It’s Doomsday, There Are All Female Zombies Around

Chapter 31: Solar panels?

After inspecting his own base, Wang Ran drove Wuling Hongguang and played dynamic music to attract dozens of zombies nearby.

It's not that Wang Ran doesn't want to cite more, it's that there are too few zombies nearby.

If it were in the city center, as soon as this song was played, hundreds of street dancers would have followed behind.

After throwing these zombies on the bridge, Wang Ran went home humming a ditty.

At the end of the day, about 50 kilograms of gold were obtained.

Although I didn't make as much money when I went to the vault, it was a little bit of income anyway.

After a while, the value of gold will be reflected.

At that time, the major survivor camps will begin to collect gold.

Want to go to camp?

You will be charged only if you hand in the gold.

Want to switch food?

Yes, bring the gold!

Want to be happy? We have second-tier actresses here!

Do you have gold!

Although Wang Ran didn't know what the gold would do to them, he could save as much as he could now, and he would definitely not suffer.

Anyway, it's all about expiring food that can't be eaten, so I don't feel bad.

While passing through an intersection, a Lamborghini suddenly crashed from the side at more than 100 yards.

Although Wang Ran responded quickly, the car was not as nimble as a human being.

The two cars collided heavily!

Wang Ran's Wuling Hongguang was directly hit and rolled over.

Fortunately, Wang Ran had good driving habits. Even if it was the end of the day, he would still wear his seat belt, otherwise he would have been thrown out of the car long ago.


"How do you drive the car!"

Wang Ran climbed out of the car.

These are simple skin wounds that heal quickly.

As for the Lamborghini that hit Wuling Hongguang, the entire front of the car was flattened.

The people inside were paralyzed there, not knowing whether to live or die.

Wang Ran walked over with a knife.

"help me!"

In the driver's seat, a man shouted to Wang Ran in pain.

Wang Ran glanced at it, he was covered in blood from the waist down.

And the woman sitting next to him...

Mouth full of blood.

It looked like he was out of breath.

Wang Ran instantly made up the picture.

Hmm...that must be it!

The huge impact caused a tragic scene.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's all like this, there's no way to save it.

"help me......"

"I'm rich, my family is rich!"

"Hurry up and take me to the hospital!"

The man's face was pale, and it seemed that the blood loss was very fast.

"Save your sister!"

"You're so distracted that you hit me!"

"It's your responsibility for the traffic police to come."

"You compensate me Wuling Hongguang!"

Wang Ran cursed a few words.

This Wuling Hongguang has been open for a day, and all the feelings have come out.

I wanted to take good care of it, but it was directly knocked out.

"Brother! I have a box of money in the trunk!"

"There are millions!"

"There is also a box of diamonds, which is also quite valuable."

"If you save me, everything will be yours!"

The man should have also felt the speed of his bleeding, and his whole body trembled slightly.

"Diamonds? Money?"

Wang Ran sighed.

It's useless!

If it is gold, it can send kindness.

But he didn't!

"good luck!"

"Looking at you like this, you will be in shock in about 3 minutes."

"Don't worry, it won't be painful."

"It's more comfortable than being bitten to death by a zombie."

Wang Ran simply comforted a few words.

"Don't bro!"

"I still have a factory!"

"Produces solar panels!"

"The factory can send it to you if you want!"

The man cried.

Wang Ran has no interest in the factory.

It's the end of the world, who still runs factories.

Where can workers recruit zombies?

However, the solar panel in his mouth aroused Wang Ran's interest.

You know, diesel generators have many disadvantages.

It is noisy, requires diesel, a consumptive resource, and wears out the generator itself.

If you really rely on diesel generators to provide energy, it is estimated that it will not take long.

This solar panel is different.

The whole island of Donghu Island can be covered with this stuff.

Clean energy, quiet and environmentally friendly.

As long as the number is enough, the equipment on the entire island can be moved.

"Are you the only one in our city that produces this solar panel?"

Wang Ran asked.

"Yes, we are the only family in the province."

"My dad got rich on this."

"In our factory warehouse, there are thousands of solar panels that are ready to be shipped."

"Easy to install and strong power supply."

"5 yuan is enough for a family's daily use."

"100 yuan can afford a building."

When the man found that Wang Ran was interested in this thing, he found a life-saving straw and explained it in detail.

"That's not bad."

Wang Ran nodded.

It's a pity that this man is really helpless, otherwise I can let him guide how to install it.

"Where is your factory?"

Wang Ran asked.



Just as the man was about to say the address, the woman next to the co-pilot suddenly let out a low growl.


She swallowed something, and then looked at the man beside her.

White pupils.

It's obviously a zombie!


The female zombie jumped directly at the man.

"Brother! Help me!"

The man shivered with fright. If he had the ability, he would definitely be scared to pee.

Wang Ran calmly pulled out the knife and stabbed forward!

The female zombie was directly pierced through the temple.

Blood splattered the man's face.

"elder brother......"

"Am I really helpless?"

"Will I be like this when I die?"

the man asked desperately.

Wang Ran nodded, there was no need to lie to him at this time.

People who are bitten by zombies will quickly become zombies.

People who are not bitten by zombies will become zombies soon after they die.

Wang Ran doesn't know the reason, but it can be roughly inferred that everyone has a latent virus on them.

The man sighed and figured it out.

Anyway, I had a good time before I died, and I have no regrets.

"Brother, I'll tell you the factory address."

"But you have to promise me a request."

"Give me a treat, I don't want to be that thing."

The man pointed to the corpse next to him.

"Okay, I can agree to that."

Wang Ran nodded.

The man wiped his tears and told the factory address of the solar panel.

The address is on the outskirts of the city, more than 20 kilometers away from the supermarket.

This place, Wang Ran is going to go no matter what.

With these electric panels, diesel generators or something can be eliminated directly!

The man's breath is getting weaker and weaker, and he has lost too much blood.

Soon, he will go into a state of shock.

The man got ready and closed his eyes.

Wang Ran took the knife and stabbed it directly through the man's head from between the eyebrows.

"Hey, I have to find a car again."

Wang Ran returned to Wuling Hongguang and carried a black bag full of gold.

There are still some cars near the intersection.

But most have experienced collisions.

Wang Ran picked it up and got a red Porsche 911.

It is estimated that it was a young lady's car before, and there is still a faint aroma in it.

Step down on the gas pedal...

This speed! So fragrant!

Wuling Hongguang was instantly left behind by Wang Ran.