It’s Doomsday, There Are All Female Zombies Around

Chapter 400: fight hard

Wang Ran did not take action, but carefully observed the battlefield.

Fighting at this level of magnitude, it is not that he can change the situation by killing the enemy desperately.

What he has to do is to always pay attention to the opponent's top combat power.

Sure enough, a corpse emperor secretly mixed in with the attacking zombies, trying to sneak up on Zhu Ming, who was killing the Quartet.

Zhu Ming's strength is one level weaker than Wu Jianguo. If the Corpse Emperor is attacked, he will definitely not be able to survive.

Just when the Corpse Emperor rushed towards Zhu Ming with a proud look, Wang Ran moved!

The Corpse Emperor's sharp claws quickly stabbed Zhu Ming's back!

He was already ready to give a triumphant smile.

Suddenly, he found that his hand couldn't move any further!


The Corpse Emperor found that a human was holding his wrist tightly.

This power... seems to be more terrifying than Lord Dragon God...

When did such a perverted guy appear in the human race!

At this time, Zhu Ming also turned around and saw the sharp claw that was almost inserted into his back.

"Boss, you saved my life!"

"I'm smashed to pieces, I can't repay, I..."

Zhu Ming was moved.

"Stop beeping, hurry up and kill the enemy!"

Wang Ran glared at Zhu Ming, then turned to look at the corpse emperor.

The corpse emperor shivered, and a sense of fear filled his heart.

"Don't...don't kill me!"

"I have an 80-year-old mother zombie on my top, and ... 26 female zombie wives on my bottom."

"Please let me go!"

The Corpse Emperor begged.

"26? More than me!"

Wang Ran's face twitched, and he punched the Corpse Emperor's head.

The other corpse emperors who were lurking in the corpse group all shrank in fright.

They originally thought of taking advantage of the chaos to sneak attack and kill a few human powerhouses.

Now it seems that the strength of the human side is really terrible...

Or shrink back and let the corpse tide attack.

After all, the numerical advantage is still there, there is no need to take risks on your own.

Wang Ran killed a corpse emperor, but this did not reduce the pressure on his side.

There are already zombies rushing up at many points on the city wall.

If the wandering troops hadn't arrived in time to support, these zombies would have crossed the city wall and killed to the rear.

"Zhao Dong! Make a big move!"

Seeing this, Wang Ran roared.

Zhao Dong in the temporary headquarters at the rear quickly made an operation and turned on all the speakers.

"What a cold midwinter what a cold midwinter what a cold midwinter..."

"What a cold midwinter what a cold midwinter what a cold midwinter..."

"It's so cold, I'm playing mud in the northeast..."

The classic curry country music resounded throughout the battlefield at once.

Regardless of their strength, most of the zombies were stunned.

This familiar rhythm, this familiar rhythm...

Their bodies twisted involuntarily.

The defenders who were fighting were also stunned.

What's the matter, dancing and dancing?

Who do you look down on?

"Why are you standing still, kill!"

Wu Jianguo roared.

The defenders quickly recovered and killed the opponent.

The zombies were trying to resist the temptation of the music while responding to the attack of the defenders, and they were all driven off the city wall in a flash.

The defenders breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn't dare to be careless.

After a while, the zombies seemed to get used to the presence of the music, and they assembled again and killed the city wall.

The defenders felt the pressure again.

Seeing that the city wall was about to be breached, a fat zombie with red eyes stood up.

"For N City!"

"For Satan!"

The fat zombie roared and rushed towards the group of corpses!

A muffled sound!

Fatty exploded directly in the corpse group.

A large amount of corrosive liquid was sprayed everywhere with the explosion.

For zombies, these corrosive liquids are not as powerful as humans, but they still have a little effect.

Many nearby zombies were directly blinded by the corrosive liquid poison.

"Oh, we can't lose to the zombie brothers!"

A seriously injured Awakened smiled, picked up a string of grenades and hung it on his body, and rushed out of the city wall.


The Awakened took away hundreds of zombies.

Such a scene is being staged everywhere on the long city walls.

Everyone is desperately trying to stop the invasion of these enemies.

In the air, Lin Momo, who was riding in a helicopter, suddenly had a nosebleed.

These zombies are just too strong.

Controlling them takes a lot of energy.

In just ten minutes, Lin Momo was about to collapse.

"Tang Tang, I can't control it for the time being."

"You find a place to land and help them kill the enemy."

Lin Momo wiped his nosebleed.

"Okay, I've wanted to do it for a long time!"

Tang Tang squeezed his fist.

She is a humanoid killer known as a walking lawnmower.

In the face of a huge number of zombies, Tang Tang's killing efficiency is quite high.

After setting up Lin Momo, Tang Tang came to the front line wearing an S-class mecha.

As soon as he came up, Tang Tang started a whirlwind with a giant axe.

The surrounding zombies didn't even have time to react, and they were divided one by one.

In other places, the wandering team began to walk on the city wall in an all-round way, and strongly supported the defenders on the city wall.

The follower team led by Su Xiaoyu also flexibly supported all parts of the city wall.

For a while, the situation remained at an equilibrium point.

Wang Ran was still observing the situation calmly, and did not rush around because of a temporary change in the battle situation.

He always felt that Zhao Qi would hide some killer move.


Wang Ran saw something unusual.

A corpse emperor shuttled among the corpses in a very low-key manner.

He didn't come towards the city wall, but secretly walked to the side.

Around him, there are also many zombies following him.

There is a problem...

Wang Ran stared at these guys, and found that their number was quite large, at least a few hundred people.

These zombies slipped out of the group of corpses when the two sides were jealous, and ran into the distance against the foot of the city wall.

"Sneak attack while messing around? Haha."

Wang Ran smiled.

This Zhao Qi is really not a good thing.

If this allows them to sneak in, there will be chaos inside, and the frontal troops will also be implicated, resulting in a loss of defense.

If it wasn't for Wang Ran keeping calm and observing carefully, they would have succeeded without knowing it.

Wang Ran rode a Xiaomi balance bike and wandered in that direction.

Along the way, the defenders and zombies all made way for Wang Ran.

Needless to say, the defenders, no one dared to block Wang Ran's way.

As for the zombies, they trembled as soon as they felt Wang Ran's aura.

Soon, Wang Ran came to the top of the thousand-person zombie team.

Wang Ran looked down and saw that these zombies were holding a potion in their hands.

"Huh? This..."

Wang Ran soon realized that this time the corpse tide attack might not be just Zhao Qi doing the trick.

That brute force company...may have a share too.