Is It OK To Have a Relationship with the Pope?

Chapter 37

I thought your system was a waste and couldn't do anything, I'm really sorry for you.

...It turns out that you are still holding me back.

What the **** should I do now, the friendship between me and Anna Chunchun has been spoiled by you now, who can make up for the nutrition I lack in the heart of fist and fist!

"Calm down Li Wei." Li Wei said to himself: "Now there is still a chance to make up for it, first find a blue fat man with two heads and use a time machine to go back to the past to kill Skynet, and then take the Terminator to Cybertron Evolution... No, I am a magical world!"

Li Wei sighed, now there is no way out.

He actually had the idea that he and Anna would get married on the same day. Natalie and Anna's wedding dresses must have been beautiful at that time. Now it seems that this scene cannot be done.

A little devil flew from the back of Li Wei's head with a sinister smile and said, "The two got married on the same day, right?"

Another angel flew out and looked at the devil gently and said: I think you are right.

A demon angel clapped his palm tacitly.

"..." Li Wei.

Shaking his head to shake off the strange fantasy.

"But I'm really touched that Anna treats me as her best friend." Li Wei smiled at the friendship that was desperately pushed to the limit.

He actually regarded Anna as his best friend for a long time. At that time, he thought that if one day he died to protect someone, it would be either Natalie or Anna.

But... Anna's friendship with him has soured!

Li Wei scratched his head helplessly, saying that he was a good friend for life, why did you suddenly have other thoughts about me!

The data of this love value is not improved by the system, the system just turns it into data and displays it on the interface, so it is her own idea.

Originally, as the main character, the level of favorability and quests had to be turned on, but the stupid system directly compensated and skipped it.

Find a chance to unload you! Li Wei cursed.

Li Wei adjusted his mood and returned to the hall to sit down opposite Anna with a serious face.

"Anna, I want to ask you a serious question." Li Wei looked at Anna and said.

"What?" Anna asked.

"Are you secretly liking me?" Li Wei asked seriously.

Anna sighed and rubbed her brows and said, "I remember you joked before that 'she likes me' is one of the three major delusions in life, and now you're stuck in this too?"

"That means no?" Li Wei asked Anna, glancing at the full love value.

"At least I haven't found any signs that I like you yet. What do you think of this answer?" Anna said calmly.

Li Wei looked at Anna and did not notice any shyness in her.

Could it be that there is a problem with the stupid system and the display is abnormal?

Li Wei has considerable reason to doubt, because this system must choose one between stupid and trash.

"Then how would you answer if I said I like you?" Li Wei thought about it and asked in a different way.

"I'll let you read more and think less." Anna said blankly.

Li Wei then asked some more questions, all of which were satirized by Anna indifferently, which made Li Wei feel a little humiliated.

But the other party was a beautiful silver-haired girl, and Li Wei felt that there was no problem.

"Are there any questions? Although you are at this age, I advise you to focus on your studies." Anna said helplessly, unable to keep her indifferent expression.

It is also fortunate that they are best friends, so there is no problem in asking, if the others would have been embarrassed already... Anna sighed to herself.

"Okay, that last question." Li Wei thought about it for a while. Previously, Anna seemed to answer questions with rhetorical questions and sarcasm. This time, it was better to ask more directly, and Anna would not lie to him.

"Do you like me?" Li Wei asked.

At this time, there was a convoy of horses passing by, and the sound of the wheels of 'Gululu' was very loud, and the sound of Li Wei's words was covered up when it entered the house.

It was not until the convoy left that this gorgeous western mansion was quieted down again.

"I just said..." Li Wei was worried that Anna hadn't heard clearly just now.

"I heard that," interrupted Anna.

Anna looked at Li Wei, then turned to look out the window after a while and said:

"Well, I also think the sun is very bright today, and I like it very much."

The sunlight outside the window was indeed bright, illuminating the green grass in the yard, the growth of the trees, and also illuminating Anna's calm face and cheeks slightly red.

Chapter 51 Simple and Simple Repair

After lunch, Li Wei wanted to continue exercising with Anna, but unexpectedly, Anna, a cultivator, refused.

"It's not okay to make your body too tired. Let's rest for a while in the afternoon." Anna said to Li Wei.

But the red bottle and blue bottle you eat are enough to make a swordsman master melee for three days and three nights in the pile of demons, even if you swing your sword all day and night, you may not get tired. Li Wei thought.

Throwing out these potions can make a big splash in the mainland trading market. If some strong people are not right, they will grab them.

But Li Wei didn't say much, because there were too many bottles and jars in his place, even if Anna wasted a little more, it didn't matter.

After the morning conversation, the relationship between the two did not change significantly, and there was no embarrassment that occurs between ordinary people.

But I don't know if it was a psychological suggestion, Li Wei always felt that Anna's eyes stayed on him for a little more time after that.

"Where are you going in the afternoon?" Li Wei looked at Anna and asked.

"Go to the weapons store to have someone help repair the weapons and armor," Anna said.

Li Wei looked at the long swords and armor in the yard. Although its owner was well maintained, he still accumulated a lot of damage in daily training and battles. If it was ordinary equipment, it would be fine. How could it be ordinary? It's all magic equipment that only nobles can afford, and maintenance will naturally cost a lot of money.

Evil nobles, tsk tsk. Li Wei clicked his tongue, this repair may throw a year's income of a commoner family into burning.

So Li Wei starts to eat the nobles and the nobles from now on, and is determined to take revenge.

