Is It OK To Have a Relationship with the Pope?

Chapter 172

"Levy and Natalie come back soon, we can't stand it anymore!"

Chapter 206 It seems... what's wrong?

The location of the wormhole is random, so it is normal to appear near the imperial capital, but if it does happen, it still makes people feel flustered.

"How big is the wormhole?" Anna asked someone.

"Your Majesty, it's about the same as the western port, but the scope of influence may become larger and larger over time."

"In other words, there is a possibility that the Demon God will appear in the mainland in a real body." Daphne's eyes sank.

The Demon God stepped into the mainland from hell, which has never happened in history.

When they came to the city wall of the imperial capital, the distorted space crack in the distance was clearly visible. The weak demon struggled to get out of it and was shot by the soldiers with bows and arrows, but the powerful demon was already eyeing the crack, and could even see deep. There is the shadow of the devil in the place.

And there are three!

"I have already delivered the most powerful weapon. If the Demon God appears, I can give it a shot to ensure that it will be reborn, but if it happens to be good at speed, it may not be able to hit." Qi Lier said anxiously.

Both Anna and Daphne's expressions were not good. The situation had already been maintained, but now there is another big move, and there is also the appearance of the devil.

The wormhole gradually stabilized, and high-level demons and demon monarchs began to pour out of the wormhole.

The army that had already prepared destroyed it in an instant, leaving a large mass of demon corpses on the ground.

"Ordinary demons are fine, but the balance of the situation will change when the devil appears..." Anna stared at the wormhole.

Finally, a hand exuding the coercion of the devil stretched out from it, and slapped the ground fiercely, making the devil into meat sauce.

But it didn't care about sticking its head out and shouting excitedly: "The mainland, the breath of freedom, has finally come here, hahaha!"

As soon as it appeared, it was bombarded by a magic cannon engraved with runes and lost its head, and fell to the ground powerless.

However, two extremely fast figures suddenly appeared in the wormhole. Their eyes were cold and cruel, and they stared at Anna Chillier and Daphne above the city wall.

The two demon gods are going to strangle them together!


It was another magic cannon, this one hit a demon **** and its speed dropped sharply, but the other demon **** was already very close to the city wall.

Anna clenched Qi Li Er's slightly trembling soft hand, and looked at the approaching Demon God calmly.

"After it gets here, the magic cannon should cool down just right, Priest Daphne, you can order it to fire at us," Anna said.

Daphne looked at Anna's calm profile: "Aren't you afraid?"

It's normal for people to be afraid of death, but she never seemed to see the expression of fear on Anna's face.

"Pastor Daphne, I have always lived my life with the standard of dying tomorrow. Even if I die now, I will not have any regrets." Anna tilted her head to look at Daphne.

Daphne was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "Li Wei can actually marry someone like you, he really made a lot of money."

"Heh, I think I made a profit." Anna smiled, the Demon God was no more than 100 meters away from them.

This is almost within reach for the Demon God.

Anna raised her head and sighed, but she still wanted to live longer with him.

She suddenly stared, and there was a shadow in the sky, and a behemoth descended from the sky and lowered the demon **** near the city wall to the ground.


The demon **** was easily crushed into flesh, but both the human and the demon present were stunned by the sudden appearance of the giant.

It lies between the imperial capital and the wormhole, as if separating the two sides.


This is how it was recorded in history.

But only by seeing it with your own eyes can you feel its greatness. It is more than 100 meters high, has a silver-white appearance, and every place is engraved with ancient runes with surging energy.

Figures suddenly appeared on the ark. Those figures were wearing ancient armor and clothing. Several people stared at another living demon and cooperated with each other, using weapons and equipment to kill the demon within minutes.


Someone on the city wall muttered as they looked at the inscriptions on their clothes.

Standing on the ark, Li Wei looked back at Anna and the others on the city wall. After seeing that they were all right, he said to Robbit and others, "Deal with the demons here first."

In terms of how to deal with demons, the expedition is even more familiar than demons.

People have seen the slaughter of human beings by demons, but definitely not the slaughter of demons.

It seems that he understands every inch of the devil thoroughly, and he can only use three and a half points of force. It seems that everything is in control, not like killing, but more like the devil sending himself up.

In less than an hour, all the demons gushing out of the wormhole had been wiped out. The expeditionary army skillfully lit the flames to burn them, and walked back chatting and laughing with each other.

"You almost slashed me with that sword just now."

"Fart, if I don't take action, you will be blown up by the devil."

"That's a flaw I deliberately exposed."

Daphne on the city wall took a deep breath and said: "No wonder Your Majesty will leave in such a crisis situation, the power of the expedition force is so powerful, and this ark is not a problem to suppress all the wormholes on the mainland now. ."

While speaking, Li Wei and Natalie had come to the city wall.

"You haven't had a good rest these days, have you?" Li Wei couldn't help but see the tired faces of Anna and Qi Li'er.

"How can there be so many things to rest!" Qi Lier complained, but she still showed joy when she saw Li Wei's appearance.

"You can rest when you come back." Anna also looked at Li Wei and smiled.

Daphne was the first to meet Natalie.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Daphne worried.

Natalie shook her head slightly, looked at the tired look on Daphne's face and said, "You've worked hard these days when I'm not here."

Daphne said quickly: "It's all for the life on the mainland."

