice in, and turned to face a top demon god.


The ground was shaking, and the gust of wind nearly destroyed everything.

The demon gods wanted to take this opportunity to enter the interior of the ark, but they did not expect Li Wei to be able to block its power.

And... it uses the energy of the abyss! ?

"Are you surprised?"

Li Wei looked at the hideous devil and smiled and said, "What surprises you even more is still to come."

A monstrous black flame soared into the sky, facing the seven top demon gods.

He surrounded them.

Natalie and Bernice enter the interior of the ark.

"Tattoo, tick."

Feet on the ground.

Natalie looked at the knight in the ancient armor of the Holy See and said solemnly: "Robbit, deputy commander of the Knights of the Holy Light, I am the current Pope, and I came here with the Holy Knight Li Wei to bring you out of the abyss, now listen to me. command."

Robit's face flashed in a trance, looking at Natalie's delicate and beautiful face but still with a majestic look, as if he had suddenly returned to seeing Pope Metatron two hundred years ago.

He put his right hand on his heart and said in a low voice, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Then he looked beyond the shield, where Li Wei was entangled in battle with the demons.

"He got stronger," Robbie said.

"It's just borrowing the energy of the abyss. If you use it too much, I don't know what will happen." Natalie shook her head gently.

"Let's find an opportunity now to allow him to enter the ark."

In order to **** the two of them into the ark just now, Li Wei had no choice but to stop the Demon God.

As soon as Natalie finished speaking, she saw that more than 20 people had run away and entered the ark, intending to control the protective cover to open at any time.

Natalie was taken aback for a moment. She was ready for the people here to be desperate for Li Wei, but she didn't expect them to be so agile.

"Because they want to avenge him themselves, not let him die at the hands of the devil," Robbie said.

"You are very entangled in his feelings." Natalie commented.

"Your Majesty, this person is changeable, always doing nasty things when people like it. For example, if you fall in love with him, you probably know what it is like." Robbit's face was indifferent. Smiling, joking.

"Yeah, but I still don't have any nasty thoughts." Natalie looked at Li Wei outside the protective shield and said softly.

"That's probably because..."

Robbit suddenly paused, as if something was wrong?

Fall in love with the Pope?

Chapter 199: The Purpose of the Expeditionary Force

The skin felt tingling all the time, and the pressure of the seven top demon gods felt too strong and invincible across the distance.

Robbit looked at Levi's face outside the protective shield with worry flashing on his face

He still had some doubts about Natalie's words just now in his heart, but for now, let Li Wei enter the ark first.

And unlike the one-sided situation in his imagination, Li Wei didn't seem to be instantly killed when facing the seven demon gods, but he still managed to do it with ease.

"Is he... so strong?" someone murmured.

The abyss energy in the bodies of the seven top demon gods was so concentrated that it overflowed outside the body, forming an elemental storm on the surface of the body. Lightning and gust of wind wrapped around them like a domain, and each punch carried the power that could easily shred the gods.

The sharp claws slashed across the ground, and a ravine of hundreds of meters instantly emerged, and then the ground collapsed instantly with the force that arrived in the next step!

Like a disaster!

Li Wei is ridiculously small in their huge figures, but the top demon gods are fighting harder and harder.

Obviously they can feel that the physical quality of this human being is not as good as any of them, but they have not suffered any wounds until now, but the more they fight, the more brave they are.

'what happened? ' Their pupils flashed with surprise.

A bird-shaped top demon **** who is good at speed flashed coldness and flashed to the back of Li Wei and punched Li Wei to the ground.


With Li Wei landing as the center, the surrounding area collapsed several meters in an instant, and the spider web-like cracks were densely covered.

"Hit." The bird-shaped devil said solemnly.

The demons looked down with no joy, because they had hit several times before, and each time Li Lai was enough to kill Li Wei, but he was still alive.

The smoke on the ground dissipated, and Li Wei stood on the ground looking at them unscathed.

"Is he a monster?"

A top Demon God said in cold sweat.

They are monsters themselves, but they are also afraid of strange enemies who do not know the details.

"It's the abyss." The bird-shaped demon **** suddenly said.

"He mastered the power of the abyss, and when we attacked him, the two same powers canceled each other out, so that we could not harm him."

"is it possible?"

"If it's not possible, what's going on with this human being?" The bird-shaped demon god's eyes were gloomy.

It didn't say a word.

If this statement is correct, it means that the power of the abyss that Li Wei masters is deeper than them, and he is more popular with the abyss than these demon gods.

But how could a human being better adapted to the abyss than a demon...

"Then we won't be able to kill him no matter what we do?" The Demon God frowned.

"No, as long as he doesn't use energy, his physical quality is far inferior to ours. One blow can make him disappear from this world, not to mention that we are still seven people working together." The bird-shaped demon snorted coldly.

It is a shame that the seven demon gods have made a human endure for so long!

Li Wei watched as several demon gods suddenly flew towards the bird-shaped demon god.

"If you want to attack me, don't underestimate me as a human being!" The bird-shaped devil said angrily.

It punched out and collided with Livy.

Li Wei's fist overflowed with blood, but the abyss energy quickly repaired it for him, as if he was afraid that Li Wei would not be satisfied.

The bird-shaped demon **** almost vomited blood.

Li Wei clenched his fist and threw another punch, this time knocking the bird-shaped devil back a few steps.

"How come?" The bird-shaped demon **** was surprised.

Li Wei's move worked and he bullied him again and threw his fist in front of him and smashed it, much like Lu Tixia's attack on the town of Guanxi.



Every punch made the bird-shaped demon **** take a few steps back, its sharp claws were shattered, and the broken skin and black blood spilled in the air.

This power is so powerful that the abyss will actually help him to this extent! The bird-shaped devil's claws hurt, and he looked at Li Wei in horror.

But no matter how powerful he is, he is still alone. There are seven top demon gods here.