Is It OK To Have a Relationship with the Pope?

Chapter 19

He also felt a warm holy light passing from the Pope's hand into his body.

Li Wei controlled the Holy Light in his body to avoid the Holy Light of the Pope, so as not to be discovered by him.

"But it's normal for you to think about these things at your age. Have you found the type you like?" the Pope asked softly.

"Well, I found it." Li Wei said, he couldn't lie here, otherwise it would only increase the Pope's suspicion.

"It must be a very beautiful girl," said the Pope.

"Why does Your Majesty think so?" Li Wei asked strangely, the Pope didn't know that the type he liked was Natalie.

"Because the person who is worthy of you should be such a woman." The Pope said with a chuckle.

This was the first time Li Wei saw the new Pope laugh clearly. Her smile was not restrained, but it didn't appear to be open.

But Li Wei was surprised that a pope had such a smile, because most of the popes he had met were unsmiling, and it was good to be able to pull out a sneer, not to mention the one in front of him who smiled so naturally.

"Your Majesty, isn't it very good for us to talk about love in the Holy See?" Li Wei said.

"It doesn't matter, there are no rules in the Holy See that do not allow discussion." The Pope said.

"This, this is it."

"You may think that the Pope is old-fashioned, but I feel that I am still very familiar with the current trend of young people. I also have correspondence with people, and he often teaches me a lot of different knowledge." The Pope said softly.

"Really?" Li Wei replied.

But he didn't believe it at all. If you pope surfing the Internet, is Natalie still rushing?

Even if my Natalie is in line with me, she will not lose at all, but with Natalie's character, she definitely won't be in line with me.

"Why did your majesty tell me so much?" Li Wei asked directly and clearly. Since he can't lie here, then this is the same restraint for the Pope.

"I said it just now, because I am very concerned about Li Wei!" The Pope said with a smile like a flower.

"...Then there must be a reason, right?" Li Wei said helplessly, the Pope is really leak-proof, sitting next to him for so long, he didn't let him touch anything!

"Well, that's true." The Pope pondered for a while, then she turned to look at Li Wei and said, "Maybe it's because I like you."

Li Wei's face did not change.

Hmph, the lie is so obvious, the Pope's means are nothing more than that!

Li Wei waited for a while and did not hear the bell ringing, and his expression gradually began to change.

"God loves the world, and I want to love all life like the goddess of light, right?" The Pope raised his white fingers and smiled.

"That's right." Li Wei said expressionlessly.

Shit, he almost had a cardiac arrest just now!

He watched the Pope raise his fingers like a little girl and smiled playfully, and suddenly felt that if this woman went to **** to be a demon lord, she would definitely be a good man to play with people's hearts!

If you don't quit and go to hell, I can write you a job recommendation letter and make sure the **** guys don't have any opinions.

"Your Majesty, should the inspection be finished by now?" Li Wei looked at the hands they were shaking, and he felt that it was time to let go.

"It's not over yet, just keep holding it." The Pope shook his head gently, and she gently held Li Wei's hand to keep him from letting go.

You have turned the Holy Light three or four times in my body, okay! Li Wei complained.

Are you planning to fly the Holy Light inside me next?

Is that what she wants to hold my hand? Li Wei thought helplessly.

But he also knew that this was impossible, and a dignified pope must have had a reason to hold his hand like that.

"Well, where did I just say... Yes, it's the type you like." The Pope thought about it and said, she looked at Li Wei and smiled: "Do you think I'm the type you like?"

Is this a temptation?

Looking at the Pope's beautiful face, Li Wei hesitated and said, "There should be no man who doesn't like the appearance of His Majesty."

"But I just want to know your opinion!" The Pope leaned closer to Li Wei with a calm expression.

Li Wei could see almost anywhere on her beautiful face, and even felt two clumps of plump and soft things sticking to her arms.

In the silent church with no bells, Li Wei suddenly panicked. What does the Pope mean?

"Cough, if it refers to appearance, your majesty is the same as the most beautiful and attractive woman in my imagination." Li Wei said.

The Pope listened carefully and found that there was no bell tolling, and looked at Li Wei with a satisfied smile.

"I am very happy to have your compliment." The Pope made no secret of the happiness on his face.

Li Wei was helpless.

"Your Majesty, this..." Li Wei leaned to the side, mainly because the Pope next to him was so close that he almost touched him.

The Pope seemed to notice it. He looked down and shook his head and said, "It's just a little physical contact. If it's with you, I don't mind."

I still want you to pay attention, after all, I have a girlfriend. Li Wei complained in his heart.

And according to what you said, can you accept that I can directly replace it with this sub-plot now?

Li Wei felt that if he really said that, he would kill him after a while, and he would be bloodied.

"Well, now that the examination is over, it seems that there is no problem with the body." The Pope nodded and said.

"That hand..."

"Hold it first, maybe you will find something wrong later," the Pope said.

Are you joking? Am I safe and I will suddenly suffer from a serious illness in the next instant... Li Wei thought to himself.

However, after the passage just now, Li Wei can generally be at ease. Maybe the Pope suspects that he is hiding in this city, but it is still very difficult to lock in his current identity.

Then she called me over to ask what was all this for?

Li Wei had new doubts in his heart.

"Recently, the city has not been calm, and the demons are just about to move in hell. There may be a storm that will sweep the mainland soon." The Pope said suddenly.

Li Wei nodded, he was not surprised, because this is the main plot of the game.