Her eyes were immediately attracted by Robit, who was wearing the ancient armor of the Holy See from the expedition.

"Is this the Holy See member of the expeditionary army?" Daphne couldn't contain her curiosity.

After all, anyone who was a member of the Holy See two hundred years ago would be curious.

"Exactly." Robbit nodded solemnly.

When he saw the tiredness on Daphne's face and her conversation with Natalie, he knew that she was a serious member of the Holy See, not as weird as Livy, and his affection suddenly increased.

"From today onwards, I will help His Majesty the Pope protect the continent, and I hope to cooperate with you well." Robbit said.

It's a normal person... Daphne was moved, it turned out that the members of the Holy See two hundred years ago were not neurotic like Li Wei.

"Me too." Daphne nodded.

Robbit suddenly remembered something and said: "At the same time, in the relationship between the Pope and Li Wei, we must also maintain supervision over him."

"Of course... Wait, what did you say?" Daphne was stunned, he seemed to have said a strange word just now?


Robbit found that the soldiers on the city wall suddenly paid attention to him, especially the people from the Dawn Empire and the Elf Royal Court were especially shocked, and the people from the Holy See were even more sluggish.

It seems... what's wrong? Robbit found something strange.

Chapter 207 Li Wei, I'm going to kill you!

The three who returned to the mainland before the other expeditions were at the western port of the Dawn Empire at this time.

The **** wormhole here is still the largest now, and the three of them chose to block the demon invasion here.

At this time, they had just ordered to kill a group of demons, chatting while burning the demon corpses.

"If nothing else happens, Li Wei will be back in a few days." Haman fired at the demon corpse on the ground with a small rune cannon.


The shells hit the demon and quickly spread all over the body and began to burn.

"Are you sure they will come back with Li Wei, but they are very firm that they will kill Li Wei."

Alexia controlled her demon to pile the corpses together and looked at Haman.

"They are all knives and axes, but Li Wei is the obedient type, I guess they were all beaten up." Harman didn't care.

He held the small cannon biubiu and burned the body, and the firelight reflected the three bodies in orange red.

"That's why you didn't look for him, afraid that you couldn't help but be beaten by him?" Alexia asked.

"I'm here to protect the Empire," Haman denied.

"I won't do something rude to my companions, elves are all graceful." Joelman raised his head and said proudly.

"But when you heard that Li Wei might attack your sister Cheryl, I still remember your red eyes and twisted look. You said you were going to kill Li Wei." Alexia asked Qiao Mann.

"I don't have this memory, you have hallucinations." Joelman said lightly.

Haman laughed mercilessly from the side.

The veins in Qiaoman's forehead jumped, as if nothing had happened: "But a certain person was actually won by Li Wei because of his own emperor. I remember the madness very clearly. What is that person's name? Young general, General Haman?"

Joelman looked at Haman in surprise, and said apologetically: "I'm so sorry, I didn't know you cared so much about this."

The corners of Haman's mouth twitched, and he looked at Joelman without a smile: "It's okay, in fact, I don't care at all, after all, it's nothing compared to my sister."

Jorman's face stiffened.

Alexia sat on the side and looked at the two lightly.

Well, this time the two broke the defense at the same time.

At this time, a person wearing the armor of the Holy See knight came over and said broadly: "You two relax your mind, since things are done, you can only accept it, it is better to make yourself happy."

The person here is the current leader of the Knights of the Light, Gavin.

As the wormhole here is getting bigger and bigger, he is also sent here to resist the demons.

Joelman hated Li Wei at this time, and even Gavin was unhappy at this time.

He snorted coldly: "It's not that your sister was poisoned by Li Wei, what are you talking about here?"

Harman was in the same mood at this time, and said lightly: "Why don't you think about how you would behave if your Pope was succeeded by Li Wei?"

Hey, don't you just reveal that you really care... Alexia complained in her heart.

Gavin thought for a moment and said: "Although I think the probability of this kind of thing happening is very low, but if this kind of thing happens, I will be very calm, my majesty has my own considerations, as the knight leader of the Holy See, I only need to believe her Enough."

Gavin gave Joelman and Harman a big smile.

This is different from Li Wei's image of the Sunshine Knight, which immediately made the two feel a little more favorable.

"It may be that I am too impatient. It will be much safer for His Majesty the Emperor to have a strong person to accompany him."

"Me too, it's time for Qi Li'er to find a boyfriend. Although she's a slut, it's better than being deceived by others."

Harman and Jorman looked at each other, and their hearts were also calmer.

Suddenly, a soldier came running next to him and started to read with the information from the imperial capital.

"Ark has returned?"

"The other expeditions have also come back?"

"Resolved the three demon gods?"

When the four of them heard the good news, their mood suddenly improved a lot.

But they saw that the soldier did not leave, but stood there a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Gavin asked.

"Actually, I just heard a few people talking."

"It doesn't matter, everyone here is broad-minded and won't care."

"Thanks to Knight Gavin. In fact, I have another piece of information here that is not considered intelligence. It is related to what a few people just talked about." The soldier hesitated.

Gavin frowned and looked at Haman and Joorman.

"Could it be that Li Wei is messing around again? Although he has left the Holy See, as a member of the Holy See, it is necessary for me to correct his unhealthy behavior. No, it may be better to let the Pope go, the Pope is sure would resent this kind of behavior.”