"Let's go." Anna said from the door.


"Is the other party's name Zhen Jin?" Li Wei asked, he and Anna were walking on a busy street.

"Well, he is a master of weapons, and even the Bauhinia family will ask him to help forge when they need it." Anna nodded, "But he has a weird personality, and he can work whenever he wants. Maybe we will visit this time. It will be a waste of time."

"There's such a thing." Li Wei frowned, he didn't want to waste time in vain.

Soon the two found a low-key weapon shop in a remote place compared to Saint Naiz College and their home.

Li Wei looked at the weapon shop and touched his chin. He didn't know if this version of the novice weapon shop was this one, but it was very likely. After all, the main story of this version started at Saint Naiz College, so naturally the newbie needs it. Arms shops are also in the city.

And the other party is also a low-key weapon master, this background is more like.

"The other party has a weird personality. Let me tell you later. You can just watch it quietly." Anna said to Li Wei before entering the weapon shop.

"Okay." Li Wei said that he has always been obedient and has been a good citizen for two hundred years.


Pushing the door in, the copper bell at the door rang crisply.

The two walked into the weapon store and saw an old man sitting behind the counter. Although the old man was old, his muscles were not inferior to those of the young man.

The old man swept the clothes on Anna's body and saw the clan emblem of the Bauhinia family on the corner of the clothes, and said lightly, "Noble, I'm tired and don't plan to work today, please come back."

Anna was not surprised, and continued to ask, "Then when is your free time, Your Excellency Zhenjin."

"Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not the day after tomorrow." Zhen Jin said lightly, even lying on the chair unwilling to get up, just raised his eyelids lazily to look at Anna.

Anna frowned. Although she had heard that this weapon master had a quirky temperament, it seemed that it was more than quirky, and even deliberately made things difficult for him.

"Are you Zhen Jin?"

Anna suddenly heard Li Wei talking next to her.

"To be honest, before I came in, I heard that you have a very weird temper, so I thought I should be polite, so I put a dozen jins of alchemy bombs around, and it is no exaggeration to say that it can blow you into powder. ." Levi said.

Eh? Anna's eyes widened, how could she not know that Li Wei still did this.

Zhen Jin sat up and stared at Li Wei coldly: "Are you threatening me?"

Li Weimer silently took out something that looked like a detonator and functioned like a detonator from his pocket and said, "This is a welcome gift, Armstrong cyclone jet detonator."

Zhen Jin looked at Li Wei for a long time, and suddenly laughed loudly: "It turns out that you are such a courageous friend, you two, please sit down. Today I suddenly have an interest!"

Li Wei nodded, but instead of putting away the detonator, he slowly pressed the button.

"I'll set the stove on fire now!" Zhen Jin said quickly.

Li Wei continued to work hard.


Li Wei is reaching his limit.

"Add mithril to you!"

Li Wei wanted to press down.

"Give you a set of equipment for free!"

Li Wei hurriedly threw away the detonator and said shyly, "Why are you embarrassed then?"

Zhenjin's mouth twitched as he looked at Li Wei, I'm sorry, who was the person who threatened me just now?

"Can we start now?" Li Wei asked.

"Yes, but I have to change my pants first. The tea was spilled just now." Zhen Jin said.

Watching Zhen Jin run quickly into the room, only Li Wei and Anna were left in the store.

After a while, Anna couldn't help laughing softly. Looking at Li Wei, she said helplessly, "How could you be so deceiving? You clearly installed some kind of bomb."

"I'll scare him, otherwise he won't know when to hang us." Li Wei shrugged.

"But you are too bad." Anna said angrily.

Li Wei was not ashamed and proud and gave a thumbs up.

Zhen Jin came back after a while. As a weapon master, he was more sensitive than Anna. When Li Wei said there were bombs around the store, his first reaction was laughable.

Who can plant bombs around him without knowing it.

But soon his intuition as a weapon master told him that yes, there were bombs around at no time, and they were still the kind with extremely high concentrations of magic elements.

More than being able to blow him into powder, even if it is said to blow up half the city to the sky, he is not surprised.

Moreover, this young man has sophisticated eyes, and the first time he walked in, he looked directly at the best quality weapons in the store.

Where did the Bauhinia family find a husband for their future duchess? Jin Jin thought.

The one who can walk beside the only daughter of the Bauhinia family and show intimacy is naturally the future husband-in-law.

He's a ruthless person... Zhen Jin sighed.

He was much more ruthless than the people he had met before. He was the one who cheerfully took out bombs to promote people to blow up people and looked calm after meeting them for the first time.

Haven't done anything before? Zhen Jin pondered in his heart.

But this is also a matter of the Bauhinia family, he can't be bothered to care about the nobles.

After asking about Anna's needs, Zhenjin opened the furnace to help her repair.

"Speaking of which, I didn't see the bikini armor here. That thing has a high defense." Li Wei looked around and said.

"What kind of armor is that?" Anna asked curiously.

"It's a unique type of armor that only a few people can master." Zhen Jin said while repairing the equipment.

"That's the legendary armor, it doesn't exist in reality." Li Wei nodded and sighed again and again.

Li Wei and Zhen Jin looked at each other and smiled as if they had met a confidant.

Although I don't know what they are talking about, Anna doesn't feel like a good thing.

Li Wei suddenly felt that there was movement in the system space. It was the scroll that sealed the demon residue moving, and it was trying to send information to Li Wei.

"There is a devilish breath here," it said.