"But no matter how powerful the evil is, I will not let any demon affect the peace of the continent, because there are people I love on this continent," the Pope said calmly.

"It will be fine if you are there." Li Wei also said, because in the plot, you are the one who suppressed the devil.

"Thank you for your trust in me." The Pope looked at Li Wei and smiled: "I will protect you."

Shouldn't it be normal to say 'I will protect everything on this continent'? Li Wei thought.

Because such words from the Pope's mouth made Li Wei subconsciously ask: "Why?"

"I said it because you are my favorite person!" The Pope looked at Li Wei with a smile.

God loves the world, right? I understand...

But even so, Li Wei still stared blankly at the Pope, because her smile was so beautiful and resolute, and there was no doubt in her majesty.

Li Wei can guarantee that as long as it is a man, he will not be unmoved at this moment.

But he already had Natalie, so his heart slowed down quickly.

"Well, let's stop here today." The Pope said, "The next meeting should be when you are the first in the academy. I still have something to help you at that time."

Having said that, she smiled and let Li Wei know that even if he asked, he couldn't ask anything.

Li Wei didn't stop anymore, got up and walked out of the church.

"Huh..." Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief. During that time, his nerves were tense all the time, and it was really exhausting.

At this time, the female teacher just came over, and she nodded with satisfaction when she saw Li Wei's tired look: "It seems that you have a good understanding of what Your Majesty told you about the Holy See of the Holy Light in the church, come with me and take you. go out."

Li Wei looked silent at the slender back of the priestess.

Do you know how I was tortured inside?

Natalie watched Li Wei walk out of the church. She clutched her chest and felt the violent beating there.

"Is this what Li Wei said about Mian Ji's feeling? It's really happy." Natalie said with a smile.

Soon her smile subsided.

"But to ensure the safety of the city, the intruder of the Holy See that night must be found!"

A majestic light and killing intent flashed in Natalie's eyes.

She looked at the church and said in a low voice, "Sure enough, I still like Li Wei the most."

There was no sound in the empty church, the bell seemed to disappear forever, and only a bizarrely beautiful girl sat quietly in front of the statue of the Goddess of Light.

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Chapter 26 Shall I help you take a bath by the way?

The footsteps of two people echoed in the corridor of the Holy See.

When he was about to leave the Holy See, Li Wei couldn't help but ask the priestess who was leading the way, "Aren't you curious about the Pope... um, what did His Majesty say to me?"

"What Your Majesty said has her own intentions." The priestess said indifferently: "But even if I didn't hear His Majesty's words, I can guess. Your Majesty's words will definitely give you enough growth. Everyone has a lot of patience."

Are you sure you really know your Pope? Li Wei's eyes twitched.

The priestess took Li Wei to the door of the Holy See, and before letting him leave, she took out a book and handed it to Li Wei: "This is the biography of Pope Metatron. From what you just said, it seems that you like this majesty very much. So I found it for you."

"I don't like it..." Li Wei took the biography and looked at the white-bearded old man above and couldn't help but smile: "This boring expression is very similar to yours."

"What did you say?" the priestess raised her eyebrows.

"It's not about you, there was an old man I knew who always had the same expression as him, so I couldn't help but say something." Li Wei explained.

"So that's the case." The priestess's expression softened slightly, "That person must also believe in the Holy Light, right?"

"There may be no one in the world who understands the Holy Light better than him." Li Wei looked down at the person in the biography.

The priestess frowned slightly when she saw Li Wei's expression of emotion. Li Wei's words just now seemed to be mixed with the sand of time, as if she was sighing about what happened a hundred years ago.

But the black-haired boy in front of him was clearly a freshman who just entered school.

The priestess hurriedly shook her head and began to doubt herself, was she too tired?

All this misunderstanding.

"Oh, by the way, about Pope Metatron's biography, there are actually some deleted things in it." The priestess recalled and said, "About the deleted things, I'm sorry I can't let you know now, unless you later Join the Holy See because it involves issues within the Holy See."

The priestess looked a little embarrassed, because for a young man who loved the Holy See and the Holy Light so much, the priestess thought that hiding the truth about the Holy See was really not what she wanted.

"It doesn't matter." Li Wei smiled at the embarrassed expression of the priestess and waved his hand: "Actually, I know a little more than you think."

As the sun sets in the west, the orange-red sun gradually sets in the west, and the shadow of a corner of the Holy See is constantly changing.

When the priestess looked up, the shadow just covered Li Wei's face, and the smile on his face seemed to be in control of everything, and like a trader hidden behind the scenes.

At this moment, the priestess even thought of the Pope, no, even more mature than the new Pope!

"What's wrong?" Li Wei's voice brought the priestess back to her senses.

"No, it's fine." The priestess frowned and looked at Li Wei, who was obviously just a boy who was too handsome.

Is it really that she is too tired?

"Night is coming, go home quickly, it's best for your body to fall asleep before eleven o'clock at night, and it is forbidden to eat greasy things at night..." the priestess said to Li Wei.

"Yes Yes."

The priestess's words reminded Li Wei of the fear of being urged to exercise by Anna, and hurriedly left the Holy See.

A trip to the Holy See without incident obviously put Li Wei in a very good mood.

A breeze came and swept away the biography in Li Wei's hand. When Li Wei picked it up, he saw a blank page and two pages of Pope Metatron on one page.

Looking at the blank page, Li Wei shrugged helplessly, turned his eyes to the portrait of Pope Metatron next to him and couldn't help but smile.

"Good evening, Bishop Metatron, I'm back!"

"I am back!"