It’s Doomsday, There Are All Female Zombies Around

Chapter 369: You can actually kiss

"Thank you so much."

"I'm here to travel. If you know any tourist attractions, you can act as a tour guide for me."

Wang Ran said with a smile.

"Ah, I know something about this!"

"If it is Jingdu, Kiyomizu Temple and Arashiyama are both good attractions."

"Ah, and Gion!"

Yuya thought about it for a while.

"Okay, rest early today, and go for a walk tomorrow."

Wang Ran sat beside Youya and leaned back.

Youya blushed, are you going to sleep next to each other...

All right.

The two did not speak, each preparing to go to sleep.

Wang Ran closed his eyes and breathed in an even rhythm.

He clearly felt the breath of Yuya's body.

This kind of breath, with a strong virus smell, is very attractive to zombies.

The red-eyed zombie just now was probably attracted by this breath.

For Wang Ran, breathing next to Youya can also inhale these viruses into his body, slightly enhancing his strength.

"That's not a good ability."

Wang Ran muttered in his heart.

In exchange for weaker people, this concentration of virus is enough to make them mutate into zombies.

If Youya goes back like this, Yuan Tai and the whole camp will suffer.

The reason why Wang Ran wanted to walk around Jingdu was to see if he could find a solution to this problem.

Hey, go to sleep first.

With Wang Ran's strength, he would instinctively wake up when a zombie approached.

Soon, Wang Ran fell asleep.

Yuya is different.

She had never slept next to a man.

Even the younger brother Yuan Tai slept separately.

Now next to Wang Ran like this, she has an indescribable feeling in her heart.

After struggling for a long time, Youya slowly fell asleep.

Under the night, several zombies were approaching the carriage.

They were all attracted by the aura emanating from Youya.

Wang Ran woke up naturally.

Acute hearing and instinctive reflexes make him never miss anything approaching.

Wang Ran looked at Youya, who was sleeping, and quietly walked out of the carriage.

When the zombies outside saw Wang Ran, they roared and rushed over like beasts who saw food.

Wang Ran still slapped and slapped a zombie, and quickly got rid of these guys.

"Everyone who can come nearby is probably here."

"I should be able to sleep well in the second half of the night."

Wang Ran wiped his hands with a zombie's clothes and walked back to the carriage leisurely.

In the carriage, Youya still slept soundly.

Wang Ran sat down beside her.

The smell emanating from Youya made Wang Ran feel a little restless.

It's a restlessness that goes deep into the cells.

Wang Ran couldn't help but approached You Ya.

"Just take a breath and go to sleep."

Wang Ran muttered in his heart.

Yuya fell asleep, so she shouldn't find out.

Wang Ran leaned over to You Ya's neck and took a deep breath.

A gust of energy rushed directly to Wang Ran's brain, making Wang Ran a little flirtatious.

"Is this what it feels like to smoke?"

"It's very exciting..."

Wang Ran muttered in his heart.

One more bite...just one bite.

Wang Ran leaned closer to Youya's neck again and took a deep breath.

At this time, Yuya just opened her eyes.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

Yuya's cheeks suddenly became hot.

She felt a little bit when Wang Ran took her first breath.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he happened to meet Wang Ran taking a second breath.

What is this doing?

Sucking cats?

Could it be that this man is really interested in himself, but he doesn't want to violate himself, so he uses this method to comfort himself?

This is too great!

Thinking of Wang Ran's protection and respect for him along the way, Youya decisively affirmed this.

This man is so righteous!

"Actually...Actually, if you want to kiss, you can kiss..."

Youya's voice trembled slightly, as if she mustered up the courage to say it.

"That...I want you to kiss my wound, I'm afraid it won't heal."

Youya quickly added an unreliable explanation.

After speaking, Yuya's face was already hot.

This is the first time she has asked a man to kiss her.

She had absolutely no idea what to do next.

What if this man has other actions after kissing?

Do you obey or not resist?

so tangled!

"Okay, don't think too much, just go to sleep."

After Wang Ran finished speaking, he sat upright and closed his eyes.

Yuya breathed a sigh of relief.

But for some reason, she always felt a little lost in her heart.


Its daybreak.

Wang Ran stood up and moved his hands and feet, then took out a toothbrush, toothpaste and a bottle of mineral water from his backpack.

Yuya, who opened her eyes, was shocked.

Is this really for traveling?

Are things so complete?

"Hey, do you brush your teeth?"

After Wang Ran finished brushing, he handed the toothbrush and toothpaste to Youya.


Yuya nodded.

She is a delicate girl, and brushing her teeth cannot be avoided even in the end.

As soon as Youya put the toothbrush in her mouth, she realized...

This is the toothbrush that Wang Ran just brushed!

This is not the same as indirect...

Forget it, put it all in, and it's not easy to pull it out.

Yuya grabbed the toothbrush and put it in and out of her mouth, and soon a lot of foam overflowed from the corner of her mouth...

After brushing his teeth, Wang Ran took Youya out of the carriage.

"Ah! So many zombies..."

Youya looked at the corpses on the ground and covered her mouth in shock.

It seemed that Wang Ran had been protecting her while she was sleeping last night.

This made Yuya a little moved.

"The smell on your body is very attractive to zombies."

"These were all smelled last night."

Wang Ran explained.

When Youya heard this, she suddenly thought of Wang Ran's breathing near her neck last night.

It seems that people didn't want to belittle themselves at the time, they just wanted to smell it.

I'm thinking more about myself...

"Look to see if there are any shoes that fit your feet. Pick up a pair and wear them first."

Wang Ran suggested.

Youya nodded and tiptoed around in the pile of corpses.

Really let her find a pair of shoes that fit her feet.

Although these were passed through by zombies, in this situation, no one would compare them.

After putting on her shoes, Youya followed Wang Ran towards the parking lot.

After some searching, Wang Ran chose a GTR.

This car with a girl is enough to pull the wind.

"Let's go, let's go to the nearest attractions first."

Wang Ran started the car.

The powerful acceleration performance directly brings a violent push back feeling.

The acceleration of this car was much faster than that of Wuling Hongguang, and Wang Ran almost hit the street light.